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between January 1 - December 31, 2006

Changes in 2002; 2003; 2004 (Jan-Jun); 2004 (Jul-Dec); 2005; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023 and Current

Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site, by the author. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control.
Jan 1, 2006 Happy New Year!! --- Ein gutes neues Jahr!!

Posted several STARS & STRIPES articles: the arrival of the 4th Armd Div in the Stuttgart Subarea in 1958 (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section); Exercise Sabre Hawk, 1958 (7th Army Page, Seventh Army section); on the tactics used by an 11th Abn Div Honest John unit during Sabre Hawk in 1958 (Overview Page, Field Artillery); on the 11th Abn Div's parachute and maintenance company and the Division's 15th anniversary (11th Abn Div Page, Divisions); the 585th Ord Co (87th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); construction efforts in SETAF in 1956 (SETAF Page).
Jan 2, 2006 Posted additional STARS & STRIPES articles: 26th Med Det (Illustration) (USAH Landstuhl Page, Army Hospitals, Medical section); formation of the 503rd Avn Bn (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Coleman Army Airfield in 1964 (Overview Page, Army Aviation); 601st TCS moves to Sembach (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense); on the Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS chapter, 7th Army Page); 122nd Med Det (DS) (USAH Frankfurt Page, Medical).
Jan 4, 2006 Posted an email from Frank Gochakowski, 175th Sig Co (17th Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Jan 5, 2006 Posted an email from Gerna Benz, 162nd Ord Co (552nd USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance).
Jan 8, 2006 Posted several emails: David Niederloh, 59th Trans Co, 54th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation); Roman Buchner, 8903rd CSG (66th Maint Bn, Ordnance); Virgilio Bandiera, SSA 70th Trans Bn (70th Trans Bn, Army Aviation); James B. Woody, 826th Tank Bn (4th Armor Gp Page, Armored-Cavalry).

Also posted several articles: one on the 8903rd CSG's DAS3 computer, another on the 5th Maint Co (66th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); on the implementation of SAAS-3; the 40th anniversary of the 6901st CSC (Area) and on the procedures of ammunition upload during REFORGER (60th Ord Gp Page, Ordnance).
Jan 13, 2006 Posted photos of the 552nd AAA AW Bn, 1952 (34th AAA Bde Page, Air Defense); photos submitted by Scott Hamric, Curator of Collections, Third Cavalry Museum (3rd ACR Page, Armored Cav) and photos of the former Rheingrafenstein Storage Area, 2005, submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section).
Jan 15, 2006 Posted photos of the 503rd Avn Bn submitted by David Hall - pictures are taken from 8mm movies made during David's tour at Fliegerhorst in the mid-1960s (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Jan 16, 2006 Posted an historical manuscript about the Theater Military Police School in Oberammergau created by Robert Gunnarsson with the help of Gerry Rush (MP Unit Histories Page, Military Police section). Also posted an updated copy of Bob's Chapter 1: Introduction and US Constabulary (MP Unit Histories Page).

Also started to integrate my US Forces, Austria web site (usfava.com) into usarmygermany.com. The USFA site has been somewhat neglected in the past year and a half as the activity on the usarmygermany site has increased beyond expectation. Hopefully by providing greater exposure to the USFA units through this site, we will get some additional activity going on the very interesting history of the US Forces in Austria between 1945-55.
Jan 17, 2006 Posted a group photo of Avn Det, 7787 AU which was part of Special Troops, HQ USAREUR in the mid-1950s (HQ USAREUR Page).

Corrected an error I made in the upload of Chapter 1 of Bob Gunnarsson's MP Unit Histories - there are two sections to Chapter 1 (Files 6A and 6B). Both are now present and accounted for . . . (MP Unit Histories Page, Military Police section).
Jan 21, 2006 Posted a series of slides taken by an officer assigned to HQ 7th Army in Vaihingen in the mid-1950s. (7th Army Page, Seventh Army section). From the same group of slides, posted pictures of the Jump School at Bad Tölz in 1956 (10th SF Group Page).
Jan 22, 2006 Posted several emails: Richard Hinderliter, B Co, 7774 Sig Bn, 1956-57 (7774 Sig Svc Bn Page, Signal); Richard Hayse, SFODA-9 and 7, 1976-1978 (10th SF Gp Page); Lynwood B. Lennon, 3rd FA Battery, 1952-54 (prior to unit's departure for Germany) (18th FA Group Page, Field Artillery); Doran Ditlow, 109th Ord Co, Nancy Army Depot (Army Depots Page, ComZ section); Christopher F. Kiger, HQ 42nd Arty Gp (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).

 also reorganized the ComZ section/page - added a Page 2 (Army Depots) and a Page 3 (BASEC). This will allow me to expand the Communications Zone USAREUR coverage on the web site. Much more to come on COMZEUR. . .
Jan 25, 2006 Posted a wide-angle shot of the warehouse area of Flandern Kaserne in Ulm, home of the 616th AC&WS in 1957 - photo submitted by Joe Rushton (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense).
Jan 26, 2006 Posted some very nice images of Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart-Möhringen, from 1958 (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne).

Also posted several pages of the STARS and STRIPES from October 1952. These give a glimpse of the activities within USAREUR during the early phase of the Cold War (Hq USAREUR Page).
Jan 27, 2006 Posted several emails: Randy Aldrich, 6th Bn, 9th Arty (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); Walt Kaiser, 537th MP Co (15th MP Bde Page, Military Police); James E. Hooker, 11th Trans Co (Lt Hel) (8th Trans Gp Page, Army Aviation); Devon L. Nooner, 2nd Avn Co (FWLT) (4th Log Comd Page, Logistical Commands); Kimberly P. Hagen, 793rd MP Bn (793rd MP Bn Page); Lars Ekström from Sweden submitted two photos of US Army H-34's during a stop over at Göteborg Airport, Sweden, on return to Germany after participating in a NATO exercise in Norway, late 1950s -- need unit identification (Overview Page, Army Aviation).
Jan 28, 2006 Posted several emails: Dave Frazee, 587th Sig Co (160th Sig Bde Page, Signal); Ian Montgomery, SOC-3 (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense); Jean-Marie Ottelé, Luxembourg who is with an association interested in railways around the world (HQ USAREUR Page).
Jan 29, 2006 Added an article on COMZ that appeared in an Orientation edition of a COMZ newspaper - submitted by Mme. Martine Dernoncourt, France (COMZEUR Page).

Posted several emails: two group photos of HHB, 85th FA Bn submitted by Andrew Bono (10th Inf Div Page, Divisions); Eddie Witzmann, a young German boy living close to the IG Farben Building in Frankfurt in the early post-war years, provides some personal recollections (Gen Eddy chapter, 7th Army Page).
Feb 3, 2006 Posted several emails: Denise Campbell-Wicker, daughter of Sgt Steward G. Campbell (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Ralph Dodds, MSG4 Det, 94th ADA Gp (Command & Control chapter, 94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Gregory A. Drake, 210th FA Bde, 1982-92 (210th FA Bde).

Added a new page to SETAF and posted some great photos of Caserma Passalacqua and Boscomantico Airfield, Verona, Italy submitted by William Hansen (SETAF Installations section, SETAF Page).

Also posted the Front Page of two newspapers: The Port Reporter, April 25, 1958 (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne) and The Marne Rock, Dec 21 1962 (Military Newspapers Page).
Feb 5, 2006 Added several license plates from US Forces in Austria submitted by Mike Montgomery, HQ USAREUR ODCSENGR, to the License Plate section of the Military Posts Page. Posted the Front Page of The Munich American newspaper from 25 May 1951 (Munich Page, Kaserne).
Feb 9, 2006 Added several emails: Jim Boyd, 164th MP Co (72nd Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); more details on the MSG4 Detachment from Ralph Dodds (Command & Control chapter, 94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Jim Sessoms, Memmingen Det, 320th ASA Bn (ASA Eur Page).
Feb 11, 2006 Posted a draft of a map that shows the stations and remote sites operated by the three ASA battalions subordinate to the 507th ASA Gp in the early 1960s (ASA Eur Page). Looking for additional information and possible corrections!.
Feb 12, 2006 Posted photos: B Co, 2nd Bn, 48th Inf submitted by Robert Briggs (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions); 511th QM Co submitted by Larry Harris (15th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster).
Feb 13, 2006 Added several pages from the May 5, 1967 issue of The Chronicle, US Army Area Command newspaper to the Area Commands Page, Military Communities section).
Feb 14, 2006 Posted several emails: Mike Wallenberg, HHC, 72nd Sig Bn (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Jack M. Schwartz, 176th Sig Rep Co (301st Sig Gp Page, Signal); Robert W. Murphy, 2nd Maint Bn POMCUS (CEGE Page, Logistical Comds); Greg Anderson, 663rd Ord Co (101st Ord Bn, Ordnance); Hank Dodson, HHC, 95th QM Bn (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster); additional information on DF detachments from Jim Sessoms, Memmingen Det, 320th ASA Bn (ASA Eur Page).

Also added a great aerial of Bad Aibling Station submitted by John McManus (Munich Page, Kaserne).
Feb 15, 2006 I am merging my two web sites - usarmygermany.com and usfava.com. This will hopefully allow me to allot more time to the US Forces in Austria site. I will also be expanding my efforts to include more research on SETAF (Italy) and COMZEUR (France) and adding more materials and emails to the SETAF and COMZ Pages. All items posted on any of the four topic areas will be listed on the consolidated What's New Page of usarmygermany.com.

USFA Pages:
added some historical information submitted by Joe King (70th Engr Bn Page).

US Army in Germany: added a great aerial photo of the former Gusborn site with the Torii Tower submitted by Michael Grube, Lostplaces.de (Nov 2010 -- site name changed to Geschichtsspuren.de) (ASA Eur Page).
Feb 16, 2006 Added another aerial of the Gusborn site with the Torii Tower - this one was submitted by Manfred Bischoff, LostPlaces.de, and shows the site during use by 13 Sig Regt, a British SIGINT unit (ASA Eur Page).
Feb 17, 2006 Posted several emails: Mike Ireland, HHB 69th Arty Gp (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Jim Willis, B Co, 69th Sig Bn, 1962-63 (69th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Edward L. Keith, Co. C, 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page).
Added some photos of former Ernst Ludwig Kaserne taken around 2000 by James Nelson, C Co, 7th Army Spt Bn, 1965-67; and photos of Muenster Kaserne submitted by Kevin W. Cheatham, Muenster Depot, 1993-95, both on the Darmstadt Page (Kaserne section).
Feb 18, 2006 USFA Pages: added some photos of the NCO Academy located at Camp McCauley, Hörsching (NCO Academy Page, USFA section); also made some additional integration changes.

Combined the counter numbers (site hits) for both sites (USFA and USAREUR). We're at 221,120 today and counting!
Feb 19, 2006 Added some interesting photos of Pirmasens Army Depot submitted by Larry Dellinger, 76th MP Det (Pirmasens Army Depot Page, Army Depots section). Also posted two pics sent to me by Walt Gelnovatch of the Java Junction snack bar located on the A 8 autobahn near Ulm in the 1950s (AAFES-Eur Page).
Feb 20, 2006 Posted a message from Hermann Piehler regarding the inactivation of the 37th Transportation Command in 2007 (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation section).
Feb 24, 2006 Posted several emails: David Rasch, HHB 2/83d FA, 1972-74 (41st FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); John Vallor, 5th Arty Det, 1975-76 and 552nd Arty Gp, 1976-77 (552nd USAAG Chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance); Klaus Thamm, 6981st CSC, 1950s-60s (6981st CSC Page, Signal section); Larry R Ward, Det 1, Signal Service Unit Frankfurt (US Army Area Comd chapter, Area Commands Page, Military Communities section).
Feb 25, 2006 Posted additional information provided by Hermann Piehler, 37th Transportation Command (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation section). Added emails: Jim Hickenbotham, 34th Trans Co (38th Trans Bn, Transportation); Harold Williamson, 2nd Bn, 2nd ADA (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Karen Breen-Bondie, daughter of Joseph T. Breen, 63rd Engr Bn (63rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer).

Added several photos of aircraft flown by the 66th Avn Co and 90th Avn Co in the late 1960s, courtesy of Jim Snyder (18th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Feb 26, 2006 Posted several emails: Mike Egan, 8 Regt RCT (I BR Corps chapter, Page 2, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section); Wayne Massey (with more names of personnel on the 30th TAAM group photo) (Overview Page, Army Aviation); Wes Montgomery, 3rd Bn, 68th Arm (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions); Craig M. Clarkson, HQ VII Corps (VII Corps Page, Corps Units); Tom Cadell, 34th Sig Bn (34th Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Feb 28, 2006 Posted a map of Camp Y-79 (Coleman Barracks) in Sandhofen (Mannheim Page, Kaserne). Also added a large series of interesting photos - Redstone Missiles and Artillery Ksn, Neckarsulm - submitted by Joe Merz, 2nd Bn. 333rd Arty (46th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery). Captions for the photos will follow later when I can gather some information on the photos.
Mar 1, 2006 Posted a series of photos of Camp Eschborn and the 317th Engr Bn submitted by John Casler, ADM Platoon (317th Engr Bn Page, Engineers).
Mar 3, 2006 Posted Page 1 and 2 of The Guardian, V Corps newspaper from May 1 1953 (V Corps Page, Corps Units section). Also added an email from Walt Gelnovatch and his wife Dorit who provides some interesting personal recollections from the Java Junction days (AAFES-EUR Page).
Mar 11, 2006 Posted a photo of an M-47 tank during ammo inspection, TK Co, 2nd Bn, 14th A/C (14th ACR Page, Armored Cav section); several photos of trucks and trailers used by the 37th Trans Gp/TRANSCOM over the years submitted by Hermann Piehle, HQ 37th TRANSCOM (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation); and a nice photo of the IG Farben building from around 1950 taken from a slightly different angle (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section).
Mar 12, 2006 Posted several emails: Lincoln Drake with some historical photos of the 54th Engr Bn C at Leipheim (54th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Chris Neckermann, CRC Lauda and CRC Messtetten with some historical information on CRC Messetten in southern Germany (Page 2, USAFE TACS).  

SETAF: Email from Jon Watt, 59th Sig Co & HHD, 509th Sig Bn (509th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Mar 17, 2006 Posted photos of the 130th Sta Hosp, early 1950s (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section); 43rd Inf Div submitted by Lou Spruill (43rd Inf Div Page, Divisions).
Mar 19, 2006 Posted a series of photos of the 110th Inf Regt at Ludendorff (Wiley) Kaserne (Neu Ulm) and Ford Barracks (Ulm), early 1950s (28th Inf Div Page, Divisions section).

Also added some emails: Brendan Gage, HHB 8-43 ADA (Patriot), Giebelstadt (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense);
Bill Murmann, Co B, 93rd Sig Bn (93rd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Laurence (Larry) St.Onge, HQ 38th Trans Bn (38th Trans Bn Page, Transportation).
Mar 20, 2006 Posted an email from Bob Hetzel, 66th USA Arty Det, Soest (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde section).
Mar 22, 2006 Posted an email from Dominick D'Onofrio, Hq Co 656th Engr Bn and 519th Trans Co, Schweztingen (656th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).
Mar 23, 2006 ATTENTION: The USAREUR History Office has added several additional USAREUR Quarterly Station Lists to their online archive (Unit Station Lists Page). Of special interest are the ones that fill the previous gaps between 1956 and 1963. Also noteworthy is the addition of another historical manuscript: Reorganization of Tactical Forces, V-E Day to 1 January 1949. This is a detailed review of the drawdown and reorganization of US Armed Forces after the end of the war in Europe, the formation of the US Constabulary, and the transition of the 1st Inf Div and US Constabulary from occupational to tactical organizations as the Threat to the East began to influence tactical and strategic planning.
Mar 24, 2006 Posted an email from Phillip "Ernie" Ernstmeyer, CENTAG MP's, with some photos of Ruppertsweiler (CENTAG Page, HQ USAREUR section).
Mar 25, 2006 Posted several emails: William Miller, 964th Engr Co (521st Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); Roger Carver, 552nd AAA Bn (34th AAA Bde, Air Defense); Robert W. Eide, 2nd Bn, 42nd FA (17th FA Bde, Field Artillery); Paul A. Smith, 124th Ord Co (87th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Glenn Williams, 4th Bn, 27th FA (72nd FA Bde Page); Bruce L. White, 142nd S&S Bn (142nd S&S Bn Page, 3rd SUPCOM, Support Command section); Everett F. Coppoc, 370th Engr Co (24th Engr Gp Page, Engineers); Walter Mossner, Hq & A Co, 126th Ord Bn (4rd Armd Div Page, Divisions); Hayes N. Thomas, Hq/Hq Btry 42nd FA Gp (42nd FA Bde Page).
Mar 26, 2006 Posted several emails:
SETAF - Richard Young, Det 1, 7th Weather Sq (Boscomantico AAF, SETAF Installations Page, SETAF)
USAREUR - William Quaday, ADM Pltn, 317th Engr Bn (317th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Don Davis, 78th Trans Co (106th Trans Bn Page, Transportation).

Also, added some interesting details found in FM 44-95, April 1968, on Nike Hercules Command and Control and the AN/MSG-4 Missile Monitor (Command and Control chapter, 94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense).
Mar 27, 2006 Posted a very interesting email from John Moser, 83rd FA Det and HQ SASCOM, who describes in some detail the demanding and challenging job of commanding a warhead custodial detachment in Germany in the 1970s (557th USAAG Chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance).
Apr 1, 2006 Posted several emails: Roy J. Grona, 39th Sig Bn, 1987-88 (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Ed Kessler, HHB, 10th Arty Gp, 1965-66 (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Marion R. Skaggs, B Btry, 216th FA Bn (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).

Also did some research on the changes to the Field Artillery Groups under PENTOMIC and the redesignation of non-divisional FA units under CARS in the 1957/58 timeframe. See the corresponding information in the '1950s' Chapter of the Overview Page, Field Artillery section and on the individual FA Group unit pages (also in the FA section). Looking for more information on these changes - if you have additional details on the Pentomic or CARS changes affecting divisional or non-divisional field artillery, please contact me!
Apr 2, 2006 Reorganized the 34th AAA Bde Page (Air Defense section) and created separate pages for the 1st, 8th and 12th AAA Groups. Posted some interesting photos of the 40th AAA Gun Bn, Kaiserslautern, submitted by Bruce Otto (8th AAA Gp Page).
Apr 4, 2006 Posted an updated email from Phillip Ernstmeyer and some of his buddies with some additional information concerning duty as a CENTAG MP in the late 1960's (CENTAG Page, HQ USAREUR section).

Also posted some great color slides of Truman Hall and the Harnack House in Berlin, 1950 (Berlin Page, Kaserne section).
Apr 8, 2006 Added information to the Rhine River Patrol Page, including some photos of the Schierstein Compound - Unit S.
Apr 15, 2006 Added several emails: Roy Harmon who sent a more detailed account of his time with the 26th Trans Co (54th Trans Bn, Army Aviation); Tom Hamner, 68th Arm (8th Inf Div, Divisions); Marvin Meyerhoffer, 2nd FA Bn, 73rd Arty (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions).

Also, posted some organizational information for the DivArty of Armored Divisions in the late 1960s (3rd Armd Div Page and 4th Armd Div Page, Divisions). Added two nice maps to the Stuttgart Page (Kaserne section): Patch Bks, Vaihingen, early 1960s; Stuttgart installations, early 1960s; and several maps of Wiesbaden Facilities in the early 1960s to the Wiesbaden Page.
Apr 16, 2006 Posted several nice photos of Drake Kaserne from 2004, submitted by Helmut Knauthe, Germany (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section).
Apr 17, 2006 Started a new page that will focus on photos that I come across in my research but am not able to identify. I will post some of these photos on the Mystery Photos Page in the hope that a visitor to this site will be able to answer the questions regarding the location or other details of the photos. Mystery Photo #1 has been posted.
Apr 19, 2006 Posted the unit history of the 558th MP Company submitted by Bob Gunnarsson. (MP Unit Histories Page, Military Police section). This history also covers the Kriegsfeld "North Point" Special Weapons Depot.
Apr 22, 2006 Posted information and photos from the 18th FA Group 40th Anniversay yearbook submitted by Guy Petrillo (18th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).

Posted another Mystery Photo.
Apr 28, 2006 Posted several emails: additional details from Stephan P. Takacs, 525th Ord Co, 1959-1960 (101st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Rocky D. Beebe, C Btry, 3/79th FA (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Michael D. Burkey, C Btry, 2nd Bn, 83rd FA (41st FA Gp Page).
Apr 30, 2006 Posted some unit history information for the 35th FA Group on the Overview Page (Reflagging chapter, Overview Page, Field Artillery).
May 1, 2006 Posted some photos submitted by Peter Johnson, 9th Hosp Cen, Landstuhl (9th Hosp Cen Page, Medical section) and photos and roster for the 84th FA Rkt Btry (HJ) submitted by Leon Weistroffer (30th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
May 4, 2006 Posted some pictures and an email from Bob Correia, 42nd Ord Co (85th Ord/Maint Page, Ordnance section).
May 5, 2006 Posted several Mystery Photos. Also started a page for the USAFE 7th Weather Squadron which supported USAREUR tactical units (7th WS Sq Page, HQ USAFE section).
May 6, 2006 Added orders of battle for non-divisional field artillery units in September 1970 and June 1976 (1970s Chapter, Overview Page 2, Field Artillery section).
May 7, 2006 Added several photos from the 1954 Yearbook of the 103rd FA Battalion submitted by Aydin Mehmet, Germany (43rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section).
May 11, 2006 Have added some unit history and photos of the various patrol bases of the US Navy Rhine River Patrol in 1954 (Rhine River Patrol Page). Will add more from the RRP Cruise Book 1954 in the next few days.
May 12, 2006 Added several great photos of the 508th MP's from the 1940s, 50s and 60s submitted by Richard Burch (508th MP Bn Page, Military Police, and Munich Page, Kaserne section). Also posted some photos of an air show held at Bitburg Air Base, around 1958 - includes a few photos for the airplane enthusiasts (Baumholder Page, Kaserne).
May 14, 2006 In the last three days I have gone through my archived emails from 2003 and 2004 and have posted over sixty emails from that period - too many to try to list here in the What's New section. Many of these emails were on topics for which I had no pages yet at that time or was not ready to post. Next week I will continue this clean up and be adding many more emails from the past, additional 2004 correspondences as well as from 2005. When I am done with this project, I will get back to current correspondences --- there are lots of them! By tomorrow the FreeFinder search engine should have "spidered" my web pages and you will be able to search content on these new additions.
May 19, 2006 Added more of the archived emails from 2005 - over twenty emails from that period.

USFA Pages - created a Then and Now Project Page - Austrian historians are looking for period photos of various buildings in Vienna that were occupied by USFA activities or units betaeen 1945-55.
May 20, 2006 Added an email from Jack Atwell with several interesting photos of CENTAG Signal Operations Site A on Hill 450 near Ruppertsweiler in the mid-1960s (CENTAG Page).
May 24, 2006 Posted several emails: with current photos of Rose Barracks, BK, submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section); also with photos from Herb Marlow (15th MP Bde Page, Military Police). Added some Berlin Avn Det photos submitted by Aydin Mehmet, Germany (Berlin Brigade Page).
May 26, 2006 Posted some great photos of Panzer Kaserne, 1958/59 (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section) and WOC, 97th Sig Bn and the Seventh Army Communications Center, 1958/59 (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal). Also added two photos of Bad Kissingen American Elementary School submitted by Alex Sutherland, Army brat (Schweinfurt Page).
May 28, 2006 Posted several photos of the 6981st LS Sig Const Bn, mid-1950s, submitted by Klaus Thamm (6981st CSC Page, Signal section). Also posted an email with photo from Allen Seich, C Btry, 3rd How Bn, 35th Arty (72nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery).
May 29, 2006 Posted an email from Gerald E. Ross who served as Garrison commander for Regensburg just prior to the return of Fort Skelly and Raffler Kaserne to the German government in 1964/65 (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section).
May 31, 2006 Posted several emails: from Gary Clark, HHC 501st S&T Bn (1st Armd Div Page, Divisions section); David Tilford, 826th Tank Bn (4th Armor Gp Page, Armored Cav section); George Wilfong, 36th Engr Co (Kaiserslautern Army Depot, Army Depots); Tom Short, 373rd Armd Inf Bn (Armd Inf Bns Page, US Constabulary section).
Jun 4, 2006 Added a hand-drawn installation map for Christensen Bks, Bindlach and a topo map for Bayreuth (Bamberg Page, Kaserne section).

USFA Web site: added some great photos (slides) of the 11th AAA AW Bn from 1952/53 from my collection (11th AAA AW Bn Page).
Jun 6, 2006 Posted some color pictures of 2nd ACR color guards at Soldiers Field, aropund 1952 (2nd ACR Page, Armored Cav).

Also posted the newest installment of Bob Gunnarsson's Military Police Unit History Project: Chapter II, Section 3 - The Berlin Police (MP Unit Histories Page, Military Police section).
Jun 10, 2006 Posted several emails: from Dave Willis, 85th QM Co (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section); Charles I. Everett Jr., C Tm, 35th USAAD (5th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance); Edward L Sanders, 22nd Ord Co (71st Ord Bn Page); Al Gummerson, son of a veteran of the 551st AAA AW Bn (XII Corps Page, USFET section); Pete Schardien, 3rd Bn, 59th ADA (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense).

Also posted a request for assistance from John Provan who is assisting the City of Hanau in a project for an exhibit titled "Americans in Hessen" which will be shown in Hanau in 2008.
Jun 11, 2006 Posted some emails: Jim Dotson, son of medic with the 421st Med Co (AA) (421st Med Co Page, Medical section); Jason Gottlieb, 8th Evac Hosp (95th Med Gp Page, Medical); Gregory Greek, Co B, CENTAG (CENTAG Page, HQ USAREUR section).
Jun 12, 2006 Posted some emails: photos from Dennis Bloomer, 77th Ord Co (81st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); Phil Hall, 3rd Bn, 35th FA (72nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery).
Jun 13, 2006 Posted additional emails: photos of former AFCR facilities at Berchtesgaden from Alex T. Sutherland (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section); Robert Bertelson, CENTAG MP's (CENTAG Page).
Jun 14, 2006 Posted emails: Steve Haugen, HHD (81st Ord/Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section). Also posted a postcard showing the main gate area of Camp Voluceau, Rocquencourt, France, site of HQ SHAPE in the early 1960s (SHAPE Page). Added some detailed history of the initial years of the Defense Communications Agency, Europe - submitted by Lee Hersey, DACCC-EUR (DCA-E chapter, Overview Page, Signal section).
Jun 15, 2006 Posted several photos of C Company, 508th MP Bn, Augsburg submitted by Chuck Robinson (Augsburg Page, Kaserne section and 508th MP Bn Page, Military Police).
Jun 20, 2006 Posted several emails: Ed Smith, Wayne R. Foote, and Pat Moyna, all with the 415th ASA Co (Army Scty Agency Page).
Jun 22, 2006 Posted excerpts from an interesting report issued by HQ 7th Army in 1963 that provides feedback on the first 18 months of operation of the Army Area Communications System concept as implemented by the 505th Signal Group in Germany in the early 1960s (505th Sig Gp Page, Signal section).
Jun 25, 2006 Added several photos submitted by Bob Bertelson, CENTAG MPs in the early 1960s (CENTAG Page). Also added two great photos of M8 tractors used by 2nd Bn, 75th Arty in the early 1960s (30th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Jun 26, 2006 Posted several emails: Kenneth Van Booven, HQ 7811th SCU (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section); Edward C. Heitz, C Co, 508th MP Bn (508th MP Bn Page, Military Police); Harry S. Wojtaluk, 616th AC&WS (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense).
Jun 27, 2006 Posted an email from Wayne Barlow, 85th QM CO Reefer Pltn (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster) and some photos of 2nd How Bn, 75th Arty - early 1960s, from my archives (30th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery). Also added a link to an online Microsoft PowerPoint presentation from 1986 provided by John Davis who was the CO of the 589th Sig Co from 1986-87. The very detailed presentation covers the mission and organization of the signal company, a subordinate unit of the 52nd Sig Bn (52nd Sig Bn Page, Signal Corps).
Jun 28, 2006 Posted two emails from two former members of the 620th Engr Co: Charles Baileys and Robert Hill (39th Engr Gp Page, Engineers). Additional emails: Stephen Gilbert, 84th Army Band (V Corps Page, Corps Units section).
Jun 30, 2006 Posted an email with photos from Charles Klopp, 291st Engr Co (39th Engr Gp Page, Engineers).
Jul 3, 2006 For the past few days I have been adding unit histories, maps and photos to several of the MP Battalion pages (382nd MP Bn, 385th MP Bn and 508th MP Bn Pages, Military Police). More to follow in the next few days!! Also added two photos of the main gate of Patton Barracks courtesy of the 529th MP Co MSN Group (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne).

Posted several emails: Chuck Carter, 533rd MP Co (94th MP Bn Page); Michael Wood, son of Tommie Wood, S-3, 570th Arty Gp (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance).
Jul 5, 2006 Posted several emails: with photos from Gary Mladjan, HHD, US Army General Depot Kaiserslautern (Kaiserslautern Army Depot Page, Army Depots section); also with photos, Sam Baribeau, 315th Sig Bn (MW&RR) (315th Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Jul 8, 2006 Posted an email: Peter Wool, 77th Engr Bn (77th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).

Added a very nice aerial photo of Tannenberg Kaserne, Marburg, as it appeared in June 1947 (Giessen Page, Kaserne section).

Posted a link to an online version (PDF format) of a very interesting new Ph.D. dissertation that covers many aspects of USAREUR's (and Seventh Army's) role as a dual-capable deterrent force in Central Europe between 1953-1982 and the many challenges they faced as they prepared for both a conventional as well as a tactical nuclear war. The title of the manusript: Creating Deterrence for Limited War: The U.S. Army and the Defense of West Germany, 1953-1982, by Ingo Wolfgang Trauschweitzer, 2006 (HQ USAREUR Page and Related Links Page)
Jul 12, 2006 Added some unit history information to the 53rd Trans Bn (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). Also posted an aerial view of Krabbenloch Kaserne in Ludwigsburg from 1952 (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section).
Jul 14, 2006 Added a great photo of the inside of CRC Türkheim, from the late 1950s (The 412L System chapter, USAFE TACS Page).
Jul 15, 2006 Added several emails: Bob Campbell, 507th USAAD (5th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page), Ordnance section); David Casey, HHC, 22nd Sig Bde (22nd Sig Bde Page, Signal); Michael Gerhardt, 84th Ord Bn (84th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Chet Zarubnicky, 34th Hosp Train (57th Med Bn Page, Medical); Steve Pace, 6th Ord Co (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Gil Kort, Co D, 102nd Sig Bn and Herman Toong, son of M/Sgt Sidney Ruderman, Co C and Co D, 102nd Sig Bn (both on the 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Jul 17, 2006 Posted an email from Robert (Scott) Alexander (Northern Area Command chapter, Area Commands Page). Walt Gelnovatch, 102nd Sig Bn, mid-1950s provided some great insight into strategic radio relay and microwave concepts (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Jul 19, 2006 Posted several emails: Dana Levy, Hq Co, 656th Engr Bn (656th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); John R. Penz, USAF, who took his Air Force Basic Training at Sonthofen (Augsburg Page, Kaserne section).
Jul 22, 2006 Started a page for the Seventh Army Soldiers Chorus (Soldiers Chorus Page, 7th Army section). Added information and photos provided by Robert Grembos, Soldiers Chorus NCOIC in the mid 1960s. Posted several articles: several on detachments of the 7th Weather Squadron and one about the 7th WS that appeared in the Army in Europe magazine in 1965 (7th Weather Squadron Page, USAFE section); on the 82nd Engr Bn from 1981 (82nd Engr Bn Page, Engineers); C Btry, 3rd Bn, 7th ADA in Bamberg (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section).
Jul 23, 2006 Posted an email with photos from Dan Manring, Co "A" 11th AD Sig Bn (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section). Also posted a large aerial view of Patch Barracks and surrounding Dependent Housing from 1957 (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section).

ATTENTION: Added some information on a Com Z history project by David Egan, Professor Emeritus at Clemson University (COMZEUR Page).
ATTENTION: Added information on Project 102 that is being initiated by Don Roupe and Walt Gelnovatch from the 102nd Signal Battalion MSN group (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Jul 27, 2006 Added some unit history for the 91st AAA AW Bn (12th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section).
Jul 28, 2006 Posted photos of the 63rd AAA Gun Bn (8th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section). Also added a brief history of the first year of the American Red Cross Club at Aschaffenburg, 1946 (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section).
Jul 30, 2006 Posted photos of the 16th AOD at Stuttgart International Airport (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation section). Also added a brief history of the 9th MP Gp (Criminal Investigation) (9th MP Gp chapter, 15th MP Bde Page, Military Police section). Posted an email with photos from Walt Sebastian, HHC, 2-66th Arm (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions).
Jul 31, 2006 Added some information on the Honest John Rocket System from TM 9-500, Data Sheets for Ordnance type Materiel, 1962 (Artillery Weapons 1950 chapter, Overview Page, Field Artillery section).

Also added some Google Map links to former US Army installations in Frankfurt a.M. (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section) and Würzburg (Würzburg Page).
Aug 3, 2006 Added an email from Jonathan Peart, 415th ASA Co (Army Scty Agency-Eur Page).

Also posted some division history information on the 8th Inf Div Page (Divisions section) and the 8th Avn Co (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Aug 4, 2006 Posted a group photo of "D" Btry, 91st AAA Bn, 1953 (12th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense). Also added additional articles on 8th Inf Div units for 1960: 11th QM (PS&M); 8th Admin Co; and the 504th and 505th Abn battle groups (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions). Added some history for the 14th MP Group (14th MP Gp Chapter, 15th MP Bde Page, Military Police section).
Aug 5, 2006 Posted several emails: Steve Wilton, 2nd Sq, 2nd ACR, with some pictures (2nd Armd Cav Regt Page, Armd Cav section); James Speicher, B Attack, 501st ABC (501st Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); James DeClerck, 377th Trans Co & 40th Trans Co (28th Trans Bn Page, Transportation, and 15th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster).

Added some history of the 15th MP Brigade submitted by Richard Burch (15th MP Bde Page, Military Police).
Aug 6, 2006 Added several emails: from Bob Marhenke, 40th AAA AW Bn (8th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense); Thomas W. Cerny, 42nd Maint Co and Jerry Caldwell, 42nd Ord Co (85th Maint Bn, Ordnance section).

Posted a picture of the entrance to Det 1, 6th Ord Co area - possibly Panzer Ksn, Böblingen in 1954 (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).

Posted another Mystery Photo (#5).
Aug 7, 2006 Added several emails: Bill Specht, 504th Ord Co (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); Richard Morgan, 3rd MTB, 35th Arm and Hq/Hq Co, 4th Armor Gp (4th Armor Gp Page, Armored Cav).
Aug 8, 2006 Posted some nice photos of Wire Op Co, 97th Sig Bn from 1954 (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Aug 9, 2006 Posted emails: Darryl Tabb, 4th DPU, 73rd Sig Bn (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section); David La Rue, HHB, 42nd FA Bde (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); Gary Edwards, 2nd Avn Co (Army)(FWTT) (8th Trans Gp Page, Army Aviation); Gary Christensen, B Btry, 750th FA Bn (18th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).

Posted several pictures of Flandern Ksn and surroundings in 1954 submitted by Jim Guglielmo (Ulm Page, Kaserne section).
Aug 12, 2006 Posted several emails: William Beumer, B Co, 237th Engr Bn (237th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Gene Sanderson, 616th AC&WS (Page 2, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); Doug Hoffman, B Co, 8th Avn Bn (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Morey W. Fuqua, "C" Btry, 5th Msl Bn, 6th Arty (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense).

Created the US Army Hospital Bremerhaven Page and added some historical information on several predecessor hospitals: 121st Gen Hosp and 319th Sta Hosp (USAH Bremerhaven Page, Army Hospitals, Medical section). Also posted the front page of an issue of the Bremen Port Commander from 1945 and a Stars & Stripes article about the Bremen Port Command (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).
Aug 13, 2006 Posted an article on Bremerhaven MEDDAC from 1982 (USAH Bremerhaven Page, Army Hospitals, Medical section); on Nuernberg MEDDAC (USAH Nuernberg Page); on the 317th Maint Co and another one on the 156th Maint Co (71st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance).

Added an email from Jack Emanuelson, Co "B", 7774th USAREUR Sig Svc Bn (7774th Sig Bn Page, Signal)

Listed the USAREUR Telephone Directories I have in my collection on the Military Communities Page.
Aug 15, 2006 Posted an email from Bob Rhine, 6th CEC, who describes in some detail the operations of the 6th Combat Equipment Company (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section). Also posted a detailed email from Maurice Lewton, Perigueux QM Depot in France - some great pics! (Perigueux QM Depot chapter, Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). Added an email from Floyd Pace, 42nd Ord Co, with a great picture from Operation BIG LIFT (85th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).
Aug 16, 2006 Posted an email from Ed Burns who describes his tour with 5th Bn, 73rd Arty (SGT) and the Nürnberg Equiment Maintenance Center -- includes photos (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery and Overview Page, Ordnance).
Aug 20, 2006 Added information and graphics on the European Tropospheric Scatter-Army (ET-A) communications network (Overview Page, Signal section). Will add more information on this topic soon.

Posted an email from Robert J. Boudreaux, 67th Med Depot, Einsiedlerhof (Einsiedlerhof Depot Page, Medical section) Also added an email from Bob Brewer who comments on some of the information recently posted on the ET-A network and on the Mainline Site at Stein-Neukirch (Overview Page, Signal).
Aug 21, 2006 Posted photos of the 3rd MP Det submitted by Bob Hinkle (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section).

Also, our friends at the Frankfurt Bilder web site (www.frankfurterbilder.de) have posted some very recent pictures of the former Transportation Motor Pool area. (Click here for some instructions on how to find photos of former US Army installations on the Frankfurt Bilder site.)
Aug 24, 2006 Posted an email from Harold Holley, 15th Ord Bn (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).

Also, created the 1st Inf Div Page for the Occupation Period (USFET Section).
Aug 25, 2006 Posted several articles from the Heilbronn Eagle, 1980s - EDCN Site 98 (26th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Det 4, 7th WS (USAFE Page); redesignation of 11th Avn Gp to Bde (11th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation); Heilbronn detachment of the 589th Sig Co (52nd Sig Bn Page).

Added some additional information to the Heilbronn Page, including map of Wharton Bks, Google Maps links and a list of units stationed in the Heilbronn area in 1984 (Kaserne section).
Aug 26, 2006 Added to the Bibliography Page several recently published books that are related to the history of USAREUR and its subordinate units:
1. “RUCK IT UP!”: The Post-Cold War Transformation of V Corps, 1990–2001, by Charles E. Kirkpatrick;
2. Building for Peace: U.S. Army Engineers in Europe, 1945-1991, by
Robert Grathwol and Donita M. Moorhus;
3. Signal Corps, by Rebecca Robbins Raines
Aug 27, 2006 Added the Rheinberg Page to the Kaserne section and an article on the RSSA concept implemented by 2nd ACR in early 1980s (2nd ACR Page, Armored Cavalry).
Aug 29, 2006 Added several emails: from George Wickert, 604th AC & W Sqdn (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section); from John Ballard, Co "D," 71st Maint Bn (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).
Sep 2, 2006 Added several photos of 2nd How Bn, 83rd Arty (41st FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section) and two of the former Bad Kreuznach RTO at the Bahnhof submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserme). Also posted several emails: Calvin G. Lyons, 265th FA Bn (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); two additional emails from John Ballard who describes his assignments to the 504th Sig Bn (504th Sig Bn Page, Signal) and the 66th Maint Bn (66th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance).
Sep 5, 2006 Posted a unit history of the 601st Tactical Control Wing that includes some interesting charts and maps - period covered is 1968 (activation) through 1981 (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section).
Sep 8, 2006 Posted several emails: Ron Matviyak, 6th Bn, 61st ADA (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); recent photos of the former Lohnsfeld Communications Station taken by Michael Brown, Germany -- station to be torn down soon (Worms Page, Kaserne section); Veral DeBoer with pics from the 32nd Sig Bn at Cambrai-Fritsch Ksn in the late 1950s (32nd Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Sep 9, 2006 Posted several emails: George Shannon, 2nd Avn Co and 56th Avn Det, Saran AAF, France (8th Trans Gp Page, Army Aviation section); Brock Carr, HQ ASA-Europe (Army Scty Agency Page); Billy Jackson, Co D, 709th MP Bn (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police).
Sep 10, 2006 Posted several emails: Dick Galley, EES West Ruislip, England (AAFES-EUR Page); Dale E. Stroud, 45th AAA Bn, (1st AAA Gp Page, Air Defense).

Also added some history of Gutleut Kaserne (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne) and 1976 Yearbook information for Company "A" 709th MP Bn (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police).
Sep 12, 2006 Posted several emails: James D. Queen, 505th Abn (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); Jim Smith, 631st AFA Bn (142nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Alvin L. Houser, 3rd HOW Bn, 35th Arty (72nd FA Gp Page); Jerry Evans, 412L training team from Keesler TDY at Messtetten (USAFE TACS Page).
Sep 17, 2006 Posted items: unit history and rosters for the 265th FA Bn (280mm) submitted by Jan Perrin (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); recent photos of Hammonds Barracks submitted by Jack Emanuelson (Mannheim Page, Kaserne); email and photos of the 83rd Trans Co, mid 1970s, submitted by Rydel Edwards (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation); photos of the 212th FA Group 1965 (212th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Sep 19, 2006 Added some information on the M33 Fire Control System used by 90mm AAA units in the 1950s (Overview Page, Field Artillery).
Sep 26, 2006 Added a recent photo of the Stein Radio Relay Site with tower submitted by Andreas Draxler, Germany (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Sep 28, 2006 Added several emails: Christian Kuhlmann, NschKp Sw 611, Flensburg, Germany (Page 3, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section); Pol Degosserie, 75th FA Bn and 14 FA Bn, Belgium (Page 2, 59th Ord Bde); Bill Selosky, "B" Team, 74th USAFAD (59th Ord Bde Page).
Sep 30, 2006 Added several emails: Ralph Arnsparger, Co "A," 10th Ord Bn (71st Ord Gp, Ordnance section); Rudy Wesselhoft, 604th AC&WS (USAFE TACS Page 2, Air Defense); Glen Craigie, 193rd Avn Co (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); Ron Pirtle, 72nd Sig Bn (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); John Gagliano, "A" Btry, 3-60th ADA (69th Arty Bde Page, Air Defense).
Oct 1, 2006 Added a mystery crest on the Mystery Page. Also posted several photos of Hanau Signal Depot (Fliegerhorst Ksn) on the Hanau Page and Columbus Quay and Bremerhaven Staging Area (Carl Schurz Ksn) on the Bremerhaven Page (Kaserne section).

ATTENTION: Siegbert Mann is back with his History of U.S. Forces in Germany LABOR SERVICE AND CIVILIAN SUPPORT ORGANIZATION  website (Link: LaborService).
Oct 7, 2006 Added several emails: Dave Jungers, 32nd AAA Bde (Command & Control Page, Air Defense); Eldon A. "Buddy" Gee , "B" Co, 9th Ord Bn (9th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).
Oct 8, 2006 Added several emails: John Merna, 73rd AAA Bn (12th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense); Ms. Darrill Anderson, daughter of William B. Simonson, 709th MP Bn (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police).
Oct 9, 2006 Posted several articles in the 7th Army Reserve Command section of the 7th Army Page. Also posted an article on the inactivation of 3rd Bn, 60th ADA in Grafenwoehr in 1990 (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense).
Oct 11, 2006 Posted several articles from the JOBBER, 2nd SUPCOM newspaper: 229th Trans Co (MCC) (STB Page, 2nd SUPCOM, Support Commands section); 586th Maint Co (1st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); 557th Maint Co (87th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); 501st Ord Co (101st Ord Bn Page); 75th GSSC (13th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Oct 12, 2006 Posted an email from Enrico Casaletto, 807th TCS (Page 2, USAFE TACS).
Oct 13, 2006 Posted additional articles from the JOBBER, 2nd SUPCOM newspaper: 6930th CSC (6930th CSC Page, Labor Service section); UKdo 5 (WHNS Units Page, Logistical Commands section).
Oct 14, 2006 No updates between Oct 15-29; will be out of town on vacation. I will be checking my emails so if you want to contact me during this period, please feel free to do so!
Oct 28, 2006 Posted several emails: Brad Mitton, 709th MP Bn (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police); Andy Bart, 550th Sig RR Co (315th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Rich Schreibstein, 2nd Bn, 83rd FA (41st FA Bde Page, Field Artillery).
Oct 29, 2006 Posted some photos from 1955 of Panzer Ksn, Böblingen, and Patch Bks, Vaihingen (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section).

Posted the front page of the final issue of The ADVANCE, the command newspaper of 4th Log Comd in France, 1963 (4th Log Comd Page, Logistical Commands). Scan of page was provided by Charles Schamenek, 256th Sig Co, France).
Oct 31, 2006 Posted an email from Charles Schamenek, 256th Sig Co, France (COMZEUR Page).
Nov 1, 2006 Posted an email with pictures from Louie Krieger, 523rd Engr Co (Redstone) (46th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Nov 3, 2006 Posted the newest installment of Bob Gunnarsson's Military Police Unit History Project: Chapter II, Section 1 - The Highway Patrol (MP Unit Histories Page, Military Police section).
Nov 4, 2006 Posted some doctrinal information on the Tactical Air Control System in 1955 (Page 1, USAFE TACS).
Nov 5, 2006 Posted several emails: Norman Doege, HHC, 95th QM Bn, Idar Oberstein with pic (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster); Chris Smith, 4th MSL Bn, 57th Arty (HAWK) (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Gary L. Cline, Avn Sec, 3rd Bn, 39th Arty (210th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); Mark Gilbert, Det 3, 1945th Comm Gp (EWCS chapter, Overview Page, Signal section); Everette Dillard with an Organization Day pamphlet for the 81st Ord Bn, 1961 (81st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).

Also added a few additional photos of Army Aviation aircraft at an Open House at Bitburg AB in the early 1960s (Baumholder Page, Kaserne).
Nov 6, 2006 Posted an email from Bob Drapeau, B Co and Hq Co, 1st Sig Bn (1st Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Nov 8, 2006 Posted an email with pics from Angelo Merluccio, C Co, 503rd CAB (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Nov 10, 2006 Posted pics of Weierhof Kaserne around 1953 submitted by Joe Payne, brother of George E. Payne who served at Weierhof during that period (Worms Page, Kaserne section).
Nov 11, 2006 VETERANS DAY, 2006

Posted several emails: Tom Goodman, 601st TCS and 612th TCF (Page 2 (Units), USAFE TACS, Kaserne section); Brian Peix, 269th Sig Co (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Kent Pritchard, 207th Sig Co (SETAF Page); Walt Bischoff, 96th Trans Co (29th Trans Bn Page, Transportation).
Nov 12, 2006  
Posted a request by the Town Museum of Herzogenaurach -- they are organizing an exhibit (2007) on "Herzogenaurach as a garrison town" that will include the history of the presence of US Army units in that Bavarian town. A request is being made to former military and civilan personnel who were stationed in Herzo between 1945 and 1992 when the installation was closed.
Nov 16, 2006 Posted some recent pictures of the Kindsbach Cave provided by Dr. William Elliott, History Office, HQ USAFE (Page 1, USAFE TACS chapter in the Air Defense section).
Nov 17, 2006 Posted an email from Jim Sullivan who served with the 4th Med Lab (Fld) in the mid-1950s - lots of detail (4th Med Lab chapter, USAREUR Medical Division Page, Medical section).
Nov 18, 2006 Posted an article and two photos on the STARS & STRIPES around 1960 (Stars & Stripes Page). Also posted photos of Vogelweh and Kapaun Barracks, early 1960s (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section).
Nov 19, 2006 Posted several emails: Harvey Rubin, HHB, 42nd FA Gp (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); lots of details on the 16th AOD and Echterdingen Army Airfield provided by Tom Senuta (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation); Gaston J. Dessornes, 721st GAG, French Army (357th Arty Det chapter, 5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde section); Mike Rogers, HHB 17th FA Bde (17th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery).
Nov 21, 2006 Posted an email from Darryl Gerstner, Co C, 440th Sig Bn (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Nov 22, 2006 Reorganized the Overview Page of the Army Aviation section moving the chapters on the 1970s and 1980s to a new Page 2. Also added some doctrinal information and a list of Army Aviation units assigned to USAREUR/7th Army in the mid-1960s (Page 1, Overview, Army Aviation).
Nov 24, 2006 Posted some unit history information for the 27th Trans Bn during its "Truck" phase (27th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). Will add more history for the "Movement Control" phase of the 27th history this week. Additional articles added: on the reorganization of Theater movement control assets in Europe under the TROOP plan in 1985; the 3rd Movements Region; TMO Bremerhaven (1st TMCA Page, Transportation).

Posted an email with pics from Phil Philipps, Germany (1st TMCA Page, Transportation).
Nov 25, 2006 Posted an email from Dean Shipley, 807th AC&W Sqdn (Page 2, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). Posted some doctrinal information for Theater Movement Control from 1969 (Overview Page, Transportation section).
Nov 28, 2006 Just incase someone is interested: this site has been up and running for five years now. To date, there are over 4,300 unit pages on this website - this does not include the image files (over 12,000 PDF, GIF, JPG) or web pages from other unit web sites that have been integrated into the USAREUR site - such as Siegbert Mann's Labor Service/Civilian Support site.

At this time I would like to offer a big "
thank you" to all those who have contributed in the past and the many friends who keep offering words of encouragement and appreciation!

I look forward to the next five years - we have just scratched the surface; much more will be added in the near future!
Dec 2, 2006 Posted several emails: Jeff Chriss, 526th Engr Det (649th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Dan Evans, 367th Ord Det (71st Ord Gp Page, Ordnance); Mike Kitner, Melibokus Det, "C" Company, 11th AD Sig Bn (11th Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section).

Posted several photos of 102nd Sig Bn radio stations taken by Jim Creek, scanned by Warren "Buck" Talley (Melibokus Site, Schweitenkirchen Site and Bocksberg Site, 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Dec 4, 2006 Posted several emails from John Clarke, Co "B" 1402nd Engr Bn (1402nd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Jim Campbell, USASA HQ Europe (Army Scty Agency Page); Richard E. Bartlett, 793rd MP Bn (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police).

Posted a Newsletter for the 9th Ord Bn (SWS) announcing the 2007 Reunion (9th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).
Dec 6, 2006 Posted several emails: from Robert Liljenwall, Co "B" 498th Engr Bn (498th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Jim Varg, 572nd Ord Co (Hvy Equip) (87th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Jim Beilstein, 194th FA Bn (142nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Dec 8, 2006 Posted several emails: from Kenneth Monds, 536th MP Company (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police); Randy Tucker, "B" Company, 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal).

Also posted an article about the VHF Radio Platoon, 32nd Sig Bn submitted by Tom Senuta (32nd Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Dec 9, 2006 Posted an email from Jewett "Gene" Huff, 265th FA Bn (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Dec 10, 2006 Posted several emails: from Edrick Fontenot, 501st Armd Med Co (14th ACR Page, Armored-Cavalry section); Jo Anne Jordan, 800th MMC (Spc Trps Bn Page, 2nd SUPCOM, Support Commands section) .

Posted some recent photos of Büdingen Airfield submitted by Phil Philipps (Hanau Page, Kaserne section).
Dec 12, 2006 Posted several photos of the 765th FA Bn and the 4th Inf Div from my collection (30th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section).
Dec 16, 2006

Posted several photos from my collection: IG Farben Bldg 1951 (Frankurt Page, Kaserne section); Leave and Recreation Center Berchtesgaden and the Gen Walker Hotel, early 1950s (Garmisch Page).

dded two new photos (#7 & 8) to the Mystery Page. Looking for some information on these photos. Also, two maps from the planning stages of French NIKE deployment in 4th ATAF (research material submitted by Rick Anders, Germany) (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance).

Dec 17, 2006 Posted several photos of Joint Platoon, Co "A" & "B," 508th MP Bn during joint maneuvers with German Feldjägers 1963 (508th MP Bn Page, Military Police section).
Dec 18, 2006 Posted several emails: John Mateyko, Hq 205th Trans Bn (205th Trans Bn Page, Ordnance section); Rick Logan, 94th ADA Gp (94th ADA Bde/Gp Page, Air Defense).

Also posted some information from a recent STARS & STRIPES article concerning the pending closure of several former 315th/102nd Sig Bn radio relay sites - see top of the 315th / 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section.
Dec 19, 2006 Posted several emails: Don Wastler, "C" Btry, 2-28th FA and Svc Btry, 1-36th FA (210th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); James Wright submitted a group photo of Hq Btry, 62nd AAA Bn, 1957 (1st AAA Gp Page, Air Defense).
Dec 20, 2006 Added some photos of McNair Kaserne, Berlin 1954 (Med Co, 6th Inf Regt, Berlin Comd/Bde Page).
Dec 22, 2006 Added some emails: George Remhof, 518th Sig Co (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Richard Amoroso, 143rd Sig Bn (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions); Jerry Frasl, 3rd Sq 11th A/C (11th ACR Page, Armored Cavalry); John H. Maher, ADM Pltn, 9th Engr Bn (9th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Enest J. Coook, 187th Dispensary, Worms (USAH Heidelberg Page, Army Hospitals, Medical section).
Dec 23, 2006 Added some photos of AFCENT Station 7, St.. Erme, France (NATO Central Region Comm, Overview Page, Signal section).
Dec 25, 2006 Merry Christmas -- Frohe Weihnachten!

Added some photos of Company "A" 385th MP Bn (385th MP Bn Page, Military Police section). Updated the NIKE-HERC & HAWK Air Defense Belts map on the Overview Page (1960s chapter, Air Defense section) with the newest research information that I have.

Posted emails: Fred Wagner, Trans Officer, HQ CENTAG (CENTAG Page); Dave Hart, 7th USAFAD, 1981-84 (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance).
Dec 26, 2006 Posted an email Rodger Fetters, Avn Det, 7th Army Communications Command (7th Sig Bde Page, Signal section).

Added a scan of pages 1 & 8 of The Griffin, 15th MP Bde newspaper from March 31, 1971 (15th MP Bde Page, Military Police).
Dec 29, 2006 Added a Communications Page to the USAFE TACS group - and posted an article on Kindsbach Area Control 1961 (Communications Page, USAFE TACS). Also posted an article about the MASS project in the 1950s and the 181st Trans Bn (181st Trans Bn, Transportation section).

Posted several emails: Bill Gilroy, Pirmasens STRATCOM Fac (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Vern Gissel, 34th Sig Bn (34th Sig Bn Page, Signal).
  This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc.