The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author of this web site is not responsible for the information contained on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site, or any products or services offered on that web site. The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links to connect to web sites that are not under his control. |
Jan 3, 2017 |
Added some information and photos from my personal collections: the Aschaffenburg Down Town Snack Bar in 1952 (Aschaffenburg Page); Boeblingen Service Club 1952 (Stuttgart Page); Patch Barracks scenes 1952 (Stuttgart Page) and the Four Seasons Hotel Annex transient billets in Frankfurt, 1952 (Frankfurt Page).
Also posted several emails: Dan Murphy who served with 1st Battalion, 77th Armor as part of the first contingent of Brigade 76 at Wiesbaden Air Base, 1976 (4th Inf Div (FWD) Page, Divisions section); also got an update from Richard Hofacker who remembers his visits to AFN Frankfurt in Höchst in 1947 (Publications Branch Page, Adjutant General section); John Henley, C Battery, 6th Battalion, 6th Artillery (HAWK) at Ingolstadt in the mid 1960s (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense). |
Jan 11, 2017 |
Posted two emails: Hank Haskell, served as officer in charge of the Busy Quartermaster Sub-Depot in France in the late 1950s (Metz Quartermaster Depot Page, Army Depots section); Medrick Northrop, served with D Battery, 6th Battalion, 62nd ADA (HAWK) near Wiesbaden in the mid-1960s (108th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section).
Also posted several other items: a link to Ferris Barracks YouTube videos created by Robert Black who served with the 4th Armored Division in Erlangen in the mid-1960s (Nuernberg Page, Kaserne section); a program submitted by James Stankiewicz for a bridging equipment demonstration held at Fliegerhorst Kaserne in Leipheim in 1954 (Neu Ulm Page); and photos of Camp Clarke (Lager Hammelburg) in Hammelburg from the early 1950s submitted by George Daigneault (Schweinfurt Page). |
Jan 18, 2017 |
Posted several photos from my collection: 14th Armored Cavarly Regiment and Fritzlar Kaserne in 1949-1950 (Kassel Page); 14th ACR commanding officer's sedan in front of Regt HQ at Ray Barracks, Friedberg, 1951 (Giessen Page); Downs Barracks, Fulda in 1954 (Fulda Page); the Garmisch PX in 1949 (Garmisch Page). |
Jan 19, 2017 |
Added the USFA NCO Academy Page to the HQ USFA section. |
Jan 25, 2017 |
Posted several emails: Bobby D. Austin who served with the US Navy at the La Pallice MSTS Office in the mid-1950s (Port Operations Page, COMZEUR section); Mark Foelker, former commanding officer of the 536th Military Police Company at Grafenwoehr in the late 1970s (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police); Jack Dawes, 7th Army AG Printing Plant at Patch Barracks, Vaihingen, in the mid-1960s (HQ 7th Army Page). |
Jan 29, 2017 |
Added some information on the reorganization of USAREUR combat service support maintenance resources in Germany in the 1975 (1970s chapter, Overview Page, Ordnance section).
Also posted some photos from my collection: 43rd AAA Bn (Page 2, 10th Inf Div, Division section) at Ferris Barracks, Erlangen in 1956 (Nurnberg Page, Kaserne section); Downtown PX in Wiesdbaden in 1951 (Wiesbaden Page). |
Feb 3, 2017 |
Posted some emails: Leslie Barnes, former Battalion S-2 for the 793rd Military Police Battalion and temproary commanding officer of HHD, 793rd MP Bn in the mid-1980s (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police section); information written down by Dean Carlson, former commanding officer of Det J-2 on the establishment of the ASA Wobeck Detachment (J-2, Schöningen, Germany) in the early 1960s (Remote Sites Page, ASA-Europe section); James Borwn, served in several different capacities with the 26th Signal Battalion incl. CO of Company B in the early 1960s (26th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Jim Goulding, 48th Aviation Company at Nellingen in the early 1980s (223rd Avn Bn Page, Aviation).
Feb 11, 2017 |
Added a Bad Mergentheim Sub-Post section to the Stuttgart Page. Includes information on the 7748th Dependents Housing Section which was responsible for temporary billeting and accomodations for military personnel and their families enroute to their new assignments in theater in the late 1940s and early 1950s. |
Feb 13, 2017 |
Added two articles from the STUTTGART POST NEWS from 1948: the Stuttgart Military Post Signal Section and the 7824th Station Complement Unit which was responsible for providing logistics support and houskeeping services to units stationed within its area of responsibility (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section). |
Feb 14, 2017 |
Posted a list of Labor Service/Civilian Labor units in December 1969 and their locations (Overview Page, Labor Service section). |
Feb 15, 2017 |
Added two additional articles from the STUTTGART POST NEWS 1948: the Stuttgart Post Exchange on Königstrasse and the Stuttgart Commissary on Königstrasse (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section). |
Feb 21, 2017 |
Posted several photos: the 518th Engineer Company in Austria early 1950s from my personal collection of (St Johann Page, Camp Directory, HQ USFA section); recent photos of the Hisel Tactical Defense site operated by C Battery, 2nd Bn, 62nd ADA (HAWK) - photos submitted by Francisco A. Siaca (108th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Feb 25, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Jon Ritchey, former commanding officer of Headquarters & Headquarters Detachment, 447th Signal Battalion at Pruem in the mid-1960s (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section); Chuck Hicks with the 377th Transportation Company (Heavy Truck) at Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen in the early 1960s (28th Trans Bn Page, Transportation); Dickie Towers, served with several units under the 15th Military Police Brigade in the early 1970s (15th MP Bde Page, Military Police); Edward Zaske, also served with the 15th MP Brigade at different posts in Germany in the early 1970s (15th MP Bde Page). Edward's post includes a copy of the movement orders (including roster of personnel) for HHD, 15th MP Bde's PCS move from Kaiserslautern to Mannheim in 1974. |
Mar 1, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Tom Wilson, "A" Company, 2nd Battalion, 68th Armor in Baumholder in the mid-1960s - he tells a story about the unit's involvement in providing security for the Nahbollenbach Supply Depot in 1965 (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions); Dave Baxter, served with the 4th Data Processing Unit but was detached to the Lohnsfeld Communications Station in the late 1980s (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Mark Gott, served with Aviation Company, 1st Armored Division at the Katterbach Airfield in the ealry 1970s (501st Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Also added from my personal collection two nice photos of the Post Hotel and Haus Geiger Hotel in Berchtesgaden from the early days of the Occupation (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section). |
Mar 10, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Mark Fields whose father served with the 332nd Engineer General Service Regiment in Germany in 1950 (Engineers - 1940s chapter, Overview Page, USFET section); Tom Bogan served as a tower operator at the airstrip in Wurzburg in the mid-1960s (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Oleh Godzak whose father served with the 7812th Station Complement Unit in Kaiserslautern in 1950 (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section).
Also added some photos of 5th Missile Battalion, 73rd Artillery, a SERGEANT missile unit, at Erlangen, submitted by Dave Merrill (35th FA Group Page, Field Artillery). |
Mar 12, 2017 |
Posted two emails: from Matt Mellenthin who served with the 25th Base Post Office at Bad Cannstatt in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Postal Units Page, Adjutant General section); and Bill Mahoney, Detachment 1, 2186th Communications Squadron at Moron Air Base, Spain in the early 1960s (AF Communications Page, USAFE Section). |
Mar 22, 2017 |
Posted a report on the 68th Ordnance Company's DS Shop at Rhine Ordnance Barracks in the mid-1960s (66th Ord/Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section). Report was submitted by Joseph Creati. |
Mar 25, 2017 |
Posted an email from Steve Witt who served initially with the 34th Signal Battalion (Corps) and then with HHC, 93rd Signal Brigade after the Brigade was activated in 1980 (34th Bn and 93rd Sig Bde Pages, Signal section). |
Mar 28, 2017 |
Added some very nice photos from my collection of activity at the Leghorn Port of Embarkation in the early 1950s (Leghorn POE Page, HQ USFA section). |
Apr 9, 2017 |
Added some great photos of Schloss Kaserne on the Butzbach Page (Kaserne section). |
Apr 15, 2017 |
Added two photos of Fort Apache, Passau from 1963 submitted by Mike Dolan (Regensburg Page, Kaserne section).
Also posted an email with photos submitted by R. Rankin who served with the Ammunition Renovation Company, 7831 A.U., at Trois Fontaines, France in the mid-1950s (Trois Fontaines Ordnance Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
Apr 18, 2017 |
Posted several emails: Al Shimizu who served two tours with the 649th Engineer Battalion (Topo) in the mid-1970s and mid-1980s (649th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); various emails from Larry Mayland and Ray Goldbacher, both assigned to the 8th Infantry Division at Bad Kreuznach in the early 1970s (Page 3, 8th Inf Div, Divisions section); David Smith, 58th Combat Engineer Company at Fulda late 1970s (11th ACR Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
Apr 23, 2017 |
Posted several photos of Bonames Army Airfield (a.k.a. Maurice Rose AAF) near Frankfurt from around 1960 (Bonames AAF Page, Army Airfield sub-menu, Army Aviation section). These pictures were submitted by Johnye Slaughter.
added a response to Mystery Photo #56 (Mystery Photo Page) submitted by Carsten Kattau, Germany. |
Apr 24, 2017 |
Posted some historical information on the Miesau Ammo Depot from the late 1960s (Miesau Ammo Depot Page, Army Depots section) and the 84th Ordnance Battalion (Ammo) from the early 1970s (84th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Apr 28, 2017 |
Added a photo album of Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Kaiserslautern pictures taken by Don Deeley who was assigned to HHC, 57th Ordnance Brigade in the mid-1950s (57th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). |
May 14, 2017 |
Added some very nice photos from my collection: Chiemsee Family Rest Center and the Berchtesgadener Hof Hotel in the late 1940s (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section).
Posted several emails: from Bessie Ferguson who was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 84th Field Artillery (PERSHING) and later to the 38th Signal Battalion in the early 1980s (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); David A. Hays, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment at Fulda in the mid-1970s (11th ACR Page, Armroed-Cavalry); John Lawrence, HHD, 793rd Military Police Battalion in Fürth in the early 1970s (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police).
Also posted some information on the Chiemsee Hotel being shut down at least on two occasions in the early 1950s to serve as temporary quarters for American dependents awaiting permanent housing in an effort to alleviatre a critical housing situation in EUCOM (Garmisch Page).
May 27, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Peter Riesz who served with the 34th General Hospital at Orleans, France in the early 1960s (Page 6, COMZEUR section); Bruce A Reynolds, Army dependent at Grefrath the late 1980s (5th USAAG, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); Norm Roberts served at the AUTODIN site on Husterhoeh Kaserne in Pirmasens, late 1960s/early 1970s (AUTODIN, Overview Page, Signal section); William Haynes who provides additional details on the flight line at Nellingen Army Airfield in the early 198-s (Nellingen AAF Page, Army Aviation section).
Also posted some information on a new book that was recently published (March 2017): Les Américains en France - La Communication Zone, 1950-1967 (COMZEUR Page); as well as two photos of the General Von Steuben Hotel in Garmisch in the 1960s, from my collection (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section).
Have added two responses to Mystery Photo Page - Robert Szostek on Mystery Photo #53 and Erik Lohof on #42C and posted two new Mystery Photos: #58 and #59.
June 4, 2017 |
Posted several photos from my collection or submitted by readers: USAREUR Quartermaster School at Prinz Heinrich Kaserne, Lenggries, 1950s (Bad Tölz Page, Kaserne section); Leipheim airstrip at Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Leipheim, early 1950s (Neu Ulm Page); OV-1 Mohawks at Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Hanau (Hanau Page) and the Seventh Army Aviation Safety and Standardization Detachment at Echterdingen Airfield (Stuttgart AAF Page, Army Aviation section), both in 1965, submitted by Bill Leonhardt. |
June 15, 2017 |
Posted an email from John Gorkowski who served at the Stuttgart Microwave and Tropo Site on Robinson Barracks, 1968-1972 (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Also added some information on the just added Mystery Photo #59 (Mystery Page). Information was provided
by Jim Dike, an Army brat whose family was stationed in Germany in the late 1960s. |
June 17, 2017 |
Posted an email from Chris Glen who was a member of the FRONTLINE newspaper staff at Würzburg in the mid 1960s (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section).
Added a very nice aerial photo of the Combat Command "B" area of Ferris Barracks from the late 1950s from my own collection (Nürnberg Page, Kaserne section).
Also added some lineage data for artillery battalions assigned to the 8th Infantry Division in the 1956-early 1970s time frame (Page 2, 8th Inf Div, Divisions section). |
June 24, 2017 |
Posted several items from my collections: a special issue of the SIKORSKY News highlighting the 7th Army Aviation Goup in 1960 (7th Trans Gp (Avn) Page, Army Aviation section); a 1951 Christmas Menu from the EUCOM Medical Training Center at Degerndorf (School Command Page). The menu includes rosters for all units located at Degerndorf in 1951.
Also added some photos of Fiori Barracks from the late 1960s that were submitted by Douglas Brown (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section). |
July 15, 2017 |
Posted several period photos (early Occupation period) from my collection: various activities of HQ European Command in the Headquarters Compound, Frankfurt (EUCOM Page); community shopping center at Bad Nauheim (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section); the main train station and military bus terminal at Heidelberg (Heidelberg Page); the community PX and train station at Garmisch (Garmisch Page).
Also added some information and a photo of the Vehicle Processing Center at Bremerhaven POE from 1957 (Bremerhaven POE Page, Transportation section). |
July 23, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Leonard Duarte who served in Kitzingen with Company B, 3rd Aviation Battalion in the early 1960s (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Joe McMillian served with the 83rd Engineer Construction Battalion in France and moved with the battalion to Heilbronn in 1966 (83rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); Bryan Booker, 324th Signal Company and then HQ 72nd Signal Battalion at Neureut Kaserne, Karlsruhe in the late 1980s (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Chuck Heinze with HHB, 10th Artillery Group (Air Defense) in Darmstadt in the late 1960s (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense). |
July 27, 2017 |
Posted some great pictures submitted by David Olson, son of Darrell Olson who served in the Communications Zone in the mid-1950s. Pictures show the wet storage site at Le Pellerin (USAREUR Marine Reserve Fleet Page, Transportation section) and the Rochefort Arsenal and Boat Basin at Rochefort, France (Port Operations Page, COMZEUR section). |
Aug 6, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Mike Dean who served with 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, one of the first Brigade 76 units to arrive in Germany in 1976 (4th Bde, 4th ID(M) Page, Divisions section); Tim Parker served with the Special Operations Detachment at Camp Dahn, near Pirmasens in the early 1970s (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal); Debby Goforth, with the 76th Transportation Company in Pirmasens, late 1970s (53rd Trans Bn Page, Transportation).
Also added several photos from my collection or submitted by readers: Harbor House Hotel, US transient quarters, in Bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Page); Manteuffel Kaserne/Daley Barracks in Bad Kissingen in the early Occupation period submitted by Carrington Stoffel (Schweinfurt Page); Melibokus Radio Station near Darmstadt in 1955 submitted by Donald Neely (Melibokus Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites). |
Sep 18, 2017 |
OK. Looks like we are a GO on the new server.
I still have several links to update on the website in the next few days but will start adding tomorrow some of the new information and photos that have accumulated over the past weeks.
Appreciate everybody's
patience during the migration to a new server! |
Sep 19, 2017 |
Posted several emails: from Melvin Giles who served with the 30th Transportation Company (Army Aircraft Maintenance) in Hanau in the mid-1950s (41st Trans Bn (AAM) Page, Army Aviation section); Dana Atchley, Aviation Section, 32nd Signal Battalion at Bonames in the late 1960s (Bonames AAF Page).
Also added photos from various collections:
Wesley Miller, Cooke Barracks, around 1971 (Göppingen Page); General James H. Polk collection, change of command ceremony in August 1961 at Cooke Barracks (4th Armd Div Page). |
Sep 24, 2017 |
Added some photos recently added to my collection: EUCOM Intelligence School in 1947, includes an aerial view of Hötzendorf Kaserne (Hawkins Barracks) (Garmisch Page); Strub Kaserne in 1949 in Berchtesgaden, includes an aerial view of Strub Kaserne (Garmisch Page), Stanggass Kaserne (Berchtesgaden Sub Post HQ) in Berchtesgaden 1949 (Garmisch Page); and additional photos of US facilities in Berchtesgaden (Garmisch Page). |
Sep 25, 2017 |
Reorganized the main page for the 24th Infantry Division and added some Division history (24th Inf Div Page). |
Oct 5, 2017 |
Posted an email from George Currier who served with the 18th Engineer Combat Battalion in Giessen and later in Wurzburg, mid 1950s (18th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).
Added information on the Directorate of Logistics, US Forces, Austria (HQ USFA Page) and on the MOZART Duty Train (Transportation Page, USFA) in the late 1940s.
Also added some photos of Gneisenau Kaserne (Barton Barracks) in Ansbach in the early 1950s taken by Malcolm Blohn and submitted by his daughter, Pam Falcioni (USAREUR Signal School section,
US Army Technical Schools - Germany Page). |
Oct 22, 2017 |
Added information on the European Command Engineer School in Murnau from 1949 and 1952 (School Command Page); and on the origin of the prepositioning concept which would later result in the POMCUS program (CEGE Page, Logistical Commands section).
Also added the IVY LEAVES (4th Inf Div newspaper) October 9, 1952 issue as well as the special insert commemorating the division's 35th anniversary (4th Inf Div Page, Division). |
Oct 27, 2017 |
Posted two emails: from Barbara L. Sorden Mills who served with A Battery, 3rd Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery at Schweinfurt in the late 1980s (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section); Yossef Aelony, an Army physician at the 189th Medical Detachment in Weierhof in the late 1960s (Worms Page, Kaserne section).
Also added several very nice photos of Camp Nainhof, Hohenfels submitted by Kimball (Kim) who was an Army dependent at Hohenfels where his father worked as the principal of the Hohenfels Elementary School in the 1960s (Grafenwoehr Page); and, from my collection, some photos of US Naval Advanced Base at Marine Barracks in Bremerhaven in 1953 (Bremerhaven Page). |
Oct 28, 2017 |
Added some information on the depots and off-depot storage sites in the Communications Zone, Europe in 1958 (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Nov 6, 2017 |
While doing some research for the website at the Army Heritage Center at Carlisle Barracks, PA, I came across a copy of a report on the Seventh Army Aviation Conference held at Patch Barracks, Vaihingen in January 1959. I scanned several chapters and am presentng them on the Overview Page, Army Aviation section. |
Nov 8, 2017 |
Added information on US Constabulary history: the Organization Day pamphlet for the 24th Constabulary Squadron in 1950 (incl. rosters) (US Constabulary Page, Constabulary section); and HQ US Constabulary, General Order #14, 11 May 1949 that includes information on activations and inactivations of certain Constabulary units (US Constabulary Page). |
Nov 12, 2017 |
Added information on several topics: Mainz Maintenance Depot in 1975 (Mainz Depot Page, Army Depots sub-menu, Ordnance section); Ober-Ramstadt Depot Activity in 1954 & 1980 (Ober-Ramstadt Page, Rebuild Shops sub-menu, Ordnance).
Also posted two emails: from John Brewer who served with
the 507th Heavy Equipment Maintenance Company at Grossauheim in the mid-1960s (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance); David Roscher with a detachment of the 189th Military Police Company at Kaiserslautern Army Depot in the early 1970s (Kaiserslautern Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
Nov 19, 2017 |
Added some photos of the Schwäbisch Gmünd Ordnance Rebuild Plant from 1959 (Schwäbisch Gmünd Page, Rebuild Shops sub-menu, Ordnance). |
Nov 24, 2017 |
Added a new Mystery photo (Photo #60, Mystery Page). This is an aerial photo of a US Army installation west of the Rhine River taken by the 12th Air Force in the mid-1950s.
Posted several aerial photos of US installations in and around La Rochelle, France from around 1960.
Nov 27, 2017 |
Added additional information on Military Police units: 382nd MP Battalion and "A" Company, 382nd MP in 1953 (382nd MP Bn Page); 508th MP Battalion in 1953 (508th MP Bn Page); 709th MP Battalion in 1953 (709th MP Bn Page); the Central MP Station in downtown Frankfurt in 1953 (709th MP Bn Page); role of the USAREUR Military Police in Operation Big Switch in 1957/1958 (7th Army Page). |
Dec 3, 2017 |
Posted some photos from my personal collection: aerial photo of the Gernsheim swing bridge site in the mid-1950s (6960th Civ Labor Gp Page, Engineer section); aerial photo of Artillery Kaserne at Neckarsulm in the late 1950s (Heilbronn Page, Kaserne section); activities at the Marburg Quartermaster Depot in 1947 (Marburg QM Reclamation Depot Page, Quartermaster section).
Also added the December 5, 1952 copy of THE GUARDIAN, the V Corps newspaper (V Corps Page). |
Dec 18, 2017 |
Posted some photos submitted by Bob Medlock who served with a detachment of the 26th Signal Battalion at Artillery Kaserne, Neckarsulm, in support of the 46th Field Artillery Group (REDSTONE) in 1962 (46th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section). |
Dec 31, 2017 |
Posted some photos from various sources: Mark Gehman who served with a detachment of the 319th USASA Battalion attached to the 24th Infantry Division at Flak Kaserne, Augsburg in the mid-1960s (319th USASA Bn Page & Augsburg Page); Glen Bergen, also at Flak Kaserne, Augsburg, served there with the Army Security Agency in the early 1980s (Augsburg Page); and some photos from my collection - a nice photo of Taukkunen Barracks, Worms from the late 1960s after the Communications Zone Headquarters moved there in 1967 (Worms Page); a photo of the Augsburg Autobahn service station (I believe) and one of the Alpine Way Autobahn Snack Bar (near Chiemsee?), both from 1953 (AAFES Europe Page).
Also added some emails: from Jim Stanley who served with the 122nd Aviation Company in Hanau in the late 1960s (15th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation); Ron Fox, with Battery "A," 6th MSL Bn, 59th Arty (HAWK) at Fliegerhorst Kaserne, Hanau in the early 1960s (10th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section).
Finally, to close out the year, I created a timeline for the Exchange System in Germany (AES - EES - AAFES-Eur) and posted it on the AAFES Europe Page. More details will be added to the timeline as I continue to do research and also get feedback from our readers.
HAPPY NEW YEAR every one! |
This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc. |