The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control. |
Jan 1, 2013 |
Added a chart that shows all Field Artillery units that were involved in Operation GYROSCOPE between 1955 and early 1958 (7th Army Gyroscope Page, 7th Army section).
Posted an organizational graph for the 28th Division Artillery, 1952 as well as several photos of DivArty from the 28th Infantry Division Germany, 1953 (yearbook) (28th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jan 3, 2013 |
Posted an organizational graph for the 43rd Division Artillery, 1952 as well as several photos from the 192nd FA Battalion Yearbook (not dated) (43rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jan 5, 2013 |
Posted photos and some personal recollections of life as an Army dependent in bombed-out Nürnberg in the early Occupation period after WWII. Photos and information submitted by Donald Patterson whose father served with the Occupation Army in Nuernberg (Nuernberg Page, Kaserne section).
Also, added organizational charts for the 1st Division Artillery (1952) and 4th Division Artillery (1952) (1st Inf Div Page & 4th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jan 6, 2013 |
Posted an organizational graph for the 2nd Armored Division Artillery, 1952 (2nd Armd Div Page, Divisions section) and added some general information on Division Artillery in the early 1950s (Overview Page, Field Artillery section). Also, added links to the 105mm towed howitzer, 155mm towed howitzer, Honest John rocket, Pershing 1 guided missile and Sergeant guided missile segments of the "Weapons of the Field Artillery (1966)" film on YouTube (Overview Page, Field Artillery). |
Jan 14, 2013 |
Posted a location list (city and kaserne) for 4th Armored Division from 1962 on the 4th Armd Div Page.
Also posted a four-part email from Andrew J. Johnson who writes about his assignments to the 35th Artillery Detachment at Jever Air Base early 1960s (5th USAAG Page), the 525th Ordnance Company in 1965/66 (197th Ord Bn Page), when he was assigned to the USAREUR IG section (Overview Page, Ordnance section) and performed Nuclear Surety Inspections across Europe and when he commanded the 197th Ordnance Battalion (197th Ord Bn Page) in the late 1970s. |
Jan 18, 2013 |
Jan 22, 2013 |
Posted some information on the 280mm Gun Battalions described in a period pamphlet (NATO Atomic Artillery Demonstration, V Corps, Oct 1960) that was distributed to NATO officials who participated in dynamic demonstrations of V Corps field artillery and air defense systems. Also added a great photo of a 280mm gun at Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg in the mid-1950s time period submitted by Jürgen Centner, Germany (Overview Page, Field Artillery section).
Also posted some great photos and personal recollections submitted by Horst "Fred" Schenk who served with Detachment 3, 7th Weather Squadron at Heidelberg Army Airfield in the early 1960s (Heidelberg AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section). |
Jan 23, 2013 |
Jan 25, 2013 |
Jan 28, 2013 |
Feb 1, 2013 |
Posted an email from William J. Goetz who served with the 28th Missile Detachment at Portogruaro, Italy in the late 1960s (559th USAAG Page, Ordnance section). Also added some information on the 11th Missile Detachment at Bressanone and the 12th USAFAD at Oderzo & Codognè (559th USAAG Page). |
Feb 3, 2013 |
Posted a copy of a letter from Hqs, Theater Service Forces, European Theater (TSFET) from August 1945 that describes in some detail the organization of the new theater administrative and supply organization (TSFET Page, USFET section). |
Feb 6, 2013 |
Posted a scan of TM 55-205, "Inspection and Maintenance of U.S. Army-Owned Foreign Rail Equipment", from March 1970 (includes Changes 1 & 2). This manual provides some interesting insight into the maintenance process of the Army's rail equipment in the late 1960s/early 1970s in Germany and Italy (1960s Chapter, Railway Maintenance Activity (Rheinau), Overview Page, Transportation section). The manual includes a map showing the location of hospital trains and command cars in that period - something for our rail fans. |
Feb 7, 2013 |
Added two great maps that show the Air Defense Sectors in Europe in May 1954 with regional command boundaries as well as existing (at that time) radar cover and interception lines (Page 1, Tactical Air Control System section). Both maps are from SHAPE's Study on Air Defense in the NATO Area of Europe, published October 1954 (somewhat modified by me to make them easier to understand). I will post more from this interesting study since it provides a detailed overview of the air defense environment in Western Europe in the early 1950s as SHAPE struggled to design and implement an effective integrated air defense system to defend against Soviet attack or the threat of such attack. |
Feb 8, 2013 |
Posted several emails: Nick McWhorter who served with the 44th Chemical Company of the 4th Chem Bn in Mannheim in the late 1950s (Chemical Corps Page); Michael T. Staggs, B Co, 656th Engr Bn (Topo), mid-1960s) & 649th Engr Bn (Topo), mid-1970s (656th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Leslie "Les" Amidon who served at two different 2140th Communications Group sites in Greece - Araxos in the early 1980s and Mt. Pateras in the late 1980s (2140th Comm Sq chapter, AF Communications Page, US Air Force section). Les' posts include some great photos of the tropo site at Mt Pateras as well as the AN/FRC-97 radio equipment. Details for the photo captions will be added soon. |
Feb 9, 2013 |
Added some information on the Air Force's Strategic Communications System, AIRCOMNET, in the mid-1950s (AF Communications Page, US Air Force section). Included is a very nice map of the world-wide communications circuits making up AIRCOMNET in 1955. Also posted some information on the Air Force's long-line communications system, GLOBECOM from 1951 to 1955. This system replaced the ACAN system in the Air Force (AF Communications Page).
Posted two Army Aviation articles: one on the Aviation Detachment at Berlin from SOLDIERS Magazine in 1990 (Berlin Brigade Page) and the other on the European AVCRAD concept which, in the 1980s, bridged the gap between the USAREUR theater aviation maintenance propgram and the CONUS based depots (1980s chapter, Overview Page, Army Aviation). |
Feb 12, 2013 |
Posted four Transportation articles: on the Installation Transportation Office of the 8th Logistical Command at Livorno, Italy in 1974 (8th Log Comd Page, SETAF section); on the reassignment of the Transportation Terminal Group, Europe from USAREUR to the Military Traffic Management Command in 1976 (Trans Terminal Comd Eur Page, Transportation section); on the UK Terminal, a Military Traffic Management Command installation at Felixstowe, England in 1987; and on the Benelux Terminal, a Military Traffic Management Command installation in Rotterdam in 1977 (last two also on the Trans Terminal Comd Eur Page) |
Feb 13, 2013 |
Posted some photos of Grafenwoehr Army Airfield submitted by Darrell Hill who served as airfield commander in the mid-1980s (Grafenwoehr AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation subsection) |
Feb 16, 2013 |
Posted an article from the ARMY LOGISTICIAN from 1980 about the challenges in command & control faced by 3rd Armd DISCOM during REFORGER '78 (Page 3, 3rd Armored Division, Divisions section). |
Feb 17, 2013 |
Posted information on the operations of the STARS & STRIPES plant at Griesheim in 1956 (STARS & STRIPES Page). |
Feb 19, 2013 |
Feb 23, 2013 |
Posted some information on the RTO Escort Service provided by the SAC Transportation Division in Paris, France for service families departing from or arriving at the French port of Le Havre (Seine Area Command chapter, HQ COMZEUR Page, COMZEUR section).
Also added information from various sources on the Transportation Terminal Unit in Turkey, submitted by Al Cammarata, an Air Force radio operator who served in Turkey in the early 1960s (Page 2, Trans Terminal Comd, Eur, Transportation section). |
Feb 25, 2013 |
Posted an email from Jim Conwell who served as Commanding Officer of the St. Ay Engineer Map Depot near Orleans, France in the early 1960s (Engineer Depots chapter, Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Mar 1, 2013 |
Posted an email from Dennis Moore who served with the 558th Ordnance Company (Park) in the early 1960s at Nellingen (81st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Mar 2, 2013 |
Present briefly a book written by Dr. Dieter Krüger on operational planning at LANDSOUTH in the 1951-1960 time frame; book title is "Brennender Enzian" (SETAF Page). |
Mar 5, 2013 |
Mar 6, 2013 |
Posted an email from Joseph Creati who adds some critical comments on the reorganization of the 66th Maintenance Battalion under COSTAR II (66th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section). He is currently researching and compiling a comprehensive unit history of the 66th Ordnance/Maintenance Battalion and is interested in input from others who served with the battalion or any of its subordinate units. |
Mar 7, 2013 |
Mar 8, 2013 |
Posted a nice aerial photo of Kimbro Kaserne, Murnau, home of the USAREUR Engineer-Ordnance School (Bad Tölz Page, Kaserne section). Photo is from the late 1950s or 1960, so soon after the USAREUR Ordnance School moved in to join the Engineer School at that post.
I am ALWAYS looking for additional aerial photographs of US Army installations in Germany, Austria, France, Italy and the Benelux countries from 1945 - 1990. They don't have to be perfect and they don't have to show the entire installation. Remember that a lot of these installations are gone now, torn down to make room for commercial and residential buildings. Many now only exist in our memories and our photos. It would be great to share these historic images with our readers so we can all enjoy them and reminisce!!! If you have any, please contact me. |
Mar 9, 2013 |
Posted a map of the US Army facilities & hotels in the downtown area of Garmisch, mid-1950s, as well as a nice photo of the area just in front of the Bahnhof that includes the Bahnhof Hotel (used by Enlisted Men) and the Billeting Office, also early 1950s. (Both on the Garmisch Page, Kaserne section.) |
Mar 13, 2013 |
Posted two emails: from Rick Loucks who served with the 334th Attack Helicopter Company and the 173rd Attack Helicopter Company at Fliegerhorst AAF, Hanau in the mid-1970s (11th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section.); Mike Lehman, Army dependent in Wiesbaden, who visited Garmisch with his family in 1971 (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section.) |
Mar 14, 2013 |
Added some information on the Nunn Amendment of 1974 that required the conversion of headquarters and military support personnel to combat personnel in Europe as a measure to increase the ratio of combat troops to support forces ("tooth-to-tail") without increasing overall US military forces in Europe (HQ USAREUR Page). |
Mar 17, 2013 |
Created the Schleissheim Army Airfield Page as part of my documentation of US Army Aviation airfields and heliports in Europe and posted some information as well as a few photos submitted by "dogspotter62," a British aviation enthusiast who visited the airfield near Munich in 1966 (Schleissheim AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section). |
Mar 19, 2013 |
Mar 21, 2013 |
Added a link to a video clip that shows General Wade H. Haislip of the general staff who landed at Bremerhaven on the USAT GEN PATRICK troopship with other dignitaries for a visit of Bremerhaven and Bremen. The video clip from August 1948 shows scenes from that visit to Bremerhaven including a review held on Phillips Field next to Lehe Barracks (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section). |
Mar 24, 2013 |
Mar 28, 2013 |
Mar 29, 2013 |
Added the 249th Engineer Construction Battalion Page with some unit history (249th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). Looking for input from former members!
Posted several emails: from Russell Jones, B Co, 123rd Maint Bn, Monteith Barracks, who provides some information on the aerial photo shown on the Fuerth Army Airfield Page (Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section); Gary Glintenkamp, 94th Engineer Construction Battalion in Darmstadt, mid-1970s (94th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Bennett Dickson who, as an Army depedent, returned on the States on the USNS Upshur as part of the Advance Party, 1st Infantry Division during Operation GYROSCOPE in 1955 (1st Inf Div Page, Divisions). |
Mar 31, 2013 |
Happy Easter!
Posted a great photo of the 222nd Infantry Regiment Glee Club during a performance at the famous Vienna Konzerthaus, 1945 or 1946, submitted by Alexander Leiningen-Westerburg from Austria (42nd Inf Div Page, USFA section).
Also posted some emails: from Bryan A. De Aro, 532nd Signal Company, Pirmasens, then SSU Worms and Zweibuecken, mid-1960s (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section). |
Apr 6, 2013 |
Added a link to the online copy of a history of Heidelberg as a US garrison and home of NATO's Headquarters Allied Force Command (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). The book, "History Book, 1952-2013 and Former Times," was produced as a means of informing headquarters personnel and their families of the long and cordial relationship between the City of Heidelberg and the US/NATO military personnel and their families who have called Heidelberg their home for the past 68 year. Sadly, that relationship comes to an end later this year as the garrison is inactivated and the gates of the kasernes are closed for the last time.
Also posted an email from John L. Wilson who worked as a Depratment of the Army Civilian for the Information and Data Systems Agency, TASCOMEUR, in Worms after the US pulled out of France (COMZEUR Page). |
Apr 14, 2013 |
Apr 15, 2013 |
Apr 22, 2013 |
Posted the official word on the Farwell Heidelberg commemorative book that will be available late May (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section).
Posted several emails: from Mike Taylor, 28th Transportation Battalion, mid-1970s (28th Trans Bn Page, Transportation); Michael Lege, 501st Combat Aviation Battalion and 501st Attack Helicopter Battalion, mid-1980s (501st Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Lorane Green, 52nd Medical Detachment (Helicopter Ambulance), Wertheim, early 1960s (Wertheim Army Airfield Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section).
Apr 30, 2013 |
May 2, 2013 |
May 3, 2013 |
May 4, 2013 |
May 9, 2013 |
May 13, 2013 |
May 20, 2013 |
Posted a special edition of The TASCOM Times (Verdun, France) that covers the 1st anniversary of the Theater Army Support Command (COMZEUR Page). Includes a map that shows the area of responsibility of TASCOM at that time. |
May 21, 2013 |
May 23, 2013 |
Posted a nice aerial photo of Daley Barracks, Bad Kissingen, from the 1960s and some information on units and activities located there (Schweinfurt Page, Kaserne section). Our friends over at the Eaglehorse.org website provide some great assistance in identifying many of the buildings and their occupants. |
May 24, 2013 |
May 26, 2013 |
Jun 5, 2013 |
Posted an email and several great photos submitted by Donald Hall who served with the 12th Radio Relay Squadron at Pforzheim in 1961 (2nd Comm Gp, AF Communications Page, HQ USAFE section). (The complete set of photos is located on the Karlsruhe Page, Kaserne section.) |
Jun 6, 2013 |
Jun 8, 2013 |
Jun 17, 2013 |
Posted some troop list for Army Aviation units stationed in Germany that I created using information from various STATION LISTS: December 1965; September 1970; & July 1974 (all on the Overview Page, Army Aviation section). These and some others that will follow will be used to document the many changes in the USAREUR aviation structure that occurred in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s.
Also posted some emails: from Patrick Stein who served with a detachment of Company A, 319th USASA Bn in Würzburg in support of the 3rd Infantry Division (319th ASA Bn Page, Army Security Agency section); John Hairell who provided some corrections on the TPN-18 GCA radar information found on the Overview Page (Army Aviation section); Lloyd "Jim" Brown, 67th Aviation Company at Echterdingen in the early 1960s (16th Avn Bn Page). |
Jun 18, 2013 |
Jun 26, 2013 |
Jul 3, 2013 |
Posted an email and a bunch of photos submitted by Robert Starks who served with the 109th Military Police Platoon of Special Troops, V Corps in the early 1960s (Special Troops chapter, V Corps Page, Corps section). I will add additional 109th photos next week after the holiday weekend.
In the meantime, I wish everyone a wonderful and safe Fourth of July weekend! |
Jul 9, 2013 |
Added a Mystery Photo (#36) to the Mystery Page. Appears to be a US Army general or station hospital somewhere in (southern) Germany in the early 1950s. |
Jul 10, 2013 |
Jul 12, 2013 |
Created a map showing the location of US Army HAWK air defense battalions in southern Germany, mid-1963. This is part of my effort to document the early phase of HAWK deployment (1961-1964) when US Army HAWK units of the 10th Arty Group (Munich) were responsible for the southern half of the 4th ATAF HAWK barrier (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page). (In 1964, the 10th GP moved to Darmstadt to take over the northern half of the US sector of that barrier). Need some help identifying which battalions belonged to the 10th Arty GP and which ones were attached to the 69th Arty GP in that period in 1963.) |
Jul 14, 2013 |
Alex Sutherland has provided an ID for Mystery Photo #36 = 97th General Hospital in Frankfurt.
Posted several emails: Michael Bunting, served with B TAB (B Btry, 1st TAB, 26th FA) in Darmstadt and Babenhausen in the mid 1970s (V Corps Artillery Page, Corps section); also made some changes to the V Corps main page - creating a separate V Corps Artillery Page; Jeff Bergeron, 77th Ordnance Company at Sandhofen and later Knielingen (Karlsruhe) (81st Ord/Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); Robert E (Gene) Breden, 175th Aviation Company (Attack Helicopter), mid 1970s at Katterbach (501st Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Jul 17, 2013 |
Jul 18, 2013 |
Posted some great photos of Braconne Ordnance Depot submitted by Douglas Wilson who served at the depot in the early 1960s (Braconne Ordnance Depot Page, Army Depots section); posting includes an aerial photo of the troop and administrative area of Braconne Depot from 1959. |
Jul 19, 2013 |
Added another Mystery Photo (#37) to the Mystery Page. It shows the outside of an office building, probably in Heidelberg or Mannheim, with an American flag and a large "American Red Cross Service Club" sign. Photo is from the 1945/46 time period..
Posted an email from Bob Preston who served in S-2 (Intelligence) at HQ 294th US Army Artillery Group at Itzehoe (northern Germany) in the late 1960s (294th USAAG Page, SASCOM, Ordnance Section). |
Jul 20, 2013 |
Jul 21, 2013 |
Jul 25, 2013 |
We already have an answer for Mystery Photo #37 from Robert Szostek, Mannheim, Germany.
Also posted photos of the USAREUR Mortuary #2 next to the Westfriedhof in Nürnberg and Mortuary #3 in Frankfurt (USA Mortuary System Europe Page, Quartermaster section). Photos were subitted by Brian Gibson whoe grandfather was stationed with the 7770th QM Marurya Service in the early 1950s. |
Jul 26, 2013 |
Jul 29, 2013 |
Posted several articles from the Vol 2, 2011 special edition of the MILLRINDER MAGAZINE, a 21st Theater Sustainment Command publication (21st SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section). The articles provide a history of the 21st TSC from its roots as the Communications Zone, Europe to the end of the Cold War. |
Jul 30, 2013 |
Aug 1, 2013 |
Added another project to my list: I am creating a list of the General Support (GS) maintenance and supply units in the support brigades of the 7th Army Support Command in 1965 (just after the reorganization under COSTAR II). This list is still in draft form and will be updated as additional information is gathered through research or input from readers... Additions, corrections, and suggestions are welcome!!! A similar list for Direct Support (DS) units is currently being worked on.
Also posted two emails: from Bernard Jene who served with the 33rd Ordnance Company at Bad Kreuznach and Miesau and then with the 23rd Ordnance Company at Kriegsfeld in the late 1980s (191st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); Michael Strickland, who is the son of Lt Col Henry Ewell Strickland, former CO of 6th Battalion, 9th Field Artillery in Giessen in the mid-1960s (42nd FA Gp/Bde Page, Field Artillery).
Aug 2, 2013 |
Aug 6, 2013 |
Aug 7, 2013 |
Aug 8, 2013 |
Added an entire issue of the RIVERS REVIEW from October 1967 submitted by Michael Strickland (42nd FA Gp/Bde Page, Field Artillery section).
Also posted a great installation map of East Camp (a.k.a. Main Post) at Grafenwoehr in 1950 (Grafenwoehr Page, Kaserne section). This one's for the Old-Timers! |
Aug 12, 2013 |
Aug 14, 2013 |
Aug 18, 2013 |
Posted an email from George McKeon who served at two different Quartermaster Cold Stores in France (Metz and Paris) in the early 1950s (USAREUR QM Market Center Page, Quartermaster section). |
Aug 19, 2013 |
Aug 20, 2013 |
Aug 25, 2013 |
Posted additional photos of Pioneer Kaserne in Regensburg (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section) submitted by Clarence Leist; these are from the early 1970s.
I also added a QUICK ACCESS list for Medical units.
Aug 28, 2013 |
Posted recent photos of the former Dragooner Kaserne installation in Mainz submitted by René Kiefer, Germany (Mainz Page, Kaserne section). Need some assistance in identifying some of the still existing buildings and determining which activities were located in these buildings.
Aug 29, 2013 |
Sep 5, 2013 |
Posted an email with some interesting photos of the French port of La Pallice (La Rochelle Installation) submitted by Miguel Duncan. Miguel's father served as port commander in the 1957-58 period (Port Operations Page, COMZEUR section). Also reorganized the port command & operations pages of the COMZEUR section. |
Sep 6, 2013 |
Posted some great color photos of the US Army Map Depot at St. Ay, France, from 1960 that were submitted by James Conwell. Added them to his original post about the map depot operated by the 23rd Engineer Platoon (Engineer Depots chapter, Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Sep 11, 2013 |
Sep 14, 2013 |
Posted two great photos of the Autobahn Kaserne in Seckenheim from the 1945/46 time frame when the 3517th Ordnance MAM Company operated an ordnance maintenance facility there (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). This facility provided support to units in the Mannheim-Heidelberg area. The photos were submitted by William Jones. |
Sep 16, 2013 |
Sep 17, 2013 |
Added an "index to units and facilities" for Edwards Barracks, Frankfurt, mid-1960s (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Information was submitted by Jerry Cronk. This is a new feature that I hope to expand to all kasernes in USAREUR and for all periods. The webmaster would be very interested in hearing from anyone with some detailed information on where units and post/community facilities were located at any of the USAREUR kasernes during the 1945-1990 time frame. |
Sep 24, 2013 |
Posted an email from Robert Long who served as a switchboard operator at Victor Base (IG Farben Bldg) for the 32nd Signal Battalion in the early 1960s (32nd Sig Page, Signal section). |
Sep 26, 2013 |
Posted an email from Karl Lowe who was assigned to DCSOPS at HQ US Army, Europe in Heidelberg in the late 1970s. Lowe originated the concept and developed the initial plan, known as FORWARD EDGE, for restationing US combat troops closer to their wartime GDP along the eastern border of West Germany to strengthen the defense of Europe and improve living and working conditions for USAREUR soldiers and their families. The plan later became better known as the USAREUR Master Restationing Plan (Master Restationing Plan Page, HQ USAREUR section). |
Sep 27, 2013 |
Sep 29, 2013 |
Posted some photos of Flak Kaserne (later redesignated Pinder Barracks) in Zirndorf and the 4359th Quartermaster Bakery Company (Mobile) (Special) that was stationed there for a time after WWII (1940s chapter, Overview Page, Quartermaster section). Photos are from my collection. |
Oct 2, 2013 |
Posted a great email sent by Richard A. Weinberg, former CO of the 181st Ordnance Detachment at Miesau Ammunition Depot in the early 1960s (72nd Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). The 181st was responsible for HAWK general support and receipt and inspection of incoming HAWK theater missile assets. |
Oct 3, 2013 |
Oct 4, 2013 |
Oct 8, 2013 |
After a long wait, we finally have a confirmation for Mystery Image #6 (Mystery Photo Page).
Posted the location and some information on the Passau Airstrip at Kohlbruck that was home to the Passau Detachment, Company B, 237th Engineer Battalion in the mid-1950s (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section). Information was submitted by Bill Beumer. |
Oct 11, 2013 |
Oct 12, 2013 |
Oct 15, 2013 |
Oct 19, 2013 |
Posted an email from Ray Guimary who served with 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry during the 4th Division deployment to Germany in 1951 (4th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Oct 21, 2013 |
Oct 22, 2013 |
Oct 24, 2013 |
Oct 26, 2013 |
Oct 28, 2013 |
Oct 29, 2013 |
Oct 30, 2013 |
Added an "index to units and facilities" for Taukkunen Barracks, Worms, early to mid 1960s (Worms Page, Kaserne section). This is a new feature that I hope to expand to all kasernes in USAREUR and for all periods. The webmaster would be very interested in hearing from anyone with some detailed information on where units and post/community facilities were located at any of the USAREUR kasernes during the 1945-1990 time frame.
Also posted some photos from Raymond Fudge's very nice Flickr photo set called "Army Years" (Page 3, 3rd Inf Div, Divisions section). Raymond served with D Company, 708th Maintenance Battalion (3rd Inf Div (Mech)) at Conn Barracks in the mid-1970s. |
Nov 6, 2013 |
Nov 7, 2013 |
Nov 9, 2013 |
Nov 12, 2013 |
Posted an email submitted by Jim Nichols who served at Chalons Tank Farm "A," part of the Chalons Terminal District, in the late 1950s (USA Petroleum Distribution Comd Page, Quartermaster section). The post includes annotated aerial photos from 1958 of Tank Farm "A" and the Billy-le-Grand POL Depot. |
Nov 14, 2013 |
Nov 15, 2013 |
Posted several emails: from Michael Rawe, B Company, 3rd Aviation Battalion, Kitzingen, early 1960s (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Benno Knorr, German military assigned to SHAPE and later CENTAG in Heidelberg, (HQ CENTAG Page); Bruce Carpenter, assigned to HQ 294th Artillery Group at Itzehoe as a Supply Sergeant and also ran Supply for various units under the 294th in the early 1970s (294th USAAG Page, SASCOM, Ordnance section).
Also posted a Mystery Photo (#38) (Mystery Photo Page). The mystery here is focused more on which USAREUR unit received special purpose Mercedes flatbed trucks with trailers around 1990 and what the special putpose was. |
Nov 18, 2013 |
Posted an email and many photos submitted by Robert J. Allison who served with the 564th Military Police Company at Massweiler Depot in the early 1970s at the time that the special weapons storage mission was terminated at Massweiler (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police section). The 564th was eventually moved to Gutleut Kaserne in Frankfurt and assigned to the 709th MP Bn with a different mission. |
Nov 21, 2013 |
Nov 22, 2013 |
Added a link to a YouTube video that was made by the German newspaper "Rhein-Neckar Zeitung" during a walkaround of the former US Army Hospital in Heidelberg (Nachrichten Kaserne) a few days ago (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Nov 24, 2013 |
Nov 29, 2013 |
Dec 12, 2013 |
Added a request for information submitted by Mark Hunt, author and cloth (insignia) patch specialist (7th Sig Bde Page, Signal section). Mark is looking for information on the 7th Army Communications Command and its authorized pocket patch for an article on that topic that would appear in a future issue of the TRADING POST, an excellent quarterly publication of the American Society of Military Insignia Collectors.
Also posted a few emails: Michael J. Wilkerson who served with Troop Command of Signal Facility Pirmasens - which became the 73rd Signal Battalion (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Patricia Davis, who served first with HQ US Army Security Agency, Europe in Frankfurt and then with the Public Affairs Office, HQ, US Army, Europe in Heidelberg, mid-1960s (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Dec 18, 2013 |
Posted an email from Phillip Cochran who served with Signal Service Unit Kaiserslautern (Detachment 5) at Baumholder and Pirmasens in the mid-1960s (Area Command Page).
Added information about the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division from 1950 (Page 2, 1st Inf Div, Divisions section).
Also, added several Mystery Photos: #39 consists of two photos showing the surroundings of a US Army building in an unknown German city, 1949-50; #40 shows a motor pool full of jeeps, possibly Military Police (Mystery Photo Page). |
Dec 27, 2013 |
This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc. |