The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a
means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author
of this web site is not responsible for the information contained
on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site
does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site,
or any products or services offered on that web site.
The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links
to connect to web sites that are not under his control.
3, 2009 |
Posted some information on the Cherbourg Cablehead operated by Det 3, USAREUR Sig Svc Bn from 1957 (7774 Sig Svc Bn Page, Signal section); on the beginnings of the 8th AAA Gp at Wiesbaden Air Base (8th AAA Gp Page, Air Defense section); some information on the early days of the Koenigstuhl Radio Station (4th Sig Svc Gp Page, Signal). |
Jan 4, 2009 |
Posted some information on the vast ordnance rebuild program that was supervised by the 51st Ord Gp in 1953 (51st Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section). |
Jan 10, 2009 |
Posted some information on the 2nd ATAF Air Defense Operations Center in Maastricht submitted by Martyn Perring (Page 1, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); added some emails: from Jamie France, 142nd S&S Bn in the late 1980s/early 1990s (142nd S&S Bn Page, 3rd SUPCOM chapter, Support Commands section); Clarence (Bud) Leist about the 14th ATC Co (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Also, it appears that the host is down for the USFA website. I have contacted the service provider and will keep you updated on the status for bringing it back up. (This also affect's Siegbert Mann's Labor Service Website.) |
Jan 13, 2009 |
Posted an email with photos from Charles Dedon, Soulieres Terminal Station, 102nd Sig Bn (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Jan 15, 2009 |
The US Forces, Austria website (www.usfava.com) and Siegbert Mann's Labor Service website (www.usfava.com/LaborService) are back on line. I have received no information on why they were down in the first place. |
Jan 17, 2009 |
Posted a series of photos of the 22nd Ord Co from the early 1950s submitted by Bruce Samoore (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); also several photos of former Reserve ASP's submitted by Thomas Neser and Thomas Philipp, both from Germany (Overview Page, rdnance). Posted an email from David L. Newquist, 95th AAA MSL Bn / 2nd MSL Bn, 56th Arty in the late 1950s (94th AAA Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Jan 18, 2009 |
Posted some information on the 7th Signal Service Battalion that supported SHAPE headquarters in the 1950s (SHAPE Page); also some details on the early days of the Germersheim Ord Vehicle Park (Germersheim Army Depot Page, Army Depots section).
Also posted an email from Bill Onderlinde, 631st Tactical Control Flight "CHALET" (Page 7 (407L System), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); another one from Bob Chapman who served with a detachment of HHC, CENTAG at Angevillers (CENTAG Page). |
Jan 19, 2009 |
Posted pictures submitted by Billy Gensmer, son of Victor Gensmer, who served with the 317th Signal Const Bn in Pirmasens in the mid-1950s (317th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Jan 24, 2009 |
Posted pictures of the 280mm atomic gun stationed in Pirmasens in the mid-1950's submitted by Billy Gensmer (42nd FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). |
Jan 25, 2009 |
Posted several emails: from Bradley Tamm, Co B, 68th Signal Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Mike Gabhart, 78th Engr Bn (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Gerald Phillips with the 298th Sig Co in the late 1950s (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Don Franks, 228th Postal Co (1st PERSCOM Page, Personnel Command section); Mike Dunleavy, 88th Ord Co in the late 1950s - his email includes a list of all company personnel from Dec 1958 (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section).
Added a link to Jürgen Dreifke's German website - Die Geschichte der Bundeswehr im Münsterland - (Page 3 (German Army Nuc Arty Units), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). Herr Dreifke has written (in German) several interesting historical manuals on artillery and other German Army units in the area around Duelmen. Includes nuclear capable units (corps artillery; Art Regt 7) that were supported by the 59th Ord Bde. |
Feb 4, 2009 |
Posted information on the 16th Aviation Operating Det in 1959 (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Feb 5, 2009 |
Posted another Mystery Photo (#18) (Griesheim Army Airfield in the early 1960s) on the Mystery Photos Page. Also added a wonderful aerial photo of Griesheim AAF and the STARS & STRIPES compound from the early 1960s (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section). |
Feb 6, 2009 |
Posted information on Relay 10, a radio relay site operated by Co C, 7th Army Sig Spt Bn in the early 1960s (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section); activation of Co A, 447th Sig Bn at Pruem (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal).
Posted several emails: from David Pennell, 16th Svc Co (115th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section); Bob Watson, CO of 32nd CSH in mid-1970s (68th Med Gp Page, Medical section); Bobby Pierce, 48th Avn Co (223rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Feb 7, 2009 |
Posted information on the European Data Gateway Station at Maison Fort, France in 1964 (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal).
Posted an email from Thomas Schulz, Germany, with photos of Fort Redleg, Waldheide (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section). |
Feb 14, 2009 |
Posted a nice facilities engineers map of Fort Redleg from the 1976-77 period submitted by Thomas Schulz, Germany (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section). Also created a page for the USAREUR Publications and Training Aids Center (USAREUR Pubs Cen Page).
Added information on Bonames Army Airfield from the early 1960s (18th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); about the NATO announcement in Dec 1955 that a radar screen would be built that stretched from Norway across Europe to Turkey (Page 1 NATO Ground Environment, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); some information on the medical depot at Croix Chapeau and on the mothball fleet of Army vessels maintained by Croix Chapeau Depot Activity (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Feb 16, 2009 |
Added information on the Air Defense Notification Center operated by Det 2, 615th AC&W Sq at Frankfurt International Airport in the 1960s (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); 122nd Avn Co (Aerial Surveillance) (15th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation section). |
Feb 22, 2009 |
Added a nice overview of the operations of the Communications Zone in early 1969 just before being reorganized as TASCOMEUR (COMZEUR Page); also some details on the reorganization of Army aviation assets in Germany under ARCSA in the 1966/67 timeframe (Overview Page, Army Aviation section).
I have been very busy with additional research for the website in the past weeks. So the somewhat reduced effort in posting information and emails on the website these past weeks is not an indication that I am running out of material - on the contrary, I am being literally overwhelmed with the materials that I am finding and the emails from readers with pictures and information on their tours in Germany and the rest of Europe. So, lots and lots more to come. Just need your patience!
And finally, I have also been doing some maintenance on the over 6,200 web pages that make up the "usarmygermany.com" website. Soon, all unit and kaserne pages will open up automatically within the website frameset even if accessed individually through Google or other search engines. This has been a big problem in the past because many users have been able to find individual unit pages through the search engines without recognizing or understanding that that page only represented a very small part of the "usarmygermany.com" information and history resources. |
Mar 7, 2009 |
Posted some information on the 2009 reunion for military personnel and their families who served at Boscomantico Army Airfield near Verona - ALL UNITS - ANY TIME (Installations Page, SETAF section).
Posted several emails: Darrel W. Zimmerman, 7841st Tire Rebuild Depot (Ober-Ramstadt Ord Depot Page, 51st Ord Gp, Ordnance section); David Losee, 124th Maint Co (1st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); Alain Giletta, France, has provided some interesting details on the Mattheiserwald SAS near Trier and the French 68th Arty Regt that was equipped with the HONEST JOHN rocket - more from Alain will be posted later tonight (II French Corps, Page 2 (NATO Nuclear Artillery Units), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section).
Mar 9, 2009 |
Added information on the operations of the 106th Trans Trk Bn in 1968 (106th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). |
Mar 14, 2009 |
Posted several emails: Bill Babcock, 26th Trans Co (Lt Hel) (54th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Daniel Hatton, 3rd MSL Bn, 80th FA (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery); Craig Wisdom, CARLISLE RADIO, Wasserkuppe (59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation); Doug Allen, Sig Op Co (Lg Co) (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Donald Patterson, son of Col Donald R. Patterson, manager of the Grand Hotel in Nürnberg during the War Crimes Trials in the 1940s (Nürnberg Page, Kaserne section); (more to follow). |
Mar 15, 2009 |
Added some more information on the Rheinau Railway Maintenance Activity (Railway Maint Acty in the 1970's chapter, Overview Page, Transportation section); also added information on the Giessen Army Depot in 1970 (Giessen Army Depot Page, Army Depots section); discontinuance of Sig Spt Gp 516 in 1970 (516th Sig Gp Page, Signal). |
Mar 21, 2009 |
Added an email with photos submitted by Dalyn (Dale) Simmons (some pictures are from Errol McNearney, another unit member) who served with Hq/Hq Det, 552nd Arty Group in the late 1950s when they arrived in Germany in support of NATO units in NORTHAG (552nd USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). |
Mar 23, 2009 |
Created a separate page for US Army Ambulance Trains and posted some information on the ambulance trains still in service in Germany in 1970 (Ambulance Train chapter, 9th Med Cen Page, Medical section). |
Mar 28, 2009 |
Started separate pages for the Automatic Voice Network (AUTOVON) and Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) in the European Theater (Signal section). These were two of the most important communications systems operated world wide by the Defense Communications Agency in the 1960s to early 1990s time frame. Hope to add a lot of information over the next weeks. Input from others who were involved with the networks or have done research on them in the past - would be VERY welcome! |
Mar 30, 2009 |
Added several very nice photos of the Special Weapons storage site near Kaltensondheim (near Larson Barracks, Kitzingen). Photos were submitted by Bernd Deppisch, Germany. You can see more great photos by Bernd showing several former US Army installations in the Wuerzburg area on his web site at www.wuerzburg-photos.de (Würzburg Page, Kaserne section). (I will post some more of his photos of the storage site on the Special Weapons Depot Page in a few days.) Also posted some photos of the Rhine River Patrol Hqs at Schierstein (including a very nice aerial shot of the base) submitted by Donald Birkes, CORRPAT (Rhine River Patrol Page). |
Apr 1, 2009 |
Added some information on the establishment of CENTAG as a NATO military command in 1960 (CENTAG Page, HQ USAREUR section). |
Apr 4, 2009 |
Added some emails: Patrick Sniffin who served with the 205th Trans Bn at Fliegerhorst Kaserne Hanau in the late 1970s (205th Trans Bn (AVIM) Page, Army Aviation section); some recent photos of Fliegerhorst Ksn, Hanau submitted by Norm Gregory.
Added information on the AC of S, Engineer, HQ 5th Signal Command in 1985 (5th Sig Comd Page, Signal section).
Also added some pages from a COMOPS Summary for Pirmasens ASC from February 1981 (AUTODIN Chapter, Overview Page, Signal). |
Apr 5, 2009 |
Added an email with a group photo from George Vanover, HQ 36th Arty Gp, Babenhausen (36th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). |
Apr 7, 2009 |
Added an article from the TOWER ECHO on the AUTODIN Switching Center at Coltano, Italy in 1984 (AUTODIN Chapter, Overview Page, Signal). |
Apr 8, 2009 |
Posted several historical articles from a Special Anniversary Issue of OUTLOOK (SETAF command newspaper) in 1990 (SETAF Page). |
Apr 9, 2009 |
Posted some additional great photos of the Rhine River Patrol submitted by Donald Birkes, CORRPAT (Rhine River Patrol Page). Also added some photos of Cambrai-Fritsch Kaserne submitted by Hector Jamolo, 440th Sig Bn in the mid-1970s (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 11, 2009 |
Posted a series of photos of Pond Barracks in Amberg submitted by Frank Moseley, HQ Troop, 3rd Sqdn, 2nd ACR, 1960s (2nd ACR Page, Armored Cav section). |
Apr 12, 2009 |
Posted an email with photos from Peter Strasser, German Air Force veteran who was assigned to HQ 4th ATAF in the late 1960s (4th ATAF Page, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). (Also reorganized Page 1 (Overview) of the USAFE TACS section - created a separate page for 4th and 2nd ATAFs.) |
Apr 13, 2009 |
Posted a table of key characteristics for Army Aircraft from the early 1960s (Overview Page, Army Aviation section). |
Apr 16, 2009 |
Posted an email from Luciano Ercolini, C Btry, 6th Bn, 562nd Arty in early 1970s (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Apr 17, 2009 |
Added information on the 4th Data Processing Unit in Pirmasens in 1987 (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section) and the Digital European Backbone project (DEB Chapter, Defense Communications Agency Europe, Overview Page, Signal section). |
Apr 18, 2009 |
Posted information on the 328th Trans Co (Hcptr) in Nellingen in 1955 (11th Trans Co (Lt Hel) chapter, 8th Trans Gp Page, Army Aviation section). Also started a sub-menu in the Army Aviation section that lists (and provides links to) Army Aviation units at the company and detachment level on my US Army in Germany website. (Doing the same for Engineer companies, detachments and platoons. Should have that done in a few days.)
Posted some photos of Tompkins Barracks, Schwetzingen, from the early 1960s submitted by Don Rothstein, 22nd Engr Pltn (Map Reproduction) (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 19, 2009 |
Added information on the 569th Engr Topo Company in Frankfurt in 1955 (V Corps Page, Corps Units section).
Also posted some emails: some interesting details on the employment of a HAWK firing battery at a tactical site submitted by Luciano Ercolini and added to his original contribution on C Btry, 6th MSL Bn, 562nd Arty at Finkenberg (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section); Brad Bishop on the AirBase Air Defense mission of 6th Bn, 56th ADA, a C/V air defense unit stationed at Spangdahlem and Bitburg air bases in the 1980s (108th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section); (more to follow). |
Apr 21, 2009 |
Posted an email from Joe Wimberger, 7797 Sig Svc Co in Hanau (Hanau Signal Depot Page, Signal section). |
Apr 25, 2009 |
Posted some nice slides of 3rd Sq, 12th Cavalry and the M-41 tank from my collection (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section).
Added information on the 295th Avn Co (Hvy Hel) from the early 1970s (11th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Posted an older email from Rudolf Heinisch, Germany, with general information on US Army command and ambulance trains in Germany (Railway Maint Acty chapter, Overview Page, Transportation section).
Apr 26, 2009 |
Added information on the Army Aircraft Supply Center operated by the 41st Trans Bn in Mannheim-Sandhofen (41st Trans Bn (AAM) Page, Army Aviation).
Posted an email from Russ Warren who served with the FCC Detachment, 14th Avn Co at Regensburg in the late 1960s (14th Avn Co (ATC) chapter, 59th ATC Bn Page, Army Aviation).
May 1, 2009 |
Posted an email from Mike McAlister, Wuerzburg Det and later Breitsol Det, 261st Sig Co, mid 1980s (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
May 2, 2009 |
Posted Chapter 8 of Mel Prokity's personal memoirs - Mel served with US Navy Communications Unit 8 at Bremerhaven in the mid 1950's (Rhine River Patrol Page). |
May 6, 2009 |
Posted photos of the Army airfield at Coleman Barracks, Mannheim-Sandhofen, from the early 1960s that were submitted by Michael von Ascheberg (Mannheim Page, Kaserne section). |
May 7, 2009 |
Added information on the Base Section of Communications Zone from the early 1950s (COMZEUR Page). |
May 9, 2009 |
Posted a series of photos from my collection - Wilkin Barracks, Kornwestheim, in 1960 (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section). Also added two photos submitted by Michael von Ascheberg of the Heidelberg AAF in the mid 1960s (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne); also a photo series from Michael of Brienne-le-Chateau Army Airfield and Chateauroux Air Base in France in 1963 (Air Maint Acty Brienne Page, Army Aviation section).
Posted another Mystery Photo (#19) on the Mystery Photos Page. Maybe some Army aviation buffs can help us on this one? |
May 10, 2009 |
Added information on the USAREUR Transportation Center (would later become the Rheinau Railway Maintenance Activity) from the mid 1950s (Railway Maint Acty chapter, Overview Page, Transportation section). |
May 16, 2009 |
Posted an email from Dick Boivin, 412L Maint Officer at 4th ATAF ADOC and CO of the CFMF at Ramstein AB, mid 1960s (Page 1-A, 4th ATAF chapter, USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
May 21, 2009 |
Created a new sub-menu for Army Airfields in the Army Aviation section. Added a new page for Bonames Army Airfield (a.k.a. Maurice Rose AAF) in Bonames, north of Frankfurt. Then I posted two great photo series (1962 & 1967) for Bonames AAF -- pictures submitted by Manfred Faber, Germany (Bonames AAF Page, Army Airfields sub menu, Army Aviation section). A "must see" if you are an Army Aviation enthusiast (especially 1960s aircraft). (Manfred provided additional highly interesting photos for other airfields - I will be adding those in the next days and weeks.) |
May 22, 2009 |
Added a new page for Finthen Army Airfield near Mainz. Posted several photos (1971& 1974) for Finthen AAF -- pictures submitted by Manfred Faber, Germany (Finthen AAF Page, Army Airfields sub menu, Army Aviation section). Also posted photos of Ready Barracks, Aschaffenburg, submitted by Michael d'Oliveira, 3rd Bde 1975-78 (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section). |
May 23, 2009 |
Posted some emails: Lane Sizemore, Co D, 8th CAB (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); an older email from Carmen Purcell, B Co, 8th CAB (8th Avn Bn Page). |
May 24, 2009 |
Added information on the Aviation Detachment of Berlin Brigade in 1968 (Berlin Comd/Bde Page). |
May 25, 2009 |
Started a "Wish List" File (Rich Text Format). As the website grows, I am identifying the need for certain historical materials, photos and general information that would help to more fully expand on the role and accomplishments of US Army units in Europe during the 1945 - 1989 period. With this list I hope to reach out to my readership and see if anyone has these materials and is willing to assist in this project. |
May 28, 2009 |
Added a new page for Saran Army Airfield (Saran Army Airfield Page, AAF Sub-menu, Army Aviation section). |
May 31, 2009 |
Posted an entire issue of FRONTLINE (April 1978) submitted by Michael d'Oliveira (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section). Also posted a special issue of IRONSIDES from February 1983 that featured articles on the Force Modernization of the 1st Armored Division as it transitioned to the DIVISION 86 structure (1st Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
June 3, 2009 |
Posted several emails: John P. (Kap) Kaphingst, "A" Btry, 2nd How Bn, 37th Arty, Dachau (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); John G. Jungkeit, 102nd ASA Det (Army Security Agency Page). |
June 5, 2009 |
Added some information on the 51st Maint Bn from 1971 (51st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); on the IHC 2000D Fleetstar tractors that replaced the IHC 205 DCO's in the 37th Trans Gp in 1973 (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation). |
June 6, 2009 |
Added some information on the Area Maintenance & Supply Facility from 1971 (22nd Sig Gp/Bde Page, Signal section); on the 5th Signal Command from 1982 (5th Signal Comd Page, Signal).
Posted an email with photos of Bambergerhof Radio Station in the mid-1960s submitted by John Kruk (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section)
June 7, 2009 |
Posted several emails: Dick Revell, "D" Co, 317th Engr Bn, Würzburg (317th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Dwayne Barber, son of Herschel C. Barber, Hqs ASA -Europe in the late 1940s or early 1950s (Army Scty Agency Page); Chuck Welch, A Btry, 3rd Bn, 84th FA PERSHING (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); a photo of members of the Signal Wire Section at Hqs USAREUR, 7774th Sig Svc Bn (7774th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Added some information on the Rhine River Patrol compiled by the Operations Officer in 1956, submitted by Donald Birkes (Rhine River Patrol Page). |
June 9, 2009 |
Posted several emails: with photos from Martin Smith, 527th MP Prison Guard Company, Mannheim, early 1950s (Area Command Page); Herb Majer, Angevillers Detachment of Company D, 102nd Sig Bn in the mid 1950s (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
June 12, 2009 |
Posted the complete Third Unit Day (July 1969) edition of the ROLLING REVIEW, the 4th Armored Division newspaper (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
June 13, 2009 |
Added information on the US Army Materiel Command in Europe in the early 1970s (USAMATCOMEUR Page, TASCOMEUR section). Also added some details on the 18th Aviation Battalion from 1971 (18th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
June 14, 2009 |
Posted an email from Donald Yates, HHC 95th S&S Battalion (95th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Started a Data Processing Page and added information on the Com Z Data Processing Center and the MATCOM DP Center.
June 17, 2009 |
The Everglades National Park is looking for former NIKE veterans who would like to volunteer time to the restoration of the Everglades Nike Missile Base HM69 or who would like to assist in guided tours of the Nike Site.
For more details and contact information please click on the icon on the left. |
Posted several emails: John Dudas, 7th Trans Co, Aschaffenburg in the eary 1960s (35th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Steve Kruckow, B Co, 205th Trans Bn, late 1970s (205th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation); Robert Glenn, 562nd QM Petroleum Supply Co (Mbl), Leopold Ksn, Munich (Munich Page, Kaserne section). |
June 19, 2009 |
Created an Ordnance Stock Control Page (Ordnance section) and added information pertaining to the 7849th Ordnance Stock Control Center in 1953 . Added information on Air Section, 6th Armd Cav Regt from 1956 (6th Armd Cav Regt Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
June 20, 2009 |
Created a Duty Trains Page (Overview, Transportation section) and added information pertaining to the Berlin-Frankfurt Duty Train in 1971. |
June 26, 2009 |
Added information on the EUCOM Ordnance Division in Europe in the 1952 (Overview Page, Ordnance section). |
June 27, 2009 |
Added information on the EUCOM/USAREUR Supply Distribution Plan and the progress in construction of supply depots in USAREUR ComZ (France and Germany, west of the Rhine) in 1952 (Communications Zone Page). |
June 28, 2009 |
Added an organization chart of HQ US Army, Europe from 1952 to the HQ USAREUR Page. Several of the staff divisions have been overlayed with "hotspots" (identified as shaded areas on the chart) that are hyperlinked to other pages -- clicking on those will take you to the Overview Page of the respective division. (Eventually all of the command elements on the 1952 organizational chart of Headquarters US Army, Europe will be formatted as "hotspots." Will do something similar for other years and other major commands at some point.)
Also, posted some corrections regarding 94th MP Bn home station sent in by Russ Sears (94th MP Bn Page, Military Police section).
Added information on Frank Fischer's book "The Story of RHEIN CONTROL" to Page 1 of the USAFE TACS chapter (Air Defense section). |
July 1, 2009 |
Added some information on the Schloss Hotel in Heidelberg that served for many years as a VIP guest house for USAREUR (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
July 5, 2009 |
Posted an email from Chet Zarubnicky, 34th Hosp Train in the mid-1950s (Hospital Trains Page, Medical section). |
July 9, 2009 |
Posted 12 pages of the Special Welcome Edition (Fall-Winter 1966) of THE DISPATCH, SETAF command newspaper (SETAF Page). Also posted photos from the early 1950s of Funari Barracks, Kaefertal (Mannheim Page, Kaserne section). |
July 11, 2009 |
Added a page for the Vienna USFA Airstrip with some information dating back to 1950 (Vienna Airstrip Page, Army Airfields sub-menu, Army Aviation section). |
July 12, 2009 |
Added some information on U.S. Naval Forces, Germany from early 1951 (Rhine River Patrol Page, Army Aviation section). |
July 18, 2009 |
Currently reorganizing the main Table of Contents a bit (about half way through the changes I would like to make) - site comprises now 6700 total pages (of which 550 are command/unit pages) and over 12,000 images (not including thumbnails). And I have only scratched the surface! Much more to follow.
Found a very interesting YouTube file that shows some details on the inter-zonal border during the Cold War. Video is in English. Video was created by Deutsche Welle, a German international broadcaster. Border ops veterans will know what the video is talking about.
A couple of new books have arrived that might be of interest to the readers of usarmygermany.com:
by Frank Fischer (contributor to usarmygermany.com)
The creation and evolution of the air traffic control center "RHEIN CONTROL."
The author has first hand experience, having served at RHEIN CONTROL from 1959 to 1975. The manuscript contains a lot of details on USAFE air navigation in those years as RHEIN CONTROL was a USAFE facility until 1964. |
by John Capone (contributor to usarmygermany.com)
The US Constabulary as seen with the eyes of a Constabulary trooper. This Occupation period command played a critical role in establishing stability and security in the war-torn US Zone of Occupation and helped in the restoration of democracy in Germany. |
July 19, 2009 |
Added an article from the ON GUARD magazine (86th Air Div) about the turnover of Freising Radar Station by the 604th AC&W Sq to a GAF radar unit (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
July 30, 2009 |
Posted several maps (all from 1983) submitted by Sebastian Hoock, Germany: Pirmasens and Vicinity; Husterhoeh Kaserne; Münchweiler Hospital; and Fischbach Ord Depot (Pirmasens Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 1, 2009 |
Posted several emails: with photos from James (Sam) Huff, 2nd Bn, 75th Arty (212th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); Juan Martinez who served with the Optical Pltn, 67th Med Depot at Einsiedlerhof and after its move to Pirmasens (Einsiedlerhof Depot, Medical section); Allan Bell, Det 54, 7th Weather Sq, Bad Toelz AAF (Bad Toelz AAF Page, Army Airfields sub-menu, Army Aviation section).
Also added two links to German websites on the Heilbronn Page (Kaserne section) that were submitted by Thomas Schulz, Germany. One link is to a (German perspective) historical treatise on Waldheide and the Pershing Missile deployment and the other is a photo series on the US presence in the city presented by the Heilbronner Stimme, the local newspaper.
Posted details on the next leg of the traveling exhibit - AMERIKANER IN HESSEN (Americans in Hessen). The Special Historical Exhibit will open at the former Ray Barracks, Friedberg, on August 13, 2009. |
Aug 2, 2009 |
Posted several maps and articles on Air Force European Broadband radio links in Europe in the 1960s submitted by Bill Richey (Overview Page, Signal section).
Posted notice of an upcoming reunion of the 9th ORD BN at Albuquerque in October (9th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section).
Aug 8, 2009 |
Added some information on the reorganization and redesignation of the Communications Zone to USAREUR (Rear) Com Z in 1960 (COMZEUR Page). Started the Heidelberg AAF Page (Army Airfields & Heliports submenu, Army Aviation section). |
Aug 15, 2009 |
Added an Air Ambulance Page to the Medical section. Posted some information on helicopter ambulance units from the mid-1950s. |
Aug 18, 2009 |
Added some information on the 17th SIG BN Association -- a reunion group for the 17th SIG BN and attached 175th SIG CO. Active duty members also participate! The group includes many former members of other USAREUR signal organizations that served in Europe during the Occupation Period and the Cold War. They also publish a great online newsletter (17th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Aug 23, 2009 |
Added several emails: Donald Nesheim on the early days of Det 1, 330th Avn Co (Army Scty Agency Page); David Himmelsbach with a correction, 6th Bn, 60th Arty (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section); Carl H. Hulsman, Hanau Chemical Depot in the early Occupation days (Chemical Corps Page); Franklyn Paugh, 264th FA Bn (280-mm) (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery); George Reese, 351st Avn Co, Wertheim (15th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation); George Wallace, CO of Helmstedt Support Detachment 1969-1972 (Helmstedt Spt Det chapter, Berlin Brigade Page).
Dan Nisto (Forgotten Memories website) has visited the Americans in Hessen exhibit currently being shown at the Capri Club, former Ray Barracks, Friedberg. He has posted some photos he took of the exhibit. Click here to go to his website. |
Aug 24, 2009 |
Posted information on the MP Station at Sophien Strasse #6 in downtown Munich in the 1950s (508th MP Bn Page, Military Police section). |
Aug 26, 2009 |
Posted an email with photos from David James, Aviation Company, 2nd ACR at the airfield at Soldier's Field in Nuernberg mid 1960s (Soldier's Field Page, Army Airfields and Heliports submenu, Army Aviation section). |
Aug 30, 2009 |
Posted information on the "Lifeline to the Frontline" shoulder patch of Com Z (COMZEUR Page); the consolidation of data processing units at HQ USAREUR iin 1964 (Data Processing Page); 606th Aircraft Control & Warning Sq at Döbraberg near Hof (Page 2 (US Units), Tactical Air Control System section). |
Sep 4, 2009 |
Added information on Company B, 3rd Avn Bn from 1964 (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Sep 5, 2009 |
Added information on Captieux Ammo Depot in France from 1964 (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Sep 6, 2009 |
Added several emails: Albert Easley, 251st Processing Company, Frankfurt; Matt Walkawicz, 183rd ASA Company, Herzogenaurach; James Reed, Heidwinkel Det, 319th ASA Bn; Thomas Nunn, "F" Branch, FS Bad Aibling; Terry Dan Grissom, Wobeck Det (all on Army Scty Agency Page).
I am also adding an unofficial history of the 279th USASA Detachment (includes historical information on the USASA Theater Exploitation Company and the 77th USASA Special Operations Unit. The historical manuscript (Chapter 1) was submitted by William A. Christen, II. It is in PDF format. (Acrobat reader required!) Appendix A -- Lineage of the above three ASA units -- is provided as a separate PDF file. |
Sep 7, 2009 |
Added an email from John O'Neil, 507th USASA Group, Heilbronn (Army Scty Agency Page). |
Sep 8, 2009 |
Added an email from Joe Stockert, 315th Signal Battalion, Kaiserslautern (315th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Sep 9, 2009 |
Posted information on the 501st Tactical Control Group, early 1950s's (501st TCW Page, Air Defense section); 329th Hospital Train in 1954 (Hosp Trains Page, Medical section); 37th Trans Highway Transport Div reorganization in 1954 (37th Trans Gp Page, Transportation section); new patrol cars for the 62nd Highway Patrol Company in 1954 (62nd MP Co (HP) Page, Military Police section); 311th Engr Const Gp at Kaiserslautern in 1954 (311th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section). |
Sep 12, 2009 |
Posted information on the Signal Service Unit of Northern Area Command in 1962 (Area Command Page); Bocksberg Radio Station, A Co, 102nd Sig Bn in 1960 (Bocksberg chapter, 102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Sep 13, 2009 |
Posted information on US Army Reception Group, Europe in 1968 -- the original REFORGER (4th TRANSCOM Page, Transportation section). |
Sep 14, 2009 |
Posted an email that I received awhile back from Birgit Sommer. Her brother is an architect in Germany and is remodeling the former Wallace Barracks -- it is now called the Roemerkastell. They are looking for information on the former US Army installation. |
Sep 16, 2009 |
Posted several emails: Robert P. Bradley, "D" Company, 8th CAB (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Eugene O. Moore, 601st FA MSL Bn (CPL) (42nd FA Group Page, Field Artillery); Don Pendroy, Co C, 2nd Bn, 4th Inf (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery). |
Sep 18, 2009 |
Posted an email from Gene Kitchens who served at the NACom Radio Station, 7772 Sig Svc Co in the late 1950s (Area Command Page). |
Sep 23, 2009 |
Posted a group photo of crew chiefs of the 18th Trans Co (Lt Hel) submitted by R. Crowell, 1962 (8th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Sep 24, 2009 |
Added information on computerized CRC's in 2nd ATAF prior to implementation of NADGE (2nd ATAF Page, Air Defense section). |
Sep 27, 2009 |
Added a transcript of the Agreement between CINCUSAFE and the German MOD for augmentation of the FOURATAF ADGE during transition from the 412L system to GEADGE at CRC Boerfink and CRC Messstetten (Page 3 (NATO Ground Environment Systems), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). Added information on the activation of the AF DATACOM network (first increment of AUTODIN) and its extension into the European Theater (AUTODIN chapter, Overview Page, Signal section); 68th Engr Co (Parts Depot) and it's role in Project MASS (521st Engr Gp Page, Engineer section). |
Oct 1, 2009 |
Added a comprehensive list of all US Army airfields and heliports in Germany as of November 1970 (The 1970s chapter, Overview Page, Army Aviation). Also posted an article on the aircraft control and warning mission of the 86th Air Division (Def) in 1964 (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Oct 3, 2009 |
Posted an email from Denton Aylor, Det 1, Co A, 1st Sig Bn with photos of Minnesota Terminal site, Einkorn, from Daniel McMunn (1st Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Also added information on the deployment of the Army Area Communications System in 7th Army (7th Sig Bde Page, Signal section). |
Oct 4, 2009 |
Added information on the following: transition to the M33 AA fire control system in the 34th AAA Bde (Early Years chapter, Overview Page, Air Defense section); Rhine Medical Depot in 1954 (Einsiedlerhof Medical Depot Page, Medical section); Rhine River Patrol in 1954 (HQ USNAVGER Page); transfer of combat troops (1st Bn, 350th Inf Regt) from US Forces, Austria to Italy as part of the inactivation of USFA in 1955 (SETAF Page).
Created the Pirmasens Army Heliport Page (Army Airfields and Heliports submenu, Army Aviation section) with an enroute map and heliport diagram.
(Also added enroute map and airfield diagram to Bonames AAF Page.) |
Oct 5, 2009 |
Posted two photos (one is an aerial shot) of O'Brien Barracks, Schwabach, as it appeared in the early 1950s (Nuernberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Oct 10, 2009 |
Added information on several subjects: Formation of 1st Brigade, 8th Inf Div at Lee Barracks in 1963 (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); MOBIDIC (large-scale mobile digital computer) used for processing supply data for the 7th Army Stock Control Center (7th Army Logistics chapter, 7th Army Page); the US Army HB Diving Team, Rochefort, France in 1963 (BASEC Page, COMZEUR section). |
Oct 18, 2009 |
Added several emails: Gary Maffioli, 519th Trans Co (Car) Heidelberg (26th Support Group Page, USAREUR & 7th Army Troops, HQ USAREUR section); photos of Neureut Kaserne submitted by Pat Butler (Karlsruhe Page, Kaserne section); Group photo of 84th Army Band (in Fulda) from 1956 submitted by Bob Greco (Army Bands chapter, HQ USAREUR Page); several photos showing helicopters at the 97th Gen Hosp in 1957 (97th Gen Hosp Page, US Army Hospitals, Medical section); photos of a Labor Service Polish Guard company in the 1946-47 period submitted by Henry Dolbik whose father served with the 4015th LS Co and possibly other units (Overview Page, Labor Service section); unit history of 690th Field Artillery Battalion (in PDF format) submitted by Mike Williard (18th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section).
Began a large project that - hopefully - will present in highlights the many changes that occurred as national early warning radar sites located in the Central Region (Allied occupation zones, BENELUX countries and northeastern France) in the early 1950s slowly evolved into the NADGE radar network of the 1970s/80s (Page 1 (NATO Ground Environment C2), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). This is a very interesting but complex project - Input from readers would be greatly appreciated! |
Oct 20, 2009 |
Added an email from Rob Height, Svc Btry, 1st Bn, 18th FA, Augsburg - describes life of an "ammo dog" in an Arty unit (17th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section). |
Oct 21, 2009 |
Posted an entire issue of the Seventh Army Sentinel (7th Army command newspaper) from May 1, 1959 (7th Army Page). |
Oct 23, 2009 |
Posted an email from Charles Dexter, first commanding officer of 8th Combat Avn Bn at Finthen AAF in 1977 (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Oct 24, 2009 |
Posted information on changes to US military trains in 1952 (Duty Trains chapter, Overview Page, Transportation section). |
Oct 25, 2009 |
Posted an entire issue of The SACom Scene (weekly newspaper of the Southern Area Command in Munich) from September 26, 1958 (Munich Page, Kaserne section). |
Oct 27, 2009 |
Posted an email from Bob Heck, Communication site on Bann Hill, 807th Tac Con Sq in the late 1950s (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Oct 28, 2009 |
Posted an email from Dink Lowery, B Btry, 2nd Bn, 92nd Arty at Rivers Barracks, Giessen in the late 1960s (42nd FA Group Page, Field Artillery section). |
Oct 30, 2009 |
Posted an email from Bill McClelland, CO of the 37th Trans Group Data Processing Unit in Kaiserslautern in the late 1960s (37th Trans Group Page, Transportation section).
Also added some information on the EUCOM Transportation Division in the 1951-52 time period (Overview Page, Transportation section).
Oct 31, 2009 |
Posted several emails: from Edward Ogle, 3rd Rcn Sq, 8th Cav in late 1950s (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); Norman Hendrickson, B Btry, 3rd Bn, 60th ADA in Regensburg (69th ADA Brigade Page, Air Defense section); Jacob Albrecht, Co A, 385th MP Bn in Kornwestheim early 1960s (385th MP Bn Page, Military Police section). |
Nov 1, 2009 |
Posted several emails: James Arrington, 604th Aircraft Control & Warning Sq, Freising (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); Jon Vick, 602nd Aircraft Control & Warning Sq, Giebelstadt (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); Dennis Burr, OL 1, 602nd Aircraft Control & Warning Sq, Hof (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); Richard Sheridan (additional information), HQ 69th Arty Gp (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Nov 6, 2009 |
Posted an email from Pat Riggs with lots of details on the 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Aerial Exploitation) during the late 1970s and early 1980s (2nd MI Bn Page, Military Intelligence section). |
Nov 7, 2009 |
Posted photos submitted by Ken Light, C Battery, 3rd Bn, 84th Arty (Pershing) from the early 1970s (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section). |
Nov 8, 2009 |
Posted several emails: Joseph "Don" Marquis, 15th Chem Gp, Mannheim, early 1960s (15th Chem Gp Page, Chemical section); Donald Parsons with photos of the 11th Engr Gp at Tompkins Barracks, Schwetzingen, in the early 1950s (11th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); Ray Carlson, Avn Sec, 6th Armd Cav, 1950s (6th ACR Page, Armored-Cavalry section); Rick Newfer, Radio Relay Site Zabelstein, 11th AD Sig Bn, 1980s (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Nov 10, 2009 |
Posted additional items to the Bibliography Page, including the 2nd and 3rd parts of the REFORGER series publications by Tankograd. Added some details on Army aviation in USAREUR in 1952 (Overview Page, Army Aviation section). |
If you know a vet please take a few minutes to thank them for their service and sacrifices in the name of our freedom.
Posted Chapter 1 of Field Manual 30-9 (MI Bn, Field Army) (March 1968) that provides an overview of the Military Inelligence Organization within a theater army (such as USAREUR) in the late 1960s (Overview Page, Military Intelligence section) (Information posted is unclassified!).
Posted an email from Frank Piazza, 110th Trans Co (Lt Hel), Oberschleissheim (8th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Nov 12, 2009 |
Posted some emails: David Neighbors, Radio Operation Co, 97th Sig Bn attached to the Rhine River Patrol at Schierstein (97th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Mike Honig, 602nd AC&W Squadron, Giebelstadt (Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Nov 14, 2009 |
Posted a Troop List for the US Constabulary from January 1950 (US Constabulary Page). |
Nov 21, 2009 |
Added some additional details on: Rhine Medical Depot, Einsiedlerhof in 1954 (Einsiedlerhof Medical Depot Page), Medical section); redesignation of divisional units during the changeover from 43rd Infantry Division to 5th Infantry Division in May 1954 (5th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); status of the USAREUR Ord Div vehicle rebuild program in 1954 (Overview Page, Ordnance section).
Also posted some emails: James "Randy" Sullivan, USAREUR Aviation Detachment, Heidelberg, 1963-65 (Heidelberg AAF Page, Army Airfield and Heliport submenu, Army Aviation section). |
Nov 22, 2009 |
Added some additional details on: 71st Ordnance Battalion in 1954 (71st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); 39th Signal Support Battalion in 1954 (39th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Nov 27, 2009 |
Added some command history information for second half of 1957: 501st Tactical Control Wing (501st TCW chapter, Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section) and 604th Aircraft Control Warning Squadron (604th ACWS chapter, Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). Will be adding much more as time allows - have to transcribe everything from a microfilm reel). |
Nov 29, 2009 |
Posted several emails: from Richard Hahn, 85th QM Company, Idar-Oberstein early 1960s (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section); ave Philips, 13th Arty Det, Kellinghusen, early 1970s (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). |
Nov 30, 2009 |
Added more details to the 501st Tactical Control Wing history - including a very interesting study by the Wing's Directorate of Operations on the feasibility of realigning the 12th AF Tactical Air Control System in the late 1950s (501st TCW chapter, Page 2 (US units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Dec 3, 2009 |
Posted an email from Goerz Peter Holderegger who served with the 113th Labor Supervision Center in Esslingen in the mid-1950s (6936th LS Center Page, Labor Service section). Also finally completed work on the contribution by Eduard Ehing who provided some historical details on the 4079th Labor Service Company ( (6936th LS Center Page, Labor Service section). |
Dec 5, 2009 |
Added a link to a new Yahoo Group (Kindsbach Underground Facility) moderated by Robert Jordan - the Group is open to anyone -- all services and 4th ATAF allies -- who served at Kindsbach Cave a.k.a. Kindsbach Underground Facility (KUF) during the Cold War (1950s - 1980s) (Related Links, Page 1, USAFE TACS section).
Posted some emails: Jimmy Smith, 6th Bn, 18th Arty in Aschaffenburg early 1960s (several photos placed on the Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section and others on the 3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions); Rudolf Boentgen, 78th Engr Cbt Bn mid-1960s (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Dan Nisto with some photos of the old NIKE site at Griesheim (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section).
Dec 6, 2009 |
Posted an email from Craig Dupree who served with B Btry, 3rd Bn, 60th ADA Grafenwoehr and HHB 6th Bn, 52nd ADA Wuerburg (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Dec 12, 2009 |
Added some command history information for 1958: 501st Tactical Control Wing (501st TCW chapter, Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Dec 13, 2009 |
Posted several emails: Paul Costinett, 631 Tactical Control Flight, Leighton Barracks, Wuerzburg, late 1980s (Page 7 (407L System), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section); Leonard A. Huntington, Germersheim Ordnance Vehicle Park, 1951 (Germersheim Army Depot Page, Army Depots section); Siegfried Walter from Germany who has an extensive photo archive of US Army Europe activities - this series shows 11th ACR M-1's shortly after the Blackhorse transition to the ABRAMS tank (11th ACR Page, Armored Cavalry section). |
Dec 15, 2009 |
Posted the mission statement for the 807th Tactical Control Squadron (Kindsbach Cave) in 1960 (807th TCS Command Histories, Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). |
Dec 19, 2009 |
Posted additional pictures submitted by Siegfried Walter from Germany who has an extensive photo archive of US Army Europe activities - this series shows equipment of 3rd Squadron at McPheeters Barracks (11th ACR Page, Armored Cavalry section). |
Dec 20, 2009 |
Added some command history information for 1959: 807th Tactical Control Squadron (Kindsbach Cave) (807th TCS Command Histories, Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section).
Posted several emails: Joseph Long, 602nd Air Support Operations Center in support of VII Corps at Stuttgart (VII Corps Page, Corps section). |
Dec 21, 2009 |
Posted several emails: Gerrit Vander Kamp, 636th Ord Co at Site 59 (84th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); (more to follow). |
I will be off-line for a few days to enjoy the holidays with family. Will return on the 30th. Until then - if you are lucky enough to spend these days with family and loved ones - enjoy the warmth and spirit of the season. But also take a moment and remember the military men and women overseas - and their families - who are serving our country. No matter what political opinion you might have - I think we can all agree that we are deeply indebted to them for their sacrifices and service. |
website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding
information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes,
units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions,
etc. |