The "U.S. Army in Germany, 1945-1989" website was initiated in 2002 to serve as a resource center for unit histories, photos, personal recollections and other related information pertaining to the United States Army's presence in Germany and the rest of Europe from the immediate post-WWII period to the end of the Cold War in Europe.
I have been doing research on the history of U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) for more than thirty years and have chosen to use the Web as a
means for contributing - in a small way - to the study of the history of USAREUR. In addition, a significant part of the materials presented have been contributed by former members of units assigned or attached to USAREUR over the years or by others who share the same interest in the history of USAREUR.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information posted on the website, I cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the materials on this site. Corrections, suggestions, comments and submissions of additional matrials are ALWAYS WELCOME!
to other web sites are provided for your convenience. The author
of this web site is not responsible for the information contained
on those web sites. The provision of a link to another web site
does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the author of that web site,
or any products or services offered on that web site.
The author will not accept any liability for the use of those links
to connect to web sites that are not under his control. |
1, 2010 |
STATUS OF USARMYGERMANY.COM - As of January 1, 2010 we have 7028 HTML pages of which 602 are major unit/command pages; over 21,500 images; 22 Adobe PDF files; and 9 MS Word documents.
A large segment of the information and images has been graciously provided by our readers. |
Posted photos of the 229th Signal Company from the 1961-1962 time frame submitted by Donald Kosa (160th Sig Bde Page, Signal section); also photos of AFCENT Station #11 at Wahlhausen, Luxembourg, during the mid-1960s submitted by Manfred Knake, German Air Force (NATO Communications chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). Added an email from Don Boice with the 501st Ord Co (Ammo) in the mid-1960s (101st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Jan 7, 2010 |
Posted a unit history of the 443rd Ordnance Ammo Company from 1954 and a company roster from that period submitted by Romeo LaCombe, Jr. (57th Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section). |
Jan 9, 2010 |
Added information on the Schwäbisch-Gmünd Ordnance Rebuild Plant in 1959 (51st Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section). |
Jan 10, 2010 |
Added the Annual History of the 319th USASA Battalion from 1958. I recently had this and several other ASA unit histories declassified through FOIA and will add these with time to the site (319th ASA Bn Page, ASA Europe section). Also added an organizational chart for the 319th USASA Bn for July 1959. |
Jan 15, 2010 |
Added information on Rotterdam Sub-port in 1959 (Trans Terminal Comd Europe Page, Transportation section).
Posted several emails: Don Rohrbaugh, 293rd Signal Company , France, mid-1960s (106th Sig Gp Page, Signal section); Max Strässner, Labor Service Unit "C", mid 1950s - with some very interesting photos (Rhine River Patrol chapter, US Navy, Germany Page); John Anderson, A Co, 1st Signal Battalion at Site 09 (EDCN).
Jan 17, 2010 |
Added the May 25, 1951 issue of The Munich American (Munich Military Post newspaper) (Munich Page, Kaserne section); also added the May 5, 1967 issue of The Chronicle (US Army Area Command newspaper) (Area Command Page). |
Jan 19, 2010 |
Posted and email from Rodney J. Johnson, 519th Trans Co (CAR) at Heidelberg in the 1970s (26th Support Group chapter, USAREUR & Seventh Army Troops Page, HQ USAREUR section).
Also added information on the 181st Transportation Battalion in 1970
(181st Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). |
Jan 20, 2010 |
Posted some information and a few photos of the 250th Station Hospital, Regensburg, and 115th Station Hospital, Augsburg, during the early Occupation days (Regensburg Page and Augsburg Page, Kaserne section). |
Jan 26, 2010 |
Sorry, could not update the website for the past few days due to technical difficulties with my Internet services. But now I am online again.
Added some command history information for 1960: 86th Air Division (Defense) (Ramstein AB) and the Sector Operations Center (86th Air Div (Def) Command Histories, Page 2 (US Units), USAFE TACS, Air Defense section). I will be posting a lot more on this topic in the near future. |
Feb 1, 2010 |
Posted the special 1970 Unit Issue of the ROLLING REVIEW, 4th Armored Division newspaper (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
Feb 2, 2010 |
Started a page on the 24th Aviation Battalion - looking for additional input from the readers (24th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). Also posted additional information on the Rotterdam Terminal subordinate to POE Bremerhaven (Trans Terminal Comd Eur Page, Transportation section). |
Feb 5, 2010 |
Posted information with photos submitted by Frank Matheny, HQ Company, US Army General Depot Kaiserslautern, 1960s (Kaiserslautern Army Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
Feb 6, 2010 |
Feb 7, 2010 |
Posted several emails: Wayne Lutz, HHC, 3rd Bde, 3rd Inf Div, Aschaffenburg (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section); Bud Kreitle, Co B, 56th QM Bn (56th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section). |
Feb 11, 2010 |
Posted photos of the 6th Infantry Regiment in Berlin in the 1949/50 period submitted by Patrick Koetz (Berlin Brigade Page). Also posted a wonderful color slide from my collection showing the POE facility at Columbus Quay and the MSTS headquarters building in Bremerhaven, early 1960s (Trans Terminal Comd Europe Page, Transportation section). |
Feb 12, 2010 |
Posted an email from Steve Korth, A Company, 447th Sig Bn at Pruem in the late 1960s (447th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Feb 13, 2010 |
Added the Annual History of the 318th USASA Battalion from 1958. (318th ASA Bn Page, ASA Europe section). Also added an organizational chart for the 318th USASA Bn for 1959. Added a scan of an invitation card to a Castle Garden Party at the Von Brüning Castle (Hoechst Schloss) in Frankfurt-Hoechst on occasion of the 18th anniversary of AFN in Europe.
Also posted several emails: Scott Jones, 294th Arty Group in Itzehoe, Germany (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); Ron Youngman, Headquarters AWSCOM (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance). |
Feb 14, 2010 |
Created the US Army Equipment Support Group Page (Ordnance section) and consolidated several articles that had been posted on various unit pages. Also added some additional information on this group which was under the US Army Area Command in the 1960s. Also created the Hanau Engineer Depot Page in the Army Depot section. Posted some information on the closing of the Hanau Engr Depot in 1954. |
Feb 15, 2010 |
Created an overview map that shows the various locations of units and SW storage sites of the 294th US Army Artillery Group in northern Germany from 1961-1992 (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). If you move the mouse to the SAS locations and left-click on it, the page will open Google Earth and take you to a recent bird's eye view of the SW storage area. I have not verified yet if there was a SAS near Breitenburg so there is no link to a bird's eye view for that. (I plan to create similar maps for the other former USAAG's under the 59th Ord Bde.) |
Feb 23, 2010 |
Posted several emails: Paul Mullen, Co A, 8th Avn Bn in the mid-1960s (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); Daniel Manus, AADCP 10th ADA Group (10th ADA GP Page, Air Defense section). |
Feb 25, 2010 |
Posted several emails: Ray Zugel, various 576th Arty Gp units in the mid-1960s (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); Rick McBee, 512th Arty Gp in the early 1970s (59th Ord Bde Page).
Also posted some photos of Finthen Army Airfield submitted by Paul Mullen (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation).
Mar 3, 2010 |
Posted information on the Improved HAWK missile system (Overview Page, Air Defense section) and great photos of the Giessen tactical site (near Annerod) of A Battery, 2nd Bn, 2nd ADA in the 1970s - submitted by Larry Hicks and Wayne Mineard (10th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense). |
Mar 6, 2010 |
Posted an email from Bert Link, 77th and 79th Engr Cons Bn, late 1950s (39th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section).
Also added some unit history information on the 20th Belgian Artillery Battalion, a nuclear-capable division artillery unit that was supported by the 4th USAFAD (Page 2 (NATO Nuc Arty), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
Mar 7, 2010 |
Posted some photos of Gutleut Kaserne, Frankfurt submitted by Randy Arneson, 228th AG Postal Unit in the early 1970s (1st PERSCOM Page, Adjutant General section).
Posted an email from Clarence Walters, 899th Tank Bn, mid-1950s (4th Armor Gp Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
Mar 9, 2010 |
Posted an email from Lyn Garland, 10th Ord Bn (SWS), late 1950s (71st Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section).
Also added some unit history information on the 3rd Belgian Artillery Battalion, a nuclear-capable division later corps artillery unit that was supported by the 33rd and 4th USAFAD (Page 2 (NATO Nuc Arty), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
Mar 14, 2010 |
Posted an email with photos from Stanley Sandidge, B Company, 293rd Engr Cons Bn mid-1970s (293rd Engr Bn Page, Engineer section).
Added a series of photos of Ammunition Supply Point #4 at Baumholder in the late 1950s (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); several photos of 2nd Bn, 92nd Artillery in Giessen equipped with the M55 8-inch SP howitzer (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section). |
Mar 16, 2010 |
Posted a timeline for I BE Corps nuclear-capable units and their US Army warhead custodial units - this is an attempt to schematically show the primary changes that occurred between 1960-1978 (Page 2 (NATO Nuc Arty), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). I would be very interested in hearing from anyone - especially Belgian and American vets who served with the listed units - who has suggestions, additions or corrections to this timeline. I do not have enough information on the ADM mission but will add that to the timeline when I have some additional details. (I do not show the Belgian support units that performed security and transportation missions related to the nuclear artillery units. Those will be presented in a separate timeline.) |
Mar 21, 2010 |
Posted a timeline for I NE Corps nuclear-capable units and their US Army warhead custodial units - this is an attempt to schematically show the primary changes that occurred between 1960-1978 (Page 2 (NATO Nuc Arty), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). I would be very interested in hearing from anyone - especially Dutch and American vets who served with the listed units - who has suggestions, additions or corrections to this timeline. I do not have any information on the ADM mission but will add that to the timeline when I have some additional details. (I do not show the Ducth support units that performed security and transportation missions related to the nuclear artillery units. Those will be presented in a separate timeline.) |
Mar 28, 2010 |
Posted several emails: from Dan Medina, 22nd US Army Missile Detachment, Sennelager, 1960s; Greg "Mark" Borgeson, 69th USAFAD, Menden, 1980s (both on the 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). |
Mar 30, 2010 |
Created a new US Forces, Austria Table of Contents frame. Started to merge the HQ USFA Page and 350th Inf Regt Page from the old USFA website into the usarmygerman.com domain. This will provide a more consistent interface and allow the Site Search Engine to include USFA topics for the convenience of the reader. I will also be consolidating many of the earlier USFA articles and contributions and rearranging pages to make browsing and access easier (at least that is the plan).
This process will take some time - so, please be patient! Access to the original website (www.usfava.com) will remain intact until everything has been merged. |
Apr 2, 2010 |
Posted a 1949 U.S. Forces, Austria Telephone Directory for the Salzburg Area (48 pages). Directory also includes HQ USFA Command Section (still located in Vienna at this time) and Vienna Post numbers. (The Alphabetical Section - individual subscribers - has not been posted.) (HQ USFA Page, USFA section). |
Apr 8, 2010 |
Posted an email from Jim Landgraf, C Battery, 3rd Gun Bn (280mm), 84th Arty (42nd FA Bde Page, Field Artillery).
Made some additional progress in moving and reorganizing pages from the old USFA website: added the Special Troops, Tactical Command, 4th Recon Bn, 510th FA Bn, 11th AAA Bn, 63rd Sig Bn and 796th MP Bn Pages. Also created a Camp Directory similar to the Kaserne Directory I have for USAREUR (USFA section). |
Apr 9, 2010 |
Posted information on the Communications Engineering Dept of STRATCOM-EUR from 1970 (STRATCOM-EUR Page, Signal section). |
Apr 11, 2010 |
Posted some personal recollections by Joseph "Buck" Camp, Jr who was a CH-34 pilot with A Company, 8th Avn Bn in the mid 1960s (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); also some materials submitted by Jerome Rolefson who served as Chief of the Development Office at 7th Army Stock Control Center in the late 1950s, Project MASS (7th Army Stock Control Center chapter, 7th Army Page).
Posted an email from Jerry Paulsrud, 415th ASA Co in Augsburg, mid-1970s (Army Security Agency Page).
Apr 13, 2010 |
Added some information on the impact of the original REFORGER on 3rd Brigade (24th Inf Div) which was designated to remain in Germany as the forward deployed element of the 24th Inf Div (Army Security Agency Page). |
Apr 14, 2010 |
Posted an email from John Woods, 509th QM Company (Petroleum Depot) at Pirmasens in the late 1950s (US Army Petroleum Distribution Comd, Eur Page, Communications Zone section). |
Apr 17, 2010 |
Added information on the status of the military telephone system in Germany in the mid-1970s (Overview Page Page, Signal section); added two maps showing the locations of surviving EES / AAFES autobahn service stations in 1974 and 1985 (AAFES-Eur Page). |
Apr 18, 2010 |
Added a new unidentified photo to the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help on this one.
Added information on the 501st Ord Co (Ammo) and ASP 972 (101st Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Apr 20, 2010 |
Added a command structure chart of USEUCOM and Allied Command Europe from 1968 that illustrates the NATO "dual-hat" concept in which a national commander also had a NATO title (USEUCOM Page).
We also have an answer from Phil Newton on Mystery Photo #20.
Apr 21, 2010 |
Posted an email and many photos submitted by Joe McKnight, whose father - Alvin C. McKnight - served with the 291st Engineer Heavy Equipment Company in Kaiserslautern and Karlsruhe, early 1950s (39th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section). |
Apr 23, 2010 |
Added some information on the Pirmasens Army Depot from 1969 - including underground and ABREST warehouses (Pirmasens Army Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
Apr 24, 2010 |

Just discovered a website called "American History in Video."
They are presently offering free access to their videos until APRIL 30, 2010. (After that you will have to pay a subscription to view their videos.)
The reason I am suggesting that you take a look at it is their collection of digitized episodes of the BIG PICTURE TV series from the 1950s.
For example, Episode 224 covers the Seventh Army in Germany in 1952 (click on the thumbnail on the top left to go directly to that video).
Episode 282 covers the Technical Service Schools in USAREUR in 1954 (click on the thumbnail on the center left to go directly to that video).
For the veterans who served with US Forces, Austria (USFA) there is Episode 269 - Soldier in Austria (1954) (click on the thumbnail on the bottom left to go directly to that video).
There are several other episodes in their Big Picture collection that cover various aspects of US Army Europe operations in the 1950s.
Very interesting! |
Apr 25, 2010 |
Posted some emails: Leroy Dale Jones, D Co, 8th Cbt Avn Bn, late 1970s (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section) -- also cleaned up and rearranged the 8th Avn Bn Page; John Woods with his second tour in Germany at the Bellheim Tank Farm (US Army Petroleum Distribution Comd, Eur Page, Communications Zone section).
Also added an installation map for Alabama Depot (Munich Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 30, 2010 |
Added information on the 7th Army Support Command at Rheinberg from 1985 and the drawdown in 1990 (7th Support Command Page, Support Commands section). |
May 1, 2010 |
Added a new unidentified photo to the Mystery Photo Page. Might be Frankfurt.
Posted a good part of the contents of the Headquarters Third US Army Telephone Directory for October 1946 (Third Army Page, USFET section). |
May 3, 2010 |
Posted a 1946 Third U.S. Army Telephone Directory (34 pages). (The Alphabetical Section - individual subscribers - has not been posted.) (Third Army Page, USFET section).
Also posted some photos showing a ceremony at Third US Army headquarters (Campbell Barracks) with Gen Joseph T. McNarney as guest - this just a few weeks before the inactivation of TUSA in 1947. The photos were submitted by Jay Pesek whose grandfather, Carl P. Croninger, served on the TUSA staff (G-4 Division) in the early Occupation days (Third Army Page). |
May 4, 2010 |
Posted an email with photos from Dean Hobbensiefken, 557th Ord Co (DS) in the mid-1950s (85th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
May 6, 2010 |
Posted an email with photos from Jim Callahan, 1st Observation Bn, 26th Artillery, late 1950s (V Corps Page, Corps section). |
May 9, 2010 |
For the old Heidelbergers among us and to mark the 65th anniversary of VE-Day, I am posting a great bird's eye view of the old part of Heidelberg as it appeared through the lens of a photo reconnaissance plane of 22nd PRS on May 7, 1945 - just two days before the official end of the war in Europe (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section).
Also posted some emails and photos: Wayne Bailey, 3rd HOW Bn, 37th Arty at Dolan Bks in the early 1960s (35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery section); recent photos of the ABREST bunkers near Pirmasens submitted by Sebastian Hoock, Germany (Pirmasens Army Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
May 9, 2010 |
Posted an email from John Trouve, Fontenet Army Depot in the early 1960s (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
May 13, 2010 |
Added information on the EUCOM engineer rebuild program in 1950 (Overview Page, Rebuild Shops, Ordnance section). |
May 23, 2010 |
Posted several emails: Grace V. Davidson, 415th ASA Co, late 1970s (Army Scty Agency Page); Richard Kyllonen, 62nd Engr Co (TOPO) in Italy, late 1950s; George Cannon, 32nd MSL Detachment, Nienburg, 1960s (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section); Michael Hillhouse, TADDS, 93rd Sig Bn, early 1970s (93rd Sig Bn Page, Signal). |
May 30, 2010 |
Posted some great photos of 8-inch towed howitzers of 3rd HOW Bn, 37th Arty submitted by Richard Martin (35th FA Group Page, Field Artillery); an email from Thomas S. Schorr, Jr. last CO of HHC, 59th Ord Bde (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance).
Also added information on the 32nd AADCOM in 1974 (32nd AADCOM Page, Air Defense section).
Jun 25, 2010 |
Just returned from a 3-week vacation in Italy. Wonderful times!!!
Have lots of emails to respond to - please be patient. Will take some time.
Added an email from Dave Stalker who served with the 77th Ord Co at Index Kaserne and then Funker Kaserne in Esslingen (80th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). (Added Index Kaserne with Google Maps location to the Kaserne Page.)
Also added links to two hot news items out of present-day US Army, Europe that could be of interest to the readers: the announcement (with details) that the Heidelberg and Mannheim communities will be drawing down over the next few years and the upcoming Fest Week at Grafenwoehr celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Training Area. |
Jun 27, 2010 |
Added some information on the Ober Ramstadt Tire Rebuild Depot from 1976 (Ober Ramstadt Page, Rebuild Shops, Ordnance section). |
Jul 3, 2010 |
Added some information on 2nd Armored Divsion (Forward) (2nd Armd Div (FWD) Page, Divisions section). |
Added a link to the commemorative issue of the TRAINING JOURNAL (7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command pub) that was issued recently and celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the Grafenwoehr Truppenübungsplatz/Training Area (7th Army Tank Training Center Page, 7th Army section).
Posted information on the Improved Antiaircraft Fire Control System T38 from 1955 (Fire Control Systems chapter, Overview Page, Air Defense section).
Jul 5, 2010 |
Posted an email with photos submitted by Brian P. Melton, 3rd Bn, 61st ADA at Armstrong Ksn, Buedingen, mid-1980s (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jul 11, 2010 |
Posted photos submitted by Bob Walls, 529th MP Company - USAREUR Honor Guard in Heidelberg, early 1970s (USAREUR & Seventh Army Page, 26th Support Gp, HQ USAREUR section). |
Jul 17, 2010 |
Added photos from my collection - HQ V Corps motor pool at Gibbs Barracks, Frankfurt, 1950s (V Corps Page, Corps section).
Posted an email from Patrick Tempel, C Co, 11th AD Sig Bn, 1968 (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section).
Jul 19, 2010 |
Added some information on the Stuttgart Military Post from the late 1940s (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section). |
Jul 20, 2010 |
Added an email from Woodrow Hall, Co B, 793rd MP Bn at Hohenfels in the early 1960s (793rd MP Bn Page, Military Police section). |
Jul 22, 2010 |
Posted the June 24 1982 issue of the FRANKFURT CHRONICLE, Frankfurt MILCOM newspaper (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). |
Jul 23, 2010 |
Posted an email from Rick Prescott, HHC, 319th ASA Bn in the early 1970s (and later with several other ASA units in Germany) (319th ASA Bn Page, Army Scty Agency Europe section).
Added several articles from the Frankfurt Chronicle: the inactivation of the 4th Transportation Command in Dec 1989 (4th Trans Bde Page,
Transportation section); 12th Avn Bde in Wiesbaden (12th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation). |
Jul 24, 2010 |
Added some information on the 2040th Civilian Support Gp in 1982 (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Jul 25, 2010 |
Added some information on the 90th Personnel & Administration Battalion and the 575th Personnel Services Company (Pers Svc Units Page, Adjutant General section). |
Jul 28, 2010 |
Posted an article on the 575th Personnel Service Company from the ABOUT TOWN, Darmstadt military community newspaper, from 1988 (Pers Svc Units Page, Adjutant General section). |
Jul 29, 2010 |
Posted an article on the Dial Central Office, Cambrai-Fritsch Kaserne operated by the 232nd Sig Co in 1982 (102nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Jul 30, 2010 |
Posted the March 10 1982 issue of the ABOUT TOWN, Darmstadt MILCOM newspaper (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section). |
Jul 31, 2010 |
Added some information on several topics: the AN/TCC-7 Telephone Terminal and Telephone Carrier systems in the early 1950s (Overview Page, Signal section); a 1947 Special Services Information Bulletin for the Salzburg MilitaryCommunity, US Forces Austria (Zone Command Page, USFA section).
Also posted an email with some photos of Colin Caserne, Metz submitted by Larry Howell, whose father Roland W. Howell was stationed there during the Berlin Crisis (1961-62) (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Aug 2, 2010 |
Added some information on USAREUR's Modernization of US Facilities (MOUSF) program in the 1970s (Overview Page, Engineer section). |
Aug 5, 2010 |
Added some information on Det 2, 601st Direct Air Support Sq (DASS), an Air Force unit that supported VII Corps in the 1960s (VII Corps Page, Corps section). |
Aug 6, 2010 |
Added some information on the GOLDEN BEAR exercises held by the 601st Tactical Control Wing at Wiesbaden Air Base in the 1970s (Page 2, Tactical Air Control System section) and Det 1, 601st Tactical Control Gp which provided air support to V Corps in the 1960s (V Corps Page, Corps section). |
Aug 8, 2010 |
Added information: the Corps Exchange Point operated by 8th Maint Bn in Grossauheim in the 1970s; the reorganization of the 8th Maint Bn under COSTAR (8th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section); formation of 4th Brigade, 8th Inf Div - posted this information on a newly created 4th Bde Page (8th Infantry Division, Divisions section).
Posted a few photos of Jensen Barracks in Munich 1950s, home of the 7th Army NCO Academy (Munich Page, Kaserne section)
Aug 10, 2010 |
Posted the April 19 1982 issue of the NUERNBERG SENTINEL, Nuernberg MILCOM newspaper (Nuernberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 11, 2010 |
Posted an email with some photos of Finthen Airfield in the late 1950s submitted by Ingo Schlösser, chairman of the Historical Society of the town of Finthen, Germany. He (as well as this webmaster) is looking for information on US Army aviation operations at the airfield in the 1950s while it was still under operational control of the French military (Finthen AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section). |
Aug 12, 2010 |
Posted an email with photos of the 4018th Labor Service Company (Guard) at Camp Eschborn in the early 1950s submitted by Günter Möhlhenrich (6932nd LSC Page, Labor Service section). |
Aug 13, 2010 |
Posted the August 5 1983 issue of the PILLARS & POSTS, Wuerzburg MILCOM newspaper (Wuerzburg Page, Kaserne section).
Also added several articles: from the Jan 10 1983 issue of CREDENTIALS, the 8th Inf Div (Mech) newspaper, that describes the AH-1S Modernized Cobras flown by Co B, 8th CAB (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); from the July 4 1983 JOBBER, 2nd Support Command newspaper, some information on the 394th Trans Bn (AVIM) (394th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation); from the Dec 5 1983 issue of JOBBER, an article on the 45th Ord Co (87th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Aug 14, 2010 |
Posted the September 27 1982 issue of the JOBBER, 2nd Support Command newspaper (2nd SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section). This is a 16-page special edition that covers many aspects of 2nd SUPCOM's involvement in FTX Carbine Fortress during REFORGER 82.
Also added several articles on the 903rd Maint Company in Schweinfurt from 1982 issues of the JOBBER (87th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Aug 18, 2010 |
Added the 18th MP Bde Page and the 2nd Region USACIDC Page to the Military Police Section. |
Aug 21, 2010 |
Did some reorganizing and added information to several pages in the Military Intelligence section - 205th MI Bde, 207th MI Bde, several suboridnate nattalions and the Overview Page. More to be added soon. |
Aug 22, 2010 |
Posted some photos of Dolan Barracks from 2009 (Heilbronn Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 23, 2010 |
Received some additional input on Mystery Photo #15 from John Trouve who was stationed at the Saumur Signal Depot in France in the mid-1960s (Mystery Photo Page). |
Aug 25, 2010 |
Posted several items and two emails submitted by Therman Greene and Martin Krievs who both served at the Schwaebisch Gmuend Maintenance Plant in the late 1960s (Schwaebisch Gmuend Page, Ord Rebuild Shops sub-menu, Ordnance section). |
Aug 28, 2010 |
Posted an email with photos submitted by Dean Rectenwald, who served with 1st Arty Det and 85th Arty Det in the early 1970s (552nd USAAG and 557th USAAG chapters, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). |
Aug 31, 2010 |
Created the 80th Infantry Division Page (Occupation period) and posted the Sept 3 1945 issue of the 80TH FORWARD, the 80th Inf Div newspaper (USFET section). |
Sep 3, 2010 |
Posted an email from Phil Noto, 294th US Army Artillery Group in the early 1970s (294th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
Sep 4, 2010 |
Posted an email from William Burks who served with the 91st Trans Co (Lt Hcptr) which then became Co A, 8th Avn Bn, Finthen Army Airfield (54th Trans Bn (Hcptr) Page, Army Aviation section). |
Sep 5, 2010 |
Created an Air Force Communications in Europe Page (USAFE section) that will feature articles and histories of Air Force Communications Service units located in Europe during the Cold War and, along with US Army signal units, served as the backbone of the Defense Communications System in the European Theater. |
Sep 13, 2010 |
Added information on Nancy Ordnance Depot and photos from my collection (Army Depots Page, COMMZEUR section). Also posted emails from W.W. Fowler who served with the 91st Trans Co (Lt Hcptr) when the unit deployed to Europe in the late 1950s (54th Trans Bn (Hcptr) Page, Army Aviation section) and from Dick Izold who was with the Avn Section, 1st Bn, 81st FA (Pershing) in the 1960s when the battalion was located at Wackernheim (56th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section). |
Sep 18, 2010 |
Added information on the occupation mission of the 83rd Infantry Division Page in 1945 as well as a complete issue of the 83rd THUNDERBOLT which was the division newspaper at the time (XII Corps chapter, USFET section). |
Sep 19, 2010 |
Posted several emails: Greg Mosholder, D Btry, 3rd Bn, 71st ADA in Pforzheim 1980s (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section); Randy Gibbs, 661st Trans Co (GS) in the mid 1960s (205th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Sep 25, 2010 |
Posted an email from Jean Pierre Guigonis from France. He also provided a link to a 301GA website. Nice! Jean Pierre served with the 301st Artillery Group (Honest John) at Villingen. The 301st was supported by the 15th MSL Detachment, US Army in the 1960s (II French Corps chapter, Page 2 (NATO Nuclear Artillery), 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section). |
Sep 26, 2010 |
Posted photos of 2nd Bn, 37th Armor submitted by John Bogardus, late 1960s (4th Armd Div Page, Divisions section).
Also added information on: 205th Avn Co, Finthen AAF (4th Trans Bde Page, Transportation); units at Heidelberg AAF (Heidelberg AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports sub-menu, Army Aviation section).
Sep 29, 2010 |
Added information on the Air Force's Scope Communications system in Europe, 1970s (Air Force Communications Page, USAFE section). |
Sep 30, 2010 |
Added information on the 60th Aviation Company (Army), 1960s (15th Avn Gp Page, Army Aviation section).
Posted an email from Kenneth J. Rochon who served with the 269th Signal Company and HQ 1st Signal Gp in France in the mid 1960s
(1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section). |
Oct 9, 2010 |
Posted some photos of the Reichel Building, Rheinberg Military Community submitted by Charles and Crista Nickell (Rheinberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Oct 12, 2010 |
Added a lot of material to the Air Force Communications Page (USAFE section) - with lots more to come - including email and photos from Bill Richey, Ringstead Tropo Site, and Chris Cook, Barkway RRS. |
Oct 15, 2010 |
Added a detailed map of the western half of the 486L Mediterranean Communications System from the later 1960s (AF Communications Page, USAFE section). This map is still incomplete and might have a few errors. So help me out! I am looking for military and civilian personnel who served with AF Communications units (and Army personnel with the Signal Corps) who worked at any of the sites that made up the 486L MEDCOM system. Need additional input on sites, units (inlcuding detachments and operating locations), equipment and activities as well as photos, photos, photos. Suggestions on how to improve the map are always welcome!! |
Oct 17, 2010 |
Updated some of the links to Armed Forces Radio websites in the Related Links section of the AFN-Europe Page.
Added a link to the AFRTS Archives blog. Turn back the clock and listen to many of the old time favorite radio shows!!
Posted several emails: Philip Koslow, 30th Army Band, mid-1960s (Munich Page, Kaserne section); Joe Hale, 210th FA Group, late 1970s (210th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); Richard Oldham, 11th Engr C Group, mid-1950s (11th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section); William Teegarden, Det 3, 1989th CS at Soller, Mallorca (AF Communications Page, USAFE section).
Oct 18, 2010 |
Posted the entire Dec 18 1958 issue of THE PARISCOPE, Seine Area Command newspaper (Hqs COMZEUR Page, COMZEUR section). |
Oct 21, 2010 |
Posted some information on Headquarters USEUCOM at Patch Barracks, Vaihingen, from 1969 (HQ European Command Page). Also added information on Combat Equipment Battalion North in the late 1970s (CEGE Page, 21st SUPCOM section) |
Oct 23, 2010 |
Posted some information on the Swingate MW Relay Site on (AF Communications Page, USAFE section) |
Oct 26, 2010 |
Posted an email from Earl Miller, 78th Maint Co at BMF in the late 1970s (1st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section) |
Oct 27, 2010 |
Posted an email from Thomas Kean, Transportable Operations Co, 72nd Sig Bn, at Karlsruhe late 1960s (72nd Sig Bn Page, Signal section) |
Oct 29, 2010 |
Posted an email from Dave Anderson who served with the 70th USAFAD, a warhead custodial unit in Greece, in the early 1980s (558th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section)
Also posted some additional details on the Seventh Army Special Weapons School in Pirmasens and his subsequent USAREUR assignments provided by Lou Treadway; see Lou's original post under the 6th FA Battery (HJ) (35th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section). |
Nov 1, 2010 |
Created a page for the 559th US Army Artillery Group in SETAF (59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance section). Looking for more details and photos from former members of the 558th and 559th USAAG -- as well as Greek and Italian vets who served in commands and units supported by the Artillery Groups and their subordinate detachments. (Will work on 528th USAAG in Turkey next.) |
Nov 2, 2010 |
Posted a copy of a pamphlet issued by Headquarters AFSOUTH on occasion of the command's 10th Anniversary in 1961 (AFSOUTH Page). |
Nov 5, 2010 |
Posted some old photos of Hawkins Barracks (then Hötzendorf Kaserne) when it served as the European Theater Intellingence School after WWII (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section). |
Nov 7, 2010 |
Posted some old photos of the 6th Armd Inf Bn (later 12th Constabulary Sq) in Bamberg and Neustadt (1st Con Bde Page, US Constabulary section). |
Nov 11, 2010
Added some information on the Siegelbach Primary Relay site, a Plan 55 site operated by the 2005th Communications Sq in the 1950s and 1960s (1st Con Bde Page, US Constabulary section). |
Nov 13, 2010 |
Added an email with photos from Craig LaMotte who served with C Co, 11th AD Sig Bn at Relay Site Sunbeam (Mönchberg) in the late 1960s (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section).
Reorganized the Donnersberg, Hohenpeissenberg, Hohenstadt and Breitsol Radio Station Pages and created a Feldberg-Schwarzwald Radio Station Page.
This is part of a major overhaul and expansion of the Army and Air Force wideband communication sections of the website. Also added some new information to the 68th Sig Bn Page (Signal section). |
Nov 14, 2010 |
Posted an email from Jerry O'Farrell, HQ 69th ADA Group, early 1960s (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Nov 20, 2010 |
Added a request for assistance: Bernd Glanz, a German author, is working on an article for a well known military vehicle publication on camouflage patterns used on US Army vehicles in Germany - his focus right now is on MASSTER and Dual-Tex. See details on the 7th Army Camouflage Patterns Page.
Added some information on the Directorate of Management Information Systems at the Materiel Management Agency at Kreuzberg Kaserne, Zweibrücken in the early 1970s (USAMMAE Page, Logistical Commands section). |
Nov 21, 2010 |
Posted additional photos of the 317th Signal Bn (Construction) submitted by Victor Gensmer. Photos taken by his father when he was assigned to the 317th at Pirmasens in the early 1950s (317th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Nov 26, 2010 |
Posted a great group photo of B Company, 503rd Avn Bn at Buedingen Airfield in 1980. Photo submitted by Robert McAndrews (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Created the 97th QM Battalion Page and added some information from the 1967-69 period (Quartermaster section).
Nov 27, 2010 |
Added information on the early days of the 17th Data Processing Unit (then known as the Data Processing Company, V COSCOM) (Special Troops chapter, 3rd SUPCOM Page, Corps section); a data processing facility at Landstuhl under the 9th Hospital Center in 1967 (9th Hosp Cen Page, Medical section); reorganization efforts within USAREUR Hq to provide manpower for additional combat troops in 1972/73 (HQ USAREUR Page). |
Nov 28, 2010 |
Added information on the 8th Supply & Transportation Bn of the 8th Inf Div in 1970 (8th S&T Bn, Div Support Command chapter, 8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); the Unit Data Processing Equipment School at Maison Fort, France in 1964 (Com Z Data Processing Center chapter, Data Processing Page); additional information on "C Cubed," the nerve center of HQ USEUCOM in 1968 (USEUCOM Page).
Posted a link to an article by the USEUCOM History Office that provides some details on the move of Headquarters USEUCOM from Camp des Loges in Paris to Patch Barracks in Vaihingen in 1967 (USEUCOM Page).
Dec 3, 2010 |
Added information on the Com Z Transportation Command (predecessor of the Transportation Command, Europe and 4th Trans Bde) (4th Trans Comd Page, Transportation section); US Traffic Management Agency, Eur in 1964 (USTMA-Eur, Overview Page, Transportation section); conversion of four conventional HAWK battalions to selp-propelled battalions (32nd AADCOM Page, Air Defense section).
Also posted a copy of the 1954 Christmas Menu for US Army Hospital Frankfurt -- includes the hospital roster (USAH Frankfurt Page, Medical Corps Army Hospitals sub-menu, Medical section). |
Dec 4, 2010 |
Added information on 9th Infantry Division's Division Signal Supply Office which served as a pilot model for the implementation of Project MASS for signal repair parts (9th Inf Div Page, Divisions section).
Posted an entire copy (24 pages) of the Garmisch This Week for February 22 - 28 1958. This is a publication issued by Garmisch Sub-Area, APO 172, and lists events, activities and facilities at the Garmisch Recreation Area (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section). |
Dec 9, 2010 |
Added information on the M60A2 tank and its fielding in USAREUR 1975/1976 (Overview Page, Armored-Cavalry section). |
Dec 11, 2010 |
Added an email and photos from Albert Kornrumpf who served two tours at Radio Relay Site Austin, Donnersberg, C Co, 11th AD Signal Bn in the 1970s (11th AD Sig Bn Page, Air Defense section). Also, posted photos of the 8542nd Labor Service Company, a DUKW unit under the 6960th Civilian Labor Group ( 6960th CLG Bn Page, Labor Service section). |
Dec 12, 2010 |
Mannheimers - listen up!! Posted a request for assistance: A German author is working on a book (to be published in late 2011) on the US military community in Mannheim, Germany - from its inception in 1945 to 2011. Request is for photos and personal recollections.
Click here to read more about this project. |
Dec 17, 2010 |
Posted an email from Thomas Rowan, 124th Maintenance Company in the mid-1970s (1st Maint Bn Page, Ordnance section).
Added information on the WACom Ordnance Service Center at Kaiserslautern in the late 1950s (Area Commands Page). |
Dec 18, 2010 |
Posted an email from Lee Young, 1st Transportation Company, Maison Fort, Orleans, France, early 1960s (28th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section).
Added information on Ingrandes QM Depot of Com Z Base Section in the early 1950s (Ingrandes Depot chapter, Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). Also added a link to the Caserne Aboville (Poitiers) Yahoo Group. |
Dec 19, 2010 |
Added the AUG 1957 Station List for US Army units in France (COM Z) (COMEUR Page).
Posted an email with photos from John C. Dispirito who served with the 65th Data Processing Unit at Campbell Barracks, Heidelberg in the late 1960s (Data Processing Page). Also posted a few photos of Hawkins Barracks taken when John was TDY in 1968 at the US Army School located there (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section). |
Dec 20, 2010 |
Added the AUG 1957 Station List for US Army units in Germany (a 13 page listing of all USAREUR and 7th Army units stationed in West Germany and Berlin) (USAREUR Page). |
Dec 21, 2010 |
Added the AUG 1957 Station List for US Army units in Italy (SETAF Page). |
Dec 24, 2010 |
Added the Continental Teletype Traffic Routing Diagram for EUCOM, 1947 and a chart of the EUCOM Signal Organization in 1947 (1940s chapter, Overview Page, Signal section). |
Dec 26, 2010 |
Added several items on the EUCOM Signal mission in the 1940s (1940s chapter, Overview Page, Signal section) as well as one issue of The Semaphore, the 302nd Signal Operation Bn newspaper from September 1945 (Occupation Period Page, 7th Army section). The 302nd Sig Op Bn was located in Heidelberg and supported HQ Seventh US Army.
Posted several pages of the special 2nd Anniversary Issue (Jan 22 1953) of The Jayhawk, VII Corps newspaper (VII Corps Page, Corps section). |
Dec 29, 2010 |
Added additional information on the Rhine Engineer Depot (Kaiserslautern) (Kaiserslautern Army Depot Page, Army Depots section) and on the operation of swing bridges on the Rhine River (Overview Page, Engineer section). Also created the 14th QM Bn Page and posted information on the 621st General Supply Company, a subordinate unit of the 14th in the 1960s (Quartermaster section). Also included on the new 14th QM Bn Page is an article on the railway military clothing sales store utilized by the 14th QM Bn to service Army installations along the East German border. |
website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding
information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes,
units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions,
etc. |