The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a
means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author
of this web site is not responsible for the information contained
on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site
does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site,
or any products or services offered on that web site.
The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links
to connect to web sites that are not under his control.
1, 2007 |
Happy New Year!! --- Ein gutes neues Jahr!!
Posted several emails: Chuck Wilson, 33rd Ord Co (R&C) (8th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); Thomas Nunn, "F" Branch, Bad Aibling (Field Station Bad Aibling, ASA Eur Page); Jack Miller, HHB 6th-562nd ADA (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense);
Eugene D. Arial, ADM Pltn, 9th Engr Bn (9th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); James M. Lantz, US Constabulary School (US Constabulary Page).
Made some modifications to the US Constabulary section of the website - changed the Constabulary pages to the same format as the other unit pages in "US Army in Germany, 1945-1989." |
Jan 6, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Mike Reilly, 328th and 332nd C/R Co (312th C/R Bn chapter, ASA-Europe Page); Neil Piercey, 184th ASA Co; Rob Plain, 182nd ASA Co; and Jeff Geoffrion, Co "A" 319th ASA Bn (319th ASA Bn chapter, ASA Eur Page).
Posted Front Page of three different issues of the Wiesbaden Post: 27 June 1947; October 9, 1953; and September 26, 1958 (Wiesbaden Page, Kaserne section). |
Jan 7, 2007 |
Posted a lengthy article on the 2nd Communications Group, USAFE, courtesy Gary Merkel and the 12th RRS Yahoo Group (Communications Page, USAFE TACS).
Posted an email from Ray "KC" Donez, "F" Co, 4th Engr Bn (Brigade 76 chapter, 4th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jan 8, 2007 |
Posted an email from David Verneau, 201st Sig Co (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Jan 9, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Patrick Michael, 615th AC&W Sqdn (Units section, USAFE TACS Page); Art Moss, 564th Trans Det (CHFM) (8th Trans Bn (Hcptr) Page, Army Aviation).
Added a map that shows US facilities in downtown Karlsruhe in 1950 (Karlsruhe Page, Kaserne section).
Jan 10, 2007 |
Added an installation map for Rose Bks, Vilseck from the mid-1960s (Grafenwöhr Page, Kaserne section). |
Jan 13, 2007 |
Added photos of the USAREUR Band (33rd Army Band) from around 1959-60 to the USAREUR Band chapter, HQ USAREUR Page. Also added the Student Guide, Combined Arms School, Vilseck (mid-1960s) and some photos submitted by Richard Tracy (7th Army Training Center Page, 7th Army section). |
Jan 14, 2007 |
Added photos, rosters, and some history of the Rhine Medical Depot and the Central Medical Materiel Agency at Einsiedlerhof 1952 submitted by Allen Kolons (Einsiedlerhof Medical Depot Page, Medical section). |
Jan 15, 2007 |
Added some more information regarding the AN/MSG-4 Fire Distribution System (Comd & Ctrl Page, Air Defense section).
Posted an email from Russell Stanley, 74th MSL Detachment (512th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section).
Also started to reorganize the 59th Ord Bde Pages which have become rather cluttered - there is a lot of material on those pages and a lot more to be added in the near future. For example, I have added a directory and headers to the I (BE) Corps chapter. Will do the others over the next week or so. This will also make it easier to identify units that have not yet been documented. I will try to focus on some of these units over the next months. As always, I keep looking for good input and constructive criticism from you, the reader. So, fire away! |
Jan 16, 2007 |
Posted an email with photos of Ludendorff Ksn submitted by Bob Eilenfeldt, 320th Engr Co (Topo)(Corps) (540th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section). |
Jan 17, 2007 |
Posted an email from Bob Eilenfeldt, 90th Trans Det/36th Trans Co (54th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section); and one from Tom Senuta about his time in A Company, 32nd Sig Bn (32nd Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
Jan 20, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Robert Stovall, 97th Sig Bn and 7th Army Communications Command (7th Sig Bde Page, Signal section); Steven Schlaffman, HHC, 22nd Sig Gp (22nd Sig Bde Page). |
Jan 21, 2007 |
Posted an email from Larry Poling, 545th Sig Co (Depot) (160th Sig Bde Page, Signal section). |
Jan 22, 2007 |
Posted some pictures of the 307th Replacement Depot, Camp Grohn, Bremen, 1952 (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).
Posted an emails from Gary Shirley, Co B, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).
Jan 24, 2007 |
Posted two emails: with photos of the 280mm gun submitted by David Gilbert, Btry B, 2nd Gun Bn, 38th FA (212th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Jay Fowler, 1945th Comm Sq, Wunstorf (DCA Europe chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). |
Jan 26, 2007 |
Posted five very nice photos of Hohenpeissenberg Radio Station, 1971/72, submitted by Randy Tucker, B Co, 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Jan 31, 2007 |
Sorry! The FTP server on the host side was down for a few days and I could not update the website. Now it's back up and we are back in business!
Added a few additional photos of Medical Company, 6th Inf Regt, 1953-54 (Berlin Command Page); a map of the US Army installations in and around Ludwigsburg from 1966 (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section); photos of the 7809 Station Complement Unit submitted by Paula Moriarty, daughter of Paul L. Maiden (Military Posts Page); photos of the 43rd Inf DivArty, Flak Kaserne, Augsburg, submitted by William Bowers, HHB, Divarty (43rd Inf Div Page, Divisions).
Emails: Roger Boehnke, Avn Sec, 42nd FA Group, Hoppstädten (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Randy Brooks on ICCE units (Page 2, Overview, Field Artillery).
Feb 2, 2007 |
Archived the guestbook entries from May 2002 through Feb 1, 2007 - this should allow the Spider program to
access names, units,
locations, and other data in these entries and make them searchable
with the rest of the site information.
Also, started Page 6 of the USAFE TACS section - I will be posting the historical manuscript "412L Aircraft Warning and Control System, 1959-1980" which has just been declassified and released by HQ USAFE
(USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section). Posted the Milestones section of the 412L Report and the 412L Data Flow schematic. |
Feb 4, 2007 |
Posted additional sections of the historical manuscript "412L Aircraft Warning and Control System, 1959-1980" (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section).
Also added some recent photos of former Baker AAF at Bad Toelz (Bad Toelz Page, Kaserne section) and the Schleissheim AAF near Munich (Munich Page) submitted by Hanno Englaender, Germany. |
Feb 5, 2007 |
Posted several photos of the former Marshall Kaserne in Bad Kreuznach submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section).
Posted several emails: Tom Holzer, Co A, Sig Op Bn, CENTAG (CENTAG Page); Ron Jope, Det M, 17th FS (Remote Sites section, ASA Eur Page, Army Scty Agency); Ron Irwin, 6th Ord Co (71st Ord/Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); Douglas Tschopp, HHC, CEGE (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section); Gary Hanlon, ADM Plt, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Rod Houser, HHC, 317th Engr Bn (317th Engr Bn Page, Engineers). |
Feb 6, 2007 |
Posted information on the 60th Ord Gp from 1980 submitted by Joseph Perchetti (60th Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section). |
Feb 7, 2007 |
Posted a very detailed graphic from the 412L historical manuscript showing the 412L system equipment outlay - courtesy of the History Office, HQ USAFE (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section). |
Feb 9, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Robert Pitts, Co A, 69th Sig Bn, France with pics (69th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Kevin M. Cuevas, Det ECHO NNSOC (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section); Elaine Everett Shelton, wife of James Dwight Everett, former member of the 762nd Med Det, Karls Ksn (7th Med Bde Page, Medical section). |
Feb 10, 2007 |
Posted additional sections of the historical manuscript "412L Aircraft Warning and Control System, 1959-1980" (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section). |
Feb 11, 2007 |
Posted an article about the 102nd Sig Bn and wideband communications in USAREUR that appeared in the Winter 2007 edition of ECHO magazine, 5th Signal Command (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Feb 18, 2007 |
Posted several detailed route maps that show the European Broadband system in Germany and the Med, 1967 - maps submitted by Bill Richey, former Air Force heavy tropo veteran. Also added some maps for the 486L MEDCOM System in the 1960s from my collection (EWCS Chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). Added Organization Charts for US Army Strategic Communications Command, Eur (1966 & Oct 1972) and organization information for 5th Sig Comd, Feb 1977 (5th Sig Comd Page, Signal section).
Finished transcription of the historical manuscript "412L Aircraft Warning and Control System, 1959-1980" (USAFE TACS Page, Air Defense section). Will add additional details on components of the 412L system in the next few days. |
Feb 19, 2007 |
Posted several photos of Coleman Barracks, Gelnhausen during 4th Inf Div Day, Oct 1952 (Hanau Page, Kaserne section).
Also added an email with photos from Norm Kortus, 42nd Ord DAS Co stationed at the Motorenfabrik Oberursel in the mid-1950s (85th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).
Feb 25, 2007 |
Added unit history information for the 6960th CLG Engineer Battalion (Labor Service Page).
Posted several emails: Larry Fink, 357th Arty Det (5th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance); Sean Kivler, 2nd Bn, 42nd FA (LANCE) (72nd FA Bde Page, Field Artilery); Ed Landry, 45th TC AAM (Overview Page, Army Aviation); Allen Hall, 7793 Sig Pltn (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
Feb 26, 2007 |
Added unit roster for Co "A,"
54th Engr Cbt Bn, 1956 (54th Engr Bn Page), Engineer section). |
Feb 28, 2007 |
Posted an email with some pics from Sandy Gaston, 27th AAA AW Bn (242nd AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section). |
Mar 1, 2007 |
Posted two nice photos of a vehicle park at Camp Wildflecken, June 1951 (Wildflecken Page, Kaserne section). |
Mar 3, 2007 |
Posted an email and several photos of the Lauda radar site submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany. Also made some changes to the USAFE TACS pages - adding Page 2A focuses on the German radar units and sites; Page 2 now covers only USAFE radar units (Page 2A, USAFE TACS section). Additional emails added: Gordon Colbeck, ADM Pltn, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); George Sodon, 571st Trans Det (8th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section); John Hook, 558th Ord Co (81st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Alan Bloom, 814th Engr Co (FB) (37th Engr Gp Page, Engineer) and Co D, 547th Engr Bn (547th Engr Bn Page). |
Mar 4, 2007 |
Posted some doctrinal information on Float Bridge companies, around 1961 (Overview Page, Engineer section). Will try to add similar information on Panel Bridge and Light Equipment Engineer companies in the next day or two. |
Mar 8, 2007 |
Posted some unit history information for 95th AAA Gun Bn (1st AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section). |
Mar 10, 2007 |
Posted emails: from Ron Straube, C Co, 508th MP Bn (508th MP Page, Military Police section); Jim Bair, Hq & Svc Co, 1964-68 (ASA-Europe Page); Peter Christy who sent us URL's for several high quality videos that have been compiled by some German nationals about Flak Kaserne, one of the US kasernes in Ludwigsburg, and are now available through the YouTube website (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section).
The 22nd Signal Brigade, 440th Signal Battalion and 32nd Signal Battalion will hold their final parade in Darmstadt on May 22, 2007 as the units stand down as part of the US Army's FY07 Transformation plans (see USAREUR Transformation Page on the official USAREUR website). |
Mar 11, 2007 |
Posted emails: from Edward Guffey, "A" Btry, 5th Bn, 77th Arty (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Bettye Perrymond-Crews (formerly Mercado), HHC, 4th TRANSCOM (4th TRANSCOM Page, Transportation); Co A, 793rd MP Bn (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police); Donald Swinson, Drone Det, 3rd Avn Co (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Roy D. Schickedanz, Co B, 93rd Sig Bn (93rd Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Created new pages for the 1st Sig Gp and the 106th Sig Gp, both previously located on the COMZEUR Page. Also added some photos of the Replacement Center at Burg Kaserne, Sonthofen around 1951 to the Replacement System section on the Personnel Command Page. |
Mar 12, 2007 |
Posted some doctrinal information on Panel Bridge and Light Equipment companies, around 1961 (Overview Page, Engineer section). Will try to add similar information on Engineer Combat Group and Engineer Combat Battalion, Army in the near future.
Would like to hear from former Float Bridge, Panel Bridge and Light Equipment engineers who served in Europe in the 1950s, '60s and '70s....
Added a nice photo showing Santa arriving in an H-13 helicopter and landing in the center of McGraw Kaserne, Munich in Dec 1957 (Munich Page, Kaserne). Started the 18th Engr Bde Page (Engineer section) |
Mar 13, 2007 |
Posted information submitted by Joseph Mondzak, 2nd How Bn, 92nd Arty (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). |
Mar 14, 2007 |
Started the XV Corps Page in the USFET section and posted a copy of The Fiv and Ten newspaper that was published by the XV Corps during the Occupation. |
Mar 15, 2007 |
Added some photos and information to the 109th Engr Bn chapter of the 11th Engr Gp Page (Engineer section). Also posted several pictures and some information on the first German Labor Service companies (Overview Page, Labor Service section) |
Mar 16, 2007 |
Posted emails: Robert L. Bandi, 590th Trans Co (4th Trans Bn Page, Transportation); Ted Pucylowski, B Co, 5th Bn, 158th Avn (5th Bn, 158th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Added some information on 4th Bn, 159th Avn and the 25th Avn Co and its redesignation in 1988 (223rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Mar 17, 2007 |
Added two articles on the 124th Maint Co (1st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance). Also added some information on border ops by the ACR units in the 1960s and early 1980s (Overview Page, Armored Cavalry section). More to follow. |
Mar 22, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Angus Mathie, RCT who writes about doing Site Guard at SAS Neheimer Forst (near Hemer) (Page 2, 59th Ord Bde); James W. Legg, 10th Med Lab (7th MEDCOM Page, Medical section). |
Mar 23, 2007 |
Posted some SUPCOM Log articles: Alsberg Forward Storage Site (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); 81st Maint Co operates central turn-in points during fielding of CUCV's (M-1008 models) (85th Maint Bn Page); 15th Maint Co (85th Maint Bn Page); Move of Hqs 3rd SUPCOM to Wiesbaden AB in 1985 (3rd SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section). |
Mar 24, 2007 |
Posted additional SUPCOM Log articles: 596th Maint Co (85th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Fwd Spt Pltn #4, 15th Maint Co, Wildflecken (85th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance).
Created new pages for the 20th Trans Bn (8th Inf Div), 31st Trans Bn (24th Inf Div) and 35th Trans Bn (3rd Inf Div). Added some unit history and rosters for the 20th Trans Bn to the 20th Trans Bn Page.
Posted the Feb 1984 issue of the CASTLE TOWER, 7th Engr Bde newspaper submitted by Larry Tomsyck (7th Engr Bde Page, Engineers). |
Mar 27, 2007 |
Added a list of Labor Service / Civilian Labor Group units from May 1977 - list shows location and date of activation of each unit (Overview Page, Labor Service section). |
Mar 28, 2007 |
Posted another Mystery Photo (#9). |
Mar 31, 2007 |
Posted an email from John Fleming, Computer Systems Command - Support Group Europe on the new USACSC-SGE Page (Signal section). Also posted an email from Thomas "Cartter" Frierson, 45th MI Det (532nd MI Bn Page, Military Intelligence section). |
Apr 1, 2007 |
Posted a great photo of BIG IKE II, a 280mm gun of the 264th FA Bn (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). Also started the 165th MI Bn Page and the 511th MI Bn Page (Military Intelligence section). |
Apr 4, 2007 |
Posted a group photo of officers and NCO's of the 16th Trans Co submitted by James Queen (20th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). Posted some photos for Nancy Ordnance Depot, France submitted by Doran Ditlow (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). Doran also submitted a photo of the EUCOM Ordnance School, Fuessen, 1955 (School Command Europe Page). Added the 35th Engr Bn Page and posted an email from Ronald Grundon with pictures . |
Apr 5, 2007 |
Posted an email with a picture of Camp Dachau from Dan Semlak, B Btry, 3rd How Bn, 37th Arty (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). |
Apr 8, 2007 |
Created the Fürth Medical Depot Page and posted historical information and photos from 1948 (Medical section). Also added some historical information on the Coltano radio site in Italy (509th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Posted the March 1984 issue of the CASTLE TOWER, 7th Engr Bde newspaper (7th Engr Bde Page, Engineer).
Have just added a very interesting book on the Landstuhl Army Hospital to my collection - see the Landstuhl Army Hospital Page (Medical section) for details. |
Apr 10, 2007 |
Posted several photos of Miesau Army Depot submitted by Brent Becker, 189th MP Co (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 14, 2007 |
Posted a detailed article on the Support Group Europe (Computer Systems Command) that appeared in the command's newsletter INTERFACE in 1981 (USACSC-SGE Page, Signal section). Also posted an email from Brent Becker, 189th MP Co with photos (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne and 94th MP Bn Page, Military Police). |
Apr 15, 2007 |
Posted a STARS & STRIPES article from 1959 on the 37th THTC submitted by Bryan Hackett (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation). Also added several nice photos of the 709th MP Bn from 1951 (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police).
Posted an email from Jorge Thompson, 269th Sig Co, Orleans, France (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal).
Added a second response -- with very recent photos of the same building -- to Mystery Photo #5 (Mystery Photos Page). LTC Jones, USEUCOM, who responded to the mystery photo, also mentioned that they would be interested in any old photos of Patch Barracks (buildings, units, activities) that they could put on display at HQ USEUCOM for the Army Ball that will be held there on June 9, 2007. If you have an historical picture or two that you think would be of interest please let me know. I will be happy to pass it or put you in direct contact with David. |
Apr 21, 2007 |
Posted a complete issue (8 pages) of the OCCUPATION CHRONICLE, the Frankfurt Military Post newspaper from Jan 23, 1948 (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Added the unit information and rosters for the 16th, 23rd, 104th and 544th Transportation Companies (20th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). |
Apr 22, 2007 |
Posted several nice color images of Emery Barracks from 1969 (Würzburg Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 23, 2007 |
Posted several emails: a response to Mystery Photo #7 from Brian Haren (Mystery Photos Page); (Page, section).
Added some new telephone directories to my collection: Third US Army/Heidelberg, October 1946; US Constabulary and Heidelberg Military Post, March 1947 (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 22, 2007 |
Posted an interesting signal diagram from 1947 - US Constabulary Telephone Traffic Diagram (1940's Chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). |
Apr 28, 2007 |
Posted emails: Doug Ely, Avn Sec, 210th FA Gp (210th FA Gp/Bde Page, Field Artillery section); Marco Abrecht, Germany, who provided recent photos of the former Wartberg Kaserne in Pforzheim (Karlsruhe Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 29, 2007 |
Created the 24th Trans Bn Page and posted an email from Bill Greer, HHC, 24th Trans Bn (24th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). Added installation map and photos of Wartberg Kaserne, a.k.a.
Pforzheim Aircraft Control & Warning Station and Pforzheim Radio Relay Site (Karlsruhe Page, Kaserne section). Also added several nice photos of the 66th MP Co submitted by Brent Becker (95th MP Bn Page, Military Police). |
May 11, 2007 |
Added a nice photo of a busy Columbus Quay as soldiers prepare to embark on the USNS Gen Maurice Rose (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).
Posted some emails: Harland Voigt, Jr. who served with Unit "M" of the RRP, submitted some great photos of the Rhine River Patrol base at Mannheim-Sandhofen (Rhine River Patrol Page); Vincent E. Falter, 979th FA Bn, HHB 18th FA Gp & 750th FA Bn - much later, Commander VII Corps Artillery (18th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Brian W. Haren, 517th Engr Det (649th Engr Bn (Topo) Page, Engineer). |
May 13, 2007 |
Posted two photos of the Columbus Quay, Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne) and two of the Army Hospital at Frankfurt (Frankfurt Page), all from around 1956-57. Also added some unit history to the 35th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section. |
May 15, 2007 |
Posted an email from Jim Clements about the early days at the 602nd Tac Control Sq, 1946-48 (USAFE TACS Page). |
May 16, 2007 |
102nd SIG BN Dining Out / Reunion
The 102nd Signal Battalion – supporting United State’s Army Europe’s strategic communication requirements for over 50 years - is hosting a Dining Out and Reunion at 5 PM on June 30th, 2007 at the "Haus des Gastes" in Kiedrich, Germany.
see further details |
Posted several emails: Donovon Carr, C Co, 485th Engr Bn (485th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Douglas Minnick, B Co, 440th Sig Bn (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Robert M. Forrest, C Btry, 2nd Bn, 5th FA (41st FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); Wayne Gutshall, 1st MS Bn, 67th Arty (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Danny L. Rutledge, 175th Attk Hel Co (501st Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Ed Hosier, ADM Pltn, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer).
Also added a photo of the Munich Microwave Tower, 1972, submitted by Randy Tucker (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
May 17, 2007 |
Posted an email from Cliff Bowyer, E Co, 501st AB(C), 1980-83 (501st Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation). |
May 19, 2007 |
Looking for some assistance for one of my ongoing website projects - Divisional Combat Aviation Battalions in Germany during the 1970s and early 80's. Seeking additional information on aviation units, home stations, reorganizations and redesignations of divisional aviation elements in Germany after the end of the Vietnam War (1970's Chapter, Overview Page, Army Aviation). |
Posted an email from Leslie Herd, 84th Trans Co with some interesting pictures (181st Trans Bn Page, Transportation).
Also added a chronology of Cooke Baracks, Göppingen, compiled by John Francis (Goeppingen Page, Kaserne section).
May 21, 2007 |
Posted an email from Butch Bonucchi, Cemetery 40, A Co, 447th Sig Bn (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
May 23, 2007 |
Posted some great pictures submitted by Gary Shirley - Rheinhausen Swing Bridge operated by B Co, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineers).
Posted an historical manuscript about the French Nike Hercules and Hawk units in southern Germany created by Gaston Dessornes (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde section of Ordnance). File is in Adobe PDF format. |
May 25, 2007 |
Posted photos of Peden Barracks, Wertheim, from 1952 (Würzburg Page, Kaserne). |
May 26, 2007 |
Posted some emails: from Paul Mowrey, Det K-1 Coburg (318th ASA Bn chapter, ASA-Europe Page); Tony Wright, 6-10th FA (72nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery). Also posted a response by Joe Anderoli for Mystery Photo #7 (the strange antenna on top of the IG Building (Mystery Photos Page). |
May 28, 2007 |
Posted photos of the 116th Sig Svc Co, Scheyern, early Occupation Period, submitted by Patrick Garrison (ASA Europe Page). Also posted an email from Charles Everett with a translation of a German newspaper article about the 52nd USAAD (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
May 29, 2007 |
Posted an email from Larry Uloth, 180th USASA Co, Bad Aibling (ASA-Europe Page).
We have transferred the website to a new server running more up-to-date operating software. We shouldn't be experiencing any outages like we have in the past few weeks. |
Jun 2, 2007 |
Posted several great photos of the M-55 self propelled 8in howitzer and 3rd How Bn, 35th FA at Wertheim submitted by "Nat" Sciuto, "B" Btry, 3-35th FA (72nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery). Also posted some emails: from Tom Williams, 531st Ord Co (66th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Chuck Bowen, 332nd CR Company (ASA-Europe Page). |
Jun 3, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Larry Trainor, 6th Bn, 60th Arty - 6th Bn, 562nd ADA - 2nd Bn, 62nd ADA (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Robert Shoffner, B Btry, 3rd Bn, 7th ADA (69th ADA Bde Page). |
Jun 4, 2007 |
Posted an historical manuscript about the ACE HIGH station at Dosso dei Galli, Italy by Gerrit Padberg and Roger Camperi - manuscript is in GERMAN (NATO Communications chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). File is in Adobe PDF format and it is BIG (15 MB)!. |
Jun 6, 2007 |
Posted an email with photos from Calvin Bridges, D Btry, 3rd Bn, 84th FA (PERSHING) (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery). |
Jun 8, 2007 |
Added the first page of the Oct 9, 1946 issue of THE OCCUPATION CRONICLE, the weekly newspaper of the Frankfurt Military Community in the US Zone of Occupation in Germany (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne). |
Jun 9, 2007 |
Added a great town map of Heidelberg from 1951 that shows in detail US installations and facilities in the city. Also included a strip map of Downtown Heidelberg with US facilities. (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne).
Posted several emails: Thomas Lyons Carr III, 537th MP Co (94th MP Bn Page, Military Police); Lonis Wendt, D Co, 32nd Sig Bn (32nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); more Military Police pics from Dick Burch (B Company chapter, 508th MP Bn Page, Military Police). |
Jun 10, 2007 |
Posted some photos of Atterberry Ksn and TMP #2 in Frankfurt submitted by Oliver Henkel, Germany (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Also posted three graphics from the late 1960s - they show the Communications Equipment employed within the Field Army during the 1965-70 period (1960s chapter, Overview Page, Signal section).
Posted several email: from Bill Reals, Jr., 440th Sig Bn and 541st Sig Co (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Bill Wolfe, 3rd Bn, 35th FA (72nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); Bruce Werner, Co A, 447th Sig Bn (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Bill Capers, 176th Sig Co (Repair) (379th Sig Bn chapter, 160th Sig Bde Page, Signal); Byron D. Hanson, 5th Bn, 32nd Armor (24th Inf Div Page, Divisions); Bob Winkler, 90th TC Detachment (54th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Jun 13, 2007 |
Posted an email from John Sheppard, HHC, 191st Ord Bn (191st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Jun 14, 2007 |
Posted an email from Aurélien Poilbout, France with some information on SOC-4 at Drachenbronn (USAFE TACS Page). Also posted a nice postcard of the 307th Replacement Depot at Camp Grohn, Bremen from about 1951 (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne). |
Jun 17, 2007 |
Posted some details on the Defense Communications System (DCS 1970's Chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). |
Jun 19, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Randy Bachmeyer, MP with B Btry, 2nd Bn, 62nd ADA (108th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section); Stephen L. Cobb with pictures, HHB 69th Arty Gp (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense and Würzburg Page, Kaserne section); Earl Gates with pictures, Rhine Medical Depot at Einsiedlerhof (Einsiedlerhof Depot, Medical section); Calvin A. Moon with several pics, 67th Med Depot (Einsiedlerhof Depot, Medical section). |
Jun 23, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Leed Davis, 2nd How Bn, 75th FA and 212th FA Gp Band (212th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Tom Treanor, HQ 39th Engr Gp (39th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); Richard B. Leather, 39th Sig Spt Bn (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Hans J. Roeper with photos, 72nd Trans Co, Toul, France (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation).
Posted a great panoramic view of the southern part of Heidelberg from 2004 submitted by Sean White, USAFE (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section. |
Jun 25, 2007 |
Posted an article on the USAREUR Command Records Holding Area located at Bensheim, Germany (HQ USAREUR Page). Created Page 7 - 407L TACS in the USAFE TACS section and posted two photos of the former "Mutate" site operated by the 611th TCF. Photos were submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany. Will be adding a lot more on the 407L system in the next weeks.
Also posted a great aerial view of Campbell Barracks and surrounding area from the mid-1950s, submitted by Mike Godbout, son of Joseph Godbout, 7774 Sig Sv Bn (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Jun 26, 2007 |
Posted an email from Jim Duffy, 43rd & 507th USAAD, 1969-72 and 1973-76, with corrections to my Team location listings for the 508th and 509th USAAD (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
Jun 28, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Pat Riggs, C Btry, 2/60th ADA and 108th AD Gp, 1974-77 (108th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section); John Eakin,
DSP 3/71 Oct 1966 -
Oct 1969 (94th ADA Bde Page). |
Jun 29, 2007 |
Added some articles: on the 632nd Tactical Control Flight at Grafenwöhr from 1984 (Page 7, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); on HHC, 3rd Ord Bn (3rd Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); the first JAAT (Joint Air Attack Team) exercise held in NORTHAG in 1984 (USAFE Page); one on the 606th Tactical Control Sq and another on the 626th TCF (Page 7, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Jul 1, 2007 |
Posted an email from Like Godbout, son of Joseph Godbout, 7774th Sig Sv Bn (7774 Sig Svc Bn, Signal section). |
Jul 3, 2007 |
Posted additional information and some photos to Bruce Werner's email Co A, 447th Sig Bn (447th Sig Bn, Signal section). |
Jul 4, 2007 |
Posted an article that reminisces about the 43-year history of the US Army's presence in Bremerhaven - from the final issue of the Port Reporter (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section).
Posted an email from Mike Williquette, D Team, 43rd Arty (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section).
Jul 6, 2007 |
Posted some early photos of the 602nd Tactical Control Squadron at Griesheim from 1946 submitted by Jim Clements (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Jul 8, 2007 |
Posted a bunch of great photos submitted by Rodrigo Gebhard, Germany. Photos are of Rose Barracks, BK taken in the 2006-2007 time period (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section).
Posted an email from Robert A. Chesebro, Jr., HHB, 46th FA Gp (46th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery). Also, an email from Bob Boberg, 557th FA Msl Bn (18th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery).
Cold War Display project - HQ EUCOM, Vaihingen, Germany. Members of the command are trying to preserve some of the heritage of the European Command during the Cold War Years in Europe -- they are looking for any items that may be a link to a piece of the US Armed Forces' history in Europe after WWII. See HQ EUCOM Page for more details. |
Jul 10, 2007 |
Posted an email from Timothy P. Doyle, MCC, 69th ADA Gp, 1977-79 (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Jul 11, 2007 |
Posted an email from Paul Cleary, D Trp, 3/8 Cav (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Jul 14, 2007 |
Posted two emails with photos: Bob Mathewes, 7772 AU, NACom Sig Svc Co (Area Commands Page); Gary Schuett, 86th Ord Det (Stock Accounting) (COMZEUR Page). |
Jul 15, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Clay Bossart, Co D, 7774 Sig Svc Bn, Saran, France (7774 Sig Svc Bn, Signal section); Al Lemus, PSD, 7773 AU (Pirmasens Signal Depot Page, Signal). |
Jul 19, 2007 |
Posted a couple of emails: with some photos from John D. Mercier, Breitsol Radio Station, 261st Sig Co (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Nelson Voke, 3rd Squadron, 2nd ACR, 1962-65, (2nd ACR Page, Armored Cav). |
Jul 21, 2007 |
Posted an email with photos from Charles Walker, Det 2, 7th WS, Fliegerhorst AAF (HQ USAFE Page). |
Jul 22, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Edwin Murwin, 7th Msl Det, Treysa (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); John F. Weirda, B Co, 9th Ord Bn (9th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Larry Magnello, 351st Avn Co, Wertheim (15th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation); Phil Phillips, Hanau (Hanau Page, Kaserne section). |
Jul 28, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Matthew Schwalm, NATO Combined Military Police CENTAG (CENTAG Page); Cornelius Goldberg, Pirmasens Army Depot (Pirmasens Army Depot, Army Depots section).
Added a section on the 7th Army Support Command's Armored Maintenance Group (precursor to the Combat Equipment Group, Europe) with several articles (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section).
Aug 2, 2007 |
Posted a group photo of C Battery, 3rd How Bn, 35th FA at Wertheim in 1961 submitted by Sheldon Thompson (72nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). Also posted an article on Sector Operations Center III and the 603rd Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron at Langerkopf in 1963 (USAFE TACS Page). |
Aug 4, 2007 |
Posted some wonderful pictures of Ray Barracks, Friedberg, taken in 2005 by Darryl Seibert and aerial photos taken by Oliver Henkel, Germany (Giessen Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 5, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Thomas Schulz, Germany - sent old photos of Utah Relay (26th Sig Bn Page) and Relay Site Simca (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Signal); William C. McAlister, Avn Co, 3rd ACR (3rd Armd Cav Regt Page, Armored-Cav section); Bill Brandt, 94th ADA Group (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense); Werner Menzel, GAF FmRgt 31 (Page 2A/German Radar Units, USAFE TACS); additional photos of the 602nd AC&WS at Darmstadt submitted by Jim Clements (Page 2/USAF Radar Units, USAFE TACS); John J. Shaughnessy, ADM Pltn, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Alan F. McKay, B Btry, 3-37th FA (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Bill Thomas, 595th Med Co (CLR) (30th Med Gp Page, Medical section). |
Aug 6, 2007 |
Posted an email from Laddie Srahola, T&T Co, 321st Sig Bn (321st Sig Bn Page, Signal section). There will be a Reunion for former members of the 321st SIG BN at Atlantic City, NJ from Oct 2 - 4, 2007. |
Aug 8, 2007 |
Posted an email from Vandy Williams about the lineage of the 334th CR Co/339th ASA Co (ASA Europe Page). |
Aug 9, 2007 |
Posted an email from Malcolm Comeaux, Boscomantico AAF, Italy (SETAF Page). Also posted some updated information on an exhibit at Herzogenaurach that is running from July 7 -- November 4, 2007:
"Liebe Soldaten", Herzo Base: An area in the focus of the armed forces startegists, (Nürnberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 10, 2007 |
Posted an email from Don Davis, Wire Co., 97th Signal Battalion (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
Aug 18, 2007 |
Posted several photos of Det A, 602nd Tactical Control Squadron at Hof in the mid-1940s submitted by Jim Clements (US Units Section, USAFE TACS Page). Also added an S&S article from 1954 on the 160th Sig Gp (160th Sig Gp Page, Signal).
Posted several emails: 7972nd LSC history from Günter Oswald, Germany (7972nd LSC Page, Labor Service section); Wire Op Co, 97th Sig Bn photos submitted by Don Davis (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
Aug 19, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Frederick Leach, 28th BPO, Gutleut Ksn (Personnel Comd Page); Charles E. Davis, Det K-1, 302nd ASA, Coburg (ASA-Europe Page).
Also added some history of postal operations in EUCOM in 1947 (Personnel Comd Page). |
Aug 21, 2007 |
Posted several recent aerial shots of Babenhausen Kaserne and the Griesheim Airfield submitted by Martin Stenger, Germany - photos are great! (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section).
Griesheim Airfield Book project - Several people associated with the airfield (including Herr Stenger) and the Air Museum located at Griesheim are compiling a book in celebration of the upcoming 100th anniversary of the German airfield - the first airfield constructed in Germany. They are looking for former US Army and Air Force members who were either stationed at the airfield or served with units that utilized the airfield - aviation, signal, air defense, radar, STARS & STRIPES, and others. Contact the webmaster for more details. |
Aug 24, 2007 |
Posted several photos and rosters for the Motor Pool section, 97th Gen Hosp in the mid 1950s (USAH Frankfurt/FARMC Page, US Army Hospitals, Medical section). |
Aug 25, 2007 |
Posted some information on the Lorenz antenna used by the 102nd Sig Bn in the 1950s - (Radio Relay 101 chapter - 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Also added some great, nostalgic color photos of Berchtesgaden from 1951 (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section) and two of the 98th Gen Hosp in Schwabing in 1953 (Munich Page). |
Aug 26, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Mike Tarantino, 320th USASA Bn (ASA-Europe Page); Lou Treadway, 6th FA Btry (Honest John) (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Bob Furey, 6th Ord Co MAM (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Michael Ehrenreich with some additional info on the kasernes in Regensburg, Germany (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 28, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Warren Althaus, A Btry, 868th FA Bn (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); John Stice, HHC, 102nd Sig Bn (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Robert Ortloff, Co C, 11th AD Sig Bn (11th AD Sig Bn, Signal); William R. Guettler, Co B, 97th Sig Bn (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal); David Brockman, HHD, 26th Sig Bn (26th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Kevin Whitlock, 48th Avn Co (223rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation). |
Aug 30, 2007 |
Posted several photos and emails from David Watts, 20th Ord Co (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section and 101st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); and Paul Bartlett, 26th Trans Co (Lt Hcptr) (54th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation). |
Aug 31, 2007 |
Posted several photos of Camp Passalacqua, Verona, Italy submitted by Malcolm Comeaux (SETAF Page). |
Sep 1, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Gary L. Jackson, 415th ASA Co (ASA-Europe Page); Jack Jakubik, US Army Aircraft Fld Maint & Avionics Center, Eur (4th Log Comd Page, Logistical Commands section). Also added the Franfurt Radio Site to the 102nd Sig Bn Page (Signal) |
Sep 2, 2007 |
Added Page 3 (Sep Avn Dets) to the Overview section of Army Aviation. Posted some information on the 22nd Avn Det and an email from Edward Eyman, 22nd Avn Det. This page will include several avaition detachments that reported directly to major commands and senior theater headquarters.
Posted several emails: Al Wilson, 1st MSL Bn, 80th FA (SETAF Page); Benjamin Carlos, Tm B, 66th USAAD (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section); E. Saul, 59th Sig Co (509th Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
Sep 3, 2007 |
Posted several emails: John Welch, 509th Sig Bn (509th Sig Bn Page, Signal); Jim Dodson, 3rd Pltn, 421st Med Co (AA) (421st Med Co Page, Medical); Paul Beeman, 81st Maint Co (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); Alan Griggs, 26th USAFAD (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance); Ben Obermann, 560th Sig Bn (SETAF Page); Tom Bolon, HHC, 540th Engr Gp (540th Engr Gp Page, Engineers); George K. Cabral, 3-35th Arm (1st Armd Div Page, Divisions); Terry Duber, "B" Team, 508th Arty Det (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section).
Also added several photos of Kindsbach Control, OL 12-1, 12th RRS submitted by Mike Giallongo (Page 5, Communications, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Sep 6, 2007 |
Sorry, no further updates until SEPT 24. I am on vaction.
I will be checking my emails!!!! |
Sep 29, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Nelson Bryson, Det 4, 86th Air Division (Page 6, USAFE TACS section); Thomas E. Haney, 5th Bn, 42nd FA (1960s Chapter, Overview Page, Field Artillery section); Paul Burgett, Börfink CRC (Page 2, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); Richard Buren, Hotel Seeheim -- convalescent rest and recreation center (USAH Munich Page, US Army Hospitals, Medical section). |
Oct 3, 2007 |
Posted a great network schematic of the USAREUR Radio-Telephone Network in 1958 sent in by Arnold Cohen (102nd Sig Bn Page). |
Oct 4, 2007 |
Posted an email with photos from Andy Graybeal, 591st TAAM Co (41st Trans Bn AAM Page, Army Aviation section). |
Oct 5, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Ralph Livingston (with photos), 245th Trans Co (Acft)(GS) (205th AVIM Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Jake Greeling with a large set of color photos of the 3-32nd Arm in Friedberg (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions).
Our intrepid German small plane pilot, Martin Stenger, has provided us with some additional wonderful aerial shots of various closed US facilities: Büdingen Army Heliport (Hanau Page); Aschaffenburg Army Airfield (Aschaffenburg Page) and the former NIKE Site at Hardheim (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section).
Also added several old articles from the ADA Magazine, Fort Bliss, TX, on the 32nd AADCOM (32nd AADCOM Page and 3rd Ord Bn Page, Air Defense section). |
Oct 6, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Allan W. Swank, 196th Ord Det (94th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section); Bob Anglea, 78th Engr C Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Thomas N. Toomey, HHC 223rd Avn Bn (223rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Michael Johnson, Co B, 102nd Sig Bn (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
Oct 8, 2007 |
Posted an email with lots of photos from James A. Riebe, "L" Troop, 3rd Sqd, 3rd ACR (3rd ACR Page, Armored Cav). |
Oct 10, 2007 |
Posted a complete (minus the first page for now) Vol. 1, No. 1 issue of the LANDSTUHL NEWS, an Air Force paper published at Landstuhl (later Ramstein) Air Base. Scans were submitted by Joe Rushton (Page2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). (Hopefully we'll get a scan of Page 1 soon.) |
Oct 13, 2007 |
Added an article on the Rhine River Patrol that appeared in the US Navy's ALL HANDS publication in 1950 (Rhine River Patrol Page). Also posted pictured submitted by Richard Buren to go with his personal recollections of the Seeheim Recreation Center on the Tegernsee in 1946 (USAH Munich, Army Hospitals, Medical section). |
Oct 14, 2007 |
Added several emails: William R. Meaney with lots of photos, HHC 32nd Sig Bn (32nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Michael J. McDuffee with photos, A Co, 317th Engr Bn (317th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Ted Kwarchak with some photos of the Saran Tape Relay Center (4th Sig Gp Page, Signal); Doyle Bell, 124th HEM and 538th CC&S (87th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance). |
Oct 15, 2007 |
Added several emails: Paul Keats, 2nd Sqdn, 4th Cav (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section); James A. Rung, 590th Trans Co (181st Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Chester Wright, HHB 36th FA Gp and A Btry, 1st TAB 26th Arty (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery). |
Oct 16, 2007 |
Added several emails: Kevin McGrath, 76th Trans Co (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation); David Pennell, 16th Svc Co (115th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Posted several group photos of the 245th Trans Co (Army Acft Hvy Maint) (41st Trans Bn (AAM) Page, Army Aviation). The photos were submitted by Mike
Kapler, son of the late Albert Kapler who served with the 245th in Germany. The timeframe for these photos is unknown. If anybody can help determine the timeframe that these group photos were taken in, please contact the webmaster. |
Oct 20, 2007 |
Added several emails: Frank Farrell, 184th Ordnance Company (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance); Gregory Mahler, 2nd Gun Bn, 38th Arty and HHB 36th FA Gp (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Eric Vega, 24th General Dispensary,
Giessen (USAH Frankfurt Page, Army Hospitals, Medical section); Tom Earley, 2nd Bn, 87th Inf (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); Ed Allen, 602nd ACWS (Page 2 (Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).
Finally added the hi res pictures to the Giebelstadt series (mid-1960s) on the Würzburg Page, Kaserne section. Need some help identifying the buildings. Also added the annotated Emery Installation map submitted by Steve Cobb. |
Oct 21, 2007 |
Added an email: Don Follett, 7772 Sig Svc Co, NACom (Area Commands Page).
Did some clean up -- consolidated all of the emails concerning Missile Control Centers that were operated by US Army personnel within several Air Force CRC's on a new Page 2 (Missile Control Centers) in the Overview section of Air Defense. Also posted an email from Roger Williams, MCC Langerkopf and MCC Freising (Page 2, Overview, Air Defense). |
Oct 24, 2007 |
Added two new site pages to the 102nd Sig Bn Page - Hohenpeissenberg with photos from Bob Fox, late 1950s, and Stuttgart with photos from Dale Calnon, also late 1950s (Signal section). |
Oct 25, 2007 |
Added an email from John "Jack" Mazzuchelli, D/F station at Giebelstadt Air Base, 602nd ACWS (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Oct 26, 2007 |
Posted several emails: photos from Doug Antcliff, a dependent living at Panzer Ksn, Böblingen, in the mid-1980s (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section). |
Oct 27, 2007 |
Posted several emails: photos from Wayne Harris who served with B Battery, 1st Bn, 1st ADA (HAWK) (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section).
Created a map that shows the deployment of 10th Arty Gp (AD) in southern Germany in the early 1960s and
the role of the Missile Control Center at Freising (Missile Control Centers, Overview Page, Air Defense section). |
Oct 28, 2007 |
Posted an article on the 43rd US Army Arty Det (SASCOM) that appeared in the AIR DEFENSE TRENDS in 1975 (5th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
Oct 31, 2007 |
Posted two emails: from Peter Neuen, 6951st CSC (60th Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section); Edward G. Walz, 2nd Bn, 28th FA (210th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery). |
Nov 4, 2007 |
Posted some information from a period pamphlet (NATO Atomic Artillery Demonstration, V Corps, Oct 1960) that was distributed to NATO officials who participated in dynamic demonstrations of V Corps field artillery and air defense systems (Overview Page, Field Artillery section). I will add more details from that pamphlet over the next few weeks. Would love to hear from anyone who participated in these type of demonstrations held in Germany in the late 1950s and 1960s.
Posted another Mystery Photo (#10). This one, very detailed aerial shot, shows what I believe to be an unidentified American kaserne in southern Germany, probably 1952-55 timeframe. Need help ID'ing the installation.
Posted additional photos of B Co, 237th Engr Bn and Raffler Kaserne, Regensburg submitted by Bill Beumer (237th Engr Bn Page, Engineers).
Nov 10, 2007 |
Posted an email from Walt Leon, HHB, 36th FA Gp with lots of photos - some great ones of the Sergeant missile and M107 (175mm SP) weapon systems (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). Will post additional photos submitted by Walt in the near future. |
Nov 11, 2007 |
VETERANS DAY, Nov 11, 2007
Posted a list of Group commanders for the 36th FA Group (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). List was provided by Walter Duke, a member of the Babenhausen Veterans & Friends group. Posted a 1953 Organization Day pamphlet for the Rhine Ordnance Depot in Kaiserslautern (Rhine Ordnance Depot Page, Ordnance section). |
Nov 14, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Dave Anderson, 110th Avn Co, Boscomantico AAF, Italy (SETAF Installations, SETAF Page); Kevan E. Williams, 30th Trans Co (Acft)(DS) (85th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Chuck Woolsey, 30th TAAM Co (41st Trans Bn (AAM) Page, Army Aviation section). |
Nov 17, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Donald R. Elmore, Melibokus Radio Station, Co "A," 102nd Sig Bn with photos (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section) and C Co, 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal); several very nice photos of equipment preparations for the large review hosted by the 3rd Armd Div at Fliegerhorst Kaserne in Hanau on occasion of President Kennedy's visit to Germany in June 1963 (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions). |
Nov 18, 2007 |
Posted several emails: Larry Kriner, C Co, 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Ralf Beck with an answer to Photo #10 (Mystery Photo Page); (more to follow). |
Nov 22, 2007 |
Posted some information and several photos re Gen T.T. Handy, CINC EUCOM, and Heidelberg in 1950 (HQ USAREUR Page). |
Nov 24, 2007 |
Posted several items: photos of the 426th FA Bn and the 291st FA Bn, 8-inch towed howitzers, submitted by Kenny Bruce (18th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); personnel rosters, HHB 18th FA Gp and 70th FA Bn from 1955 (18th FA Gp Page). |
Nov 25, 2007 |
Posted information and photos from a late 1950s briefing of the 7th Army Air Reconnaissance Support Company (7th Army Page). |
Nov 28, 2007 |
Posted another Mystery Photo (#11). Also posted some information and photos of SILK PURSE and the van operated by C Co, 102nd Sig Bn at Königstuhl that allowed the airborne command post to access US theater communications systems in the mid-1960s (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal). Photos submitted by Donald R. Elmore. |
Nov 29, 2007 |
Posted several emails: from Adrian C. Stocker, Bn CO, 1-4th ADA, Wackernheim with some corrections and information pertaining to a photo of an M-123 Vulcan (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Harry Hayne, 62nd Avn Co (11th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Dick Bleyenberg, Company B, CENTAG, Münchweiler (CENTAG Page, HQ USAREUR section). |
Nov 30, 2007 |
Posted several emails: James D. Henry, 22nd Ord Co (71st Ord/Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); John Sullivan, 1st Bn, 39th FA (CPL) (212th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery). |
Dec 2, 2007 |
Posted an email with lots of photos from a former member of the Bad Hersfeld MP Station (name withheld upon request) (Theater MP Page, Military Police section, and Fulda Page, Kaserne section).
Also added some information and several scanned pages from a special Welcome issue of the 11th ACR newspaper, BLACKHORSE, January 1988 (11th ACR Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
Dec 3, 2007 |
Posted an email from Earl Carter, 293rd Sig Co, Fontainebleau, France (106th Sig Gp Page, Signal section). |
Dec 7, 2007 |
Posted a complete issue of The ComZ Cadence newspaper (October 2, 1953 - 8 pages), Orleans, France (COMZEUR Page). Also added the Thanksgiving menu of the 334th Ord Co (FS) from 1955, Illesheim submitted by Dennis Daly, son of Capt. Lawrence R. Daly (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Dec 9, 2007 |
Posted an email from Steve Burgess, Sig Spt Co, who submitted two very nice photos of the Bocksberg DCS Station in 1992 just before closure of the station (Berlin Bde Page). Also added some articles: from the Jan 1989 issue of ECHO, 5th Signal Command's newspaper that highlights the Bocksberg Radio Site (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); from the Aug 31 1990 issue of the BERLIN OBSERVER on the 6941st Guard Bn; two articles from the BERLIN OBSERVER on the Aviation Detachment; and several articles on the removal in 1990 and history of Checkpoint Charlie (all on the Berlin Brigade Page).
Posted a history of the 7ATC/JMTC
compiled by George Carbral, JMTC (7th Army Training Area Page, 7th Army). It is still a work in progress. Input is welcome! |
Dec 15, 2007 |
Posted two emails: from John Browning, 163rd MI Bn, Italy (Installations, SETAF Page); Rick Landrum, "C" Btry, 3rd Bn, 17th FA (210th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery). |
Dec 21, 2007 |
Posted an email from Robert Quillen, A Co, 504th Avn Bn (504th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Also added some group photos of personnel at HQ AFCENT, prob 1965. Includes Brig Gen Albin F. Irzyk, US Army, G-3 Division (AFCENT chapter, SHAPE Page) |
Dec 22, 2007 |
Posted an interesting email from Roland Van Holderbeke, Belgian Army (ret.), who served with the ADM Platoon, 6th BE Engineer Battalion (I BE Corps/NORTHAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); also an email from John Raquet, 322nd Sig Bn (322nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section)..
Added seventeen pages (Sections I, II and III) of the SHAPE Telephone Directory, 1 April 1962 (SHAPE Page); also a great photo showing the arrival of the first increment of the 28th Inf Div at Bremerhaven, Germany, in Nov 1951 (28th Inf Div Page, Divisions). |
Dec 23, 2007 |
Posted an email from John W. Shank, 74th USAFAD (512th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section).
Added a complete Vol. 1, No. 2 issue of the SCANNER, an Air Force monthly magazine published for personnel of the Southern Sector of the Tactical Control Wing (P). Scans were submitted by Joe Rushton (Page2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Dec 24, 2007 |
Merry Christmas -- Frohe Weihnachten!
Posted an email with photos from William Plisko, Jr. who served at the Bad Dürkheim Radio site, 97th Sig Bn (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Dec 29, 2007 |
Added another issue of the SCANNER (Vol. 1, No 3) and a complete issue (the last one) of the TAF REVIEW, the 12th Air Force monthly magazine (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). Both were submitted by Joe Rushton, 616th ACWS, Ulm. Great reading! |
Dec 30, 2007 |
Posted an email from Roman P. Weber, 334th CR Co and 328th CR Co (ASA Europe Page).
Also added a schematic I am working on that shows the H-34 Choctaw units in USAREUR in the 1950s and 1960s and how they were affected by reorganizations and redesignations over time (1960s chapter, Overview Page, Army Aviation section).
And posted several aerial photos of Fliegerhorst Kaserne in Leipheim from the late 1950s (Neu Ulm Page, Kaserne section). |
Dec 31, 2007 |
Posted an email from Wayne Gay, 184th ASA Co (ASA Europe Page). |
website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding
information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes,
units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions,
etc. |