Jan 1, 2011 |
Posted several emails: from Barry J. Fox who served with Detachment A, 313th Signal Co at Poitiers, France 1966-67 (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal section); Gerald Acord, 42nd Trans Co (Acft DS), Hanau (41st Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Jan 2, 2011 |
Posted photos submitted by Tony Soares, 90th Aviation Company, one of two USAREUR units that flew the CH-37 MOJAVE helicopter in the 1960s (8th Trans Bn Page, Army Aviation section).
Also added two historically interesting photos: Continental Base Section POL Station #4 from 1946 on the Autobahn near Karlsruhe; and Giessen Autobahn Service Station and Snack Bar from 1947. These early POL stations were the predecessors to the EES Autobahn Service Stations & Snack Bars familiar to so many of us from the 1950s through 1980s (AAFES-Eur Page). |
Jan 7, 2011 |
Added an Overview Page to the Quartermaster section and posted some information on the Quartermaster Corps mission in USAREUR during the 1950s (AAFES-Eur Page). |
Jan 8, 2011 |
Added information on the Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation from the 1950s (Bremerhaven POE Page, Transportation section). |
Jan 9, 2011 |
Posted several emails: Thomas Smith, 507th Ord Co (HAM) in the mid-1950s (8th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); Jose A. Munoz, 10th Special Forces Gp Aviation at Bad Tölz (Bad Toelz AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliport sub-menue, Army Aviation); S. McKnight with Detachment 1, 699th Maint Co at Babenhausen late 1970s (85th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance).
Also added some information on an upcoming Reunion for Lance Missile Battalions - May 20-21 2011 at San Antonio, TX. Details and contact information in the 1970s/LANCE chapter of the Overview Page, Field Artillery section. |
Jan 15, 2011 |
Posted a map of Stem (former Autobahn) Kaserne on Autobahn 656 at Seckenheim and several recent photos of the kaserne taken by Dan Nisto (Forgotten Memories website) (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
Jan 17, 2011 |
Posted photos submitted by Leonard Yniguez, Company A, 20th Trans Bn, Rose Barracks, BK early 1960s (20th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); two aerials of Sullivan Barracks from 1959 submitted by Alain Daillouz, France (Mannheim Page, Kaserne section).
Also posted some great photos of Marine Barracks in Bremerhaven from 1945 when elements of the 29th Infantry Division occupied the installation as part of the Occupation forces in the Bremen Enclave (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section). |
Jan 21, 2011 |
Posted some additional aerial photos submitted by Alain Daillouz, France - Sullivan Barracks 1952 and 1959 (Mannheim Page, Kaserne section) and Ayers Kaserne, Kirch Göns 1959 (Giessen Page, Kaserne). |
Jan 22, 2011 |
Added a new unidentified photo to the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the kaserne. |
Jan 23, 2011 |
Posted some information on the 299th Support Battalion, 1st Inf Div (Fwd) at Goeppingen, 1980s including some doctrinal information from 1969 (1st Inf Div (FWD) Page, Divisions section, and Forward Deployed Brigades Page, Seventh Army section). (The latter is currently being worked on - more to follow soon.)
Also posted an email from Thomas Rizzo who served with the 580th Engineer Company attached to the 40th Arty Group (REDSTONE) (40th Arty Gp Page, Field Artillery section).
Jan 24, 2011 |
Posted some comments and photos submitted by Hank Johnson whose father was CO of A Company, 2nd MTB, 13th Cav, 3rd Armd. He provides interesting input on the two Kirch Goens aerial photos submitted on Jan 21 by Alain Dailloux. (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions section). |
Jan 25, 2011 |
Added two additional unidentified photos to the Mystery Photo Page. These great aerial photos were submitted by Alain Dailloux. Need some help identifying the installations.
Posted a great aerial view of WAC Circle and the Frankfurt Shopping Center in Aug 1955 (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Photo was submitted by Hank Johnson. |
Jan 27, 2011 |
Added some information on the 63rd Signal Battalion, USFA, in 1955 (63rd Sig Bn Page, USFA section). |
Jan 29, 2011 |
Created the USFA Support Command Page (USFA section) and added some information on the Leghorn POE.
Added two more unidentified photos submitted by Alain Dailloux to the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the installations. |
Jan 30, 2011 |
Posted several emails: from Thurston Fogleman, Aviation Section, HHB, DivArty, Schleissheim (24th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); Ronald St. Peter, Air Section, 168th Engr Bn, Nellingen (168th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section); John Buckley with photos, 370th Engr Co (CS), Kleber Ksn, Kaiserslautern (24th Engr Gp Page, Engineer section and Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section). |
Feb 3, 2011 |
Posted an email from Col. Richard Polo, a former commander of the 9th Engineer Battalion in the early 1970s and of the 7th Engineer Brigade in the early 1980s (7th Engr Bde Page, Engineer section).
Looking for some assistance in compiling a list of hangars and using units at Hanau Army Airfield from the 1950s through the 1980s (Hanau AAF Page, Airfield sub-menu, Army Airfield section). |
Feb 5, 2011 |
Added information on the return of the American portion of the port of Livorno (Leghorn POE) to Italian authorities in the early 1970s (8th Logistical Comd Page, SETAF section).
Also added some photos of Wiley Barracks from 1956 (Neu Ulm Page, Kaserne section).
Posted several emails: from Jack Mutchler, C Battery, 3rd Bn, 7th ADA at Bamberg in the late 1960s (69th ADA Brigade Page, Air Defense section) as well as a recent aerial photo of the area around Bamberg AAF where I believe the tactcial site of Charlie Hawk was originally located (photo submitted by Mike Smith); from ed Nowicki, 183rd Ord Det in support of 3rd MSL Bn 7th Arty (69th ADA Bde Page); Stephen Wilson, original C Btry, 3rd MSL Bn, 7th Arty which was reflagged as B Btry, 6th MSL Bn, 59th Arty in 1962 (69th ADA Bde Page).
Added a recent aerial photo of Bamberg Army Airfield submitted by Mike Smith (Bamberg AAF Page, Airfield sub-menu, Army Aviation). |
Feb 6, 2011 |
Posted a response from Richard Wilder, 503rd Avn Co, to my Hanau AAF hangar question (Hanau AAF Page, Aviation Airfields sub-menu, Army Aviation). Also posted several photos of 503rd fixed-wing aircraft from the early 1960s that Richard submitted (503rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation). |
Feb 7, 2011 |
Posted several aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - Coleman Army Airfield (Coleman AAF Page, Army Aviation); Funari Barracks, Sullivan Barracks and Benjamin Franklin Village (Mannheim Page, Kaserne section); Taylor Barracks (Mannheim Page); Hammonds Barracks, Seckenheim (Mannheim Page); Sheridan Barracks (Garmisch Page, Kaserne section). |
Feb 10, 2011 |
Posted additional aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - Anderson Barracks, Dexheim (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section); Giessen Army Depot, Giessen and Ray Barracks, Friedberg (Giessen Page, Kaserne section). |
Feb 11, 2011 |
Posted additional aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - Landstuhl Medical Center (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section); Kaiserslautern Army Depot and Kleber Kaserne, Kaiserslautern (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section); Giebelstadt Army Airfield (Würzburg Page, Kaserne and Giebelstadt AAF Page, Army Airfield sub-menu, Army Aviation section). |
Feb 12, 2011 |
Alain Dailloux, France, has sent us another Mystery Photo challenge: added two unidentified photos to the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the installations.
Also, still working on the many wonderful aerial photos submitted by Mike Smith; today I posted the following: Drake Kaserne (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section); Anderson Barracks, Dexheim (Bad Kreuznach Page, Kaserne section); Kitzingen Army Airfield (Kitzingen AAF Page, Army Airfield sub-menu, Army Aviation section); Cambrai-Fritsch Kaserne, Kelly Barracks and Darmstadt AAF (Darmstadt Page); Goeppingen Army Airfield (Goeppingen Page). |
Feb 13, 2011 |
Added several wonderful LIFE magazine photos from 1961: a 280mm atomic cannon (ABOVE ALL) on a live fire range at Graf (Overview Page, Field Artillery section); a photo of all unit members (with names) of the 504th Aviation Company, 1962 submitted by Robert Mitchell (504th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section); a nice photo of a U-6A BEAVER in USAREUR with some information about the aircraft (Overview Page, Army Aviation).
Posted an email from Tom Hildreth with photos of the USAF Tropo Site at Elmadag, Turkey, 1968 (Air Force Communications Page, USAFE section).
Also added a link to a new special section on Bernd Deppisch's Wuerzburg-Photos.de website: new section is dedicated to former US Army installations in and around Wuerzburg (Wuerzburg Page, Kaserne section). Great photography! Turn your speaker volume down, though! Music is a little loud :-) |
Feb 14, 2011 |
Posted additional aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - Patch Barracks and Kelley Barracks (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section); Grafenwoehr AAF, Rose Barracks, Vilseck and Hohenfels Training Area (Grafenwoehr Page); Coleman Barracks, Sandhofen (Mannheim Page). |
Feb 17, 2011 |
Posted additional aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - Patton Barracks, Campbell Barracks, Heidelberg Army Hospital and Patrick Henry Village (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section); (more to be added).
Also posted an email and many photos of the 77th Trans Co, Dachau; HQ 106th Trans Bn, Ruesselheim; and 3rd Bn, 37th FA, Dachau. All submitted by John D'Asto (106th Trans Bn Page, Transportation, and 35th FA Gp Page, Field Artillery.) |
Feb 20, 2011 |
Posted additional aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - H.D. Smith Barracks (Baumholder Page, Kaserne section) and Germersheim Army Depot (Karlsruhe Page).
We received two responses to Mystery Photos 27A and 27B.
Posted several emails: Dale Roberts, 7th Army Stock Control Center, Zweibruecken (7th Army SCC Page, 7th Army section); Tom Kupski, A Co, 656th Engr Bn (TOPO) (656th Engr Bn Page, Engineers); Walt Barfield, 66th CIC Group (66th MI Bde Page, Military Intelligence section). |
Feb 21, 2011 |
More aerial photos of USAREUR installations submitted by Mike Smith - Conn Barracks and Airfield (Schweinfurt Page, Kaserne section); Wiesbaden Air Base (Wiesbaden Page). Also posted additional photos of the USAF HF Receiver Site at Incirlik, Turkey, 1967 submitted by Tom Hildreth (Air Force Communications Page, USAFE section).
Added links to online digital copies (streaming or download) of the Army's Big Picture Series episodes: The USAREUR Story (parts I and II) (HQ USAREUR Page) and Seventh Army (Seventh Army Page).
Feb 23, 2011 |
Alain Dailloux, France, has sent us another Mystery Photo challenge: this one shows an unidentifed Matador (USAFE) Missile Support Area (Mystery Photo Page). Need some help identifying this Air Force installation. |
Feb 24, 2011 |
Posted enroute maps and airport sketches for Giebelstadt AAF (Giebelstadt AAF Page, Army Aviation section), Finthen AAF (Finthen AAF Page) and Hanau AAF (Hanau AAF Page) from 1984. |
Feb 25, 2011 |
Added some information on the 148th Trans Truck Bn (148th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section) and the 154th Trans Truck Bn (154th Trans Bn Page). Both of these units were National Guard units that were federalized and sent to Germany as part of the augmentation in 1950/51 and then reverted back to state control in late 1954/early 1955. |
Feb 28, 2011 |
Added some information on the pentomic reorganization of the 11th Airborne Division in Augsburg in 1957 (11th Abn Div Page, Divisions section. |
Mar 5, 2011 |
Recently found a great historical manual written by the German Air Force (Der Radarführungsdienst von 1959 bis 1989) that covers in great detail GAF's involvement in the air defense ground environment in Central Europe from the beginning of NATO's integrated air defense in the mid-1950s to the end of the Cold War. Includes information on American, French and British aircraft control and warning units in the 2nd and 4th ATAF sectors also. Will start posting some excerpts and charts (in english) in the next weeks to fill some of the gaps I have in the AIRCENT/AAFCE Air Defense section of my website.
Posted several emails: RL Brown, C Co, 35th Trans Bn, late 1950s (31st Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); Fred Nanamaker, 34th Gen Hosp in the early 1950s with photos of the construction of the Landstuhl medical complex 1952-53 (Landstuhl Army Hosp Page, Army Hospitals sub-menu, Medical section). |
Mar 6, 2011 |
Posted several emails: Bennett Young who attended the Advanced Photo Interpretation class in 1957 at the Intelligence-Military Police-Special Weapons School in Oberammergau (School Command Page); Gerald Nelson, ASTA Pltn, Co B, 8th Avn Bn (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Mar 10, 2011 |
Posted a nice series of photos of the 709th MP Svc Bn at Gutleut Kaserne, Frankfurt in 1951/52 from my private collection (709th MP Bn Page, Military Police section).
Also posted an email from James McDonald, Site Hawaii, 440th Sig Bn (late 1960s (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Mar 12, 2011 |
Posted a few old photos of Heidelberg from my private collection, all 1951 - the old train station, the Special Services Center in the Stadthalle and the MP Station on Rohrbachstrasse (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section); EUCOM Command Building (HQ EUCOM Page). Also posted an email from Josef Niebler, 2045th CSG (6930th CSC Page, Labor Service section). |
Mar 18, 2011 |
Posted some photos of the 78th Cbt Engr Bn from 1959-60 submitted by Vincent Romeo (78th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
Mar 19, 2011 |
Posted some photos of the Gablingen Kaserne from 1960-61 submitted by John Slattery (24th Inf Div Page, Divisions section).
Also added an entire issue of the CREDENTIALS, 8th Infantry Division newspaper, from Jan 1980 - submitted by Jenni Johns (nee Ritzler) (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Mar 20, 2011 |
I received several responses to Mystery Photo 28. |
Mar 23, 2011 |
Added another challenging unidentified photo submitted by Alain Dailloux to the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the installations. |
Mar 26, 2011 |
Florian Retsch has identified the location of the US Army installation pictured in Mystery Photo 29.
Posted some information on the 28th Base Post Office (1st PERSCOM Page, Adjutant General section).
Mar 27, 2011 |
Posted an email with photos submitted by Jeff Zabriskie, Koenigstuhl Radio Relay Site, 181st Sig Co (Koenigstuhl Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites sub-menu, Signal section.) |
Mar 30, 2011 |
Posted some detailed photos of a liquid oxygen plant operated by the 580th Engr Co (Redstone) (40th Arty Gp Page, Field Artillery section). Photos submitted by Thomas Rizzo. Also added information on the USFA General Depot (USFA Support Command Page, USFA section). |
Apr 1, 2011 |
Posted several emails: Larry Ziman, 519th Trans Co (Car) in the early 1960s (Special Troops Group Page, USAREUR & 7th Army Troops, HQ USAREUR section); photos of Smiley Barracks, Karlsruhe 1954 submitted by Donald Gilbert, 3rd Med Disp (Karlsruhe Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 2, 2011 |
Posted several articles from The COSCOM News (V COSCOM newspaper) and The Brigade Banner (57th Ord Bde newspaper) - 15th Ord Battalion, 28th Ord Company, 144th Ord Company and 545th Ord Company (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); 19th Maint Battalion (19th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance). |
Apr 4, 2011 |
Alain has come through and offers another challenge with an unidentified photo (Mystery Photo #30) that I have added to the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the installation. |
Apr 8, 2011 |
Posted some photos: SAS Kellinghusen submitted by Claus P., Germany (294th USAAG Page, 59th Ord Bde, Ordnance section); Muenster SW Depot submitted by Terry Overturf, 545th Ord Co (15th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance).
Also added some information on Special Troops, Hq USAREUR from 1954 (Special Troops Page, USAREUR & Seventh Army Troops, HQ USAREUR section). |
Apr 13, 2011 |
Added a scanned copy of an information pamphlet issued by 4th ATAF in 1974 submitted by Diego A. Ruiz Palmer, HQ NATO (4th ATAF Page).
Also posted an email from Ben Hudson, 183rd Ordnance Det (IFCR T-38) in Wiesbaden, mid-1950s (12th AAA Group Page, Air Defense section).
Apr 14, 2011 |
Added some information on various topics: TASCOM (Supply) data system (CSC Support Group Europe Page, Data Processing section); 3rd Inf Div Support Command reorg in 1970 (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section). |
Apr 15, 2011 |
Added a page for US Forces Support Districts in Germany and posted some information on SUPDIST Hessen, 1971 (Support Districts Page).
Posted a brief history of Kelley Barracks, Möhringen, that appeared in the March 2011 command history of US Africa Command, how stationed at Kelley (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section).
Looking for assistance: need original or scanned copies of maps of Area Command, support districts, support activities, military communities and installations for further research (1950s - 1990). |
Apr 16, 2011 |
Added some information on the 64th Ordnance Co (Sp Ammo Dep Spt) and the Fischbach Ordnance Depot from the early 1980s (197th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Apr 17, 2011 |
Posted several emails: Barry Buckner, HHB, 6th MSL Bn, 60th Arty at Graf (69th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section); Clarence B. Drennon, B Co, 12th Engr Bn (8th Infantry Div Page, Divisions); Gilbert Burket, 708th Maint Bn, early 1980s (Page 3, 8th Inf Div, Divisions section); Robert Neff, 630th Ord Co, late 1950s (40th Arty Group Page, Field Artillery). |
Apr 24, 2011 |
Added information on the Division Trains and Division Support Command for the 3rd Inf Div (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions), 8th Inf Div (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions) and 24th Inf Div (24th Inf Div Page, Divisions). Additional input from former members of these divisional Ordnance/Maintenance, Medical, Quartermaster, Transportation, and S&T units is requested. Also looking for members of divisional administration companies who served with USAREUR divisions during the 1950s and 1960s.
Posted a scan of the special booklet (38 pages) distributed by Seventh Army on occasion of their 20th Anniversary in 1963 (7th Army Page).
And, I added a complete issue (Jan 8, 1960) of THE PORT REPORTER. the official US Army Port of Embarkation Bremerhaven newspaper that was published every two weeks in those years (Bremerhaven Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 25, 2011 |
Posted an email with photos submitted by Ed Hawks, 1st Sig Bn, Kaiserslautern (1st Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
Apr 26, 2011 |
Posted photos of Camp Dahn, home of the 20th Ordnance Co in the late 1980s submitted by Jeanne Antolchick (Pirmasens Page, Kaserne section). |
Apr 27, 2011 |
Added information on the Com Z days (France) of the 72nd Ordnance Bn when it provided ordnance support to ADSEC (72nd Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section). |
Apr 29, 2011 |
Added the Coltano Signal Station Page (DCS Europe Wideband Sites sub-menu, Signal section) as well as two recently added YouTube videos: Caserma Passalacqua, Verona around 1964 and Boscomantico Airfield, 1966 (SETAF Page). |
Apr 30, 2011 |
Posted an email submitted by Robert Harris who provides some great details on the Coltano Signal Station of the early 1970s (Coltano Signal Station Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites sub-menu, Signal section). |
May 2, 2011 |
Posted an email from Michael Roberts who served with HQ & A Co, 703rd Maint Bn, 3rd Inf Div in the early 1970s (Page 3, 3rd Infantry Division, Divisions section). |
May 6, 2011 |
Posted an email with photos from Shawn Meze, 3rd Bn, 4th Avn at Finthen, late 1980s (4th Bde chapter, 8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
May 7, 2011 |
Posted several emails: with photos from Dave Tisdale, 8th Ord Bn at Quartermaster Ksn, Hanau early 1960s (8th Ord Bn Page, Ordnance section); William R. Petrie, 9th Engr Cbt Bn (9th Engr Bn Page, Engineers) with a link to the memoirs of Col Paul S. Denison who served as Battalion CO from 1964-1966. Very interesting reading - good information on the 9th Engineers during that period and also on the challenges of a battalion commander in 7th Army; Fred Stoldt, an MP who served with several different Air Defense Artillery detachments in Central and Northern Germany, including D Team, 52nd USAAD in Oedingen when it inactivated in 1987 (5th USAAG chapter, 59th Ord Bde Page, Ordnance). |
May 8, 2011 |
Posted an email from Uyless "Wayne" Golden, with the Baden-Soellingen Detachment, Co A, 68th Sig Bn (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal section). |
May 12, 2011 |
Started Page 3 of the 56th FA Brigade. This page will contain information and photos of the field sites used by Pershing units while on QRA Status from 1965 until inactivation. Posted an email from John S. Todd with photos of the Strass Field Site used by 1st Bn, 81st FA in the late 1960s (Page 3, 56th FA Bde, Field Artillery section). |
May 14, 2011 |
1st ARMORED DIVISION cased its colors at Wiesbaden on May 13 after serving in Germany for nearly 40 years (1st Armd Div Page, Divisions section).
Posted an email from Jerry Morgan, 531st QM Co, early 1950s (35th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Added information on the 10th Trans Gp, 7th Army, from 1956 (10th Trans Gp Page, Transportation section); reorganization of 704th Ord Maint Co to 704th Ord Bn in 1953 (Div Trains chapter, 4th Inf Div Page, Divisions section); 531st QM Petroleum Supply Co in 1954 (35th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section); 561st QM Petroleum Supply Co in 1954 (95th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
May 16, 2011 |
Posted some very nice photos of the former Autobahn (a.k.a Stem) Kaserne in Seckenheim provided by Thomas Neser, Germany (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section). |
May 18, 2011 |
Added some information on the early organization of the 32nd AAA Brigade after its move to Germany in 1957 (32nd AADCOM Page, Air Defense section); 115th Supply & Service Bn in 1965 (115th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section). |
May 21, 2011 |
Added information on the IBM 360-40 used by VII COSCOM to track supply and maintenance activities in the early 1970s (Special Troops chapter, VII COSCOM Page, Corps section); US Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe (USAMMCE Page, Medical section); 11th Quartermaster Company redesignation in 1965 (Support Group chapter, 11th Abn Div Page, Divisions section). |
May 22, 2011 |
Posted an email from Peter L. Hauser, 2nd How Bn, 3rd Arty of the 3rd Armd Div, late 1950s (Page 2, 3rd Armd Div, Divisions section). |
May 24, 2011 |
Added a page for Division Trains and Division Support Command of 3rd Armd Div (3rd Armd Div Page, Divisions). Additional input from former members of the divisional Ordnance/Maintenance, Medical, and Quartermaster units is requested. Also looking for members of divisional administration companies who served with USAREUR divisions during the 1950s and 1960s. |
May 25, 2011 |
Added some information on the Armored Quartermaster Battalion from FM 10-7, 1958 (Overview Page, Quartermaster section). |
May 30, 2011 |

Take some time today to remember the US Service Members who died while serving our country. |
Added some information on the Class III Yard at Zell operated by B Co, 3rd A&T Bn and on the 703rd Maint Bn, both of 3rd Inf Div in Wuerzburg in the 1980s (Page 3, 3rd Infantry Division, Divisions section); 2nd Quartermaster Group in 1958 (2nd QM Gp Page, Quartermaster); article on the Central European Pipeline Systems (CEPS) from 1989 (US Army Petrl Distr Comd, Eur Page, COMZEUR section); 1976 ALOG article on the Zweibruecken-Huttenheim pipeline (US Army Petrl Distr Comd, Eur Page); some historical information on theater-level petroleum supply in 1958 (Overview Page, Quartermaster). |
May 31, 2011 |
Added some information on the 2nd Quartermaster Group from the mid-1950s (2nd QM Group Page, Quartermaster section). |
June 2, 2011 |
Posted several emails: photos submitted by Valerie Shadburn, granddaughter of Bobby Dean McGinnis who served at Muenster Ammo Depot in the early 1950s (Darmstadt Page, Kaserne section); Vince Cockeram, 34th Trans Co, Worms mid-1960s (38th Trans Bn Page, Transportation); Steven Swift with photos of the Wurmberg IFC, D Battery, 3-71st ADA (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
June 4, 2011 |
Added information on the USAREUR Quartermaster Market Center from the 1950s (Overview Page, Quartermaster section). |
June 6, 2011 |
Added information on the 1st Trans Company from the mid 1950s (106th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). |
June 8, 2011 |
Added information on the Metz Quartermaster Depot from the mid 1950s (Metz QM Depot Page, Quartermaster section). |
June 11, 2011 |
Posted several articles relating to DISCOM units from the IRONSIDES (1st Armd Div) and SPEARHEAD (3rd Armd Div) newspapers, 1982-83 time frame: the 1st Armd Div MAIT office; 123rd Maint Bn; 501st S&T Bn (all Page 3, 1st Armd Div, Divisions section); FAST B; 503rd S&T Bn; G Company, 122nd Maint Bn (all Page 3, 3rd Armd Div, Divisions section).
Also posted an article on the Division Data Center at Larson Barracks, Kitzingen (Page 3, 3rd Inf Div, Divisions).
June 12, 2011 |
Posted some information on bulk petroleum distribution in USAREUR in the 1970s (Overview Page, Quartermaster section). |
June 13, 2011 |
Added some information on the conversion of 3rd Infantry Division property book activity from manual to automated processing under DLOGS in 1973 (CSC Spt Gp Eur Page, Data Processing section).
Posted an email from Thomas Poisson, A Company, 97th QM Bn, early 1970s (97th QM Bn Page, Quartermaster section). |
June 18, 2011 |
Added some information on the Army Hospital at Verdun, France in 1963 (ADSEC Page, COMZEUR section). |
June 19, 2011 |
Added some information on the Transportation Section of Headquarters Area Command in 1964 (Area Command Page). |
June 20, 2011 |
Posted a map of US Army air defense units in Germany in 1988 (Overview Page, Air Defense section). Also added several articles: from the NUERNBERG SENTINEL about the 1st Armd Div Data Center at Monteith Barracks in Fuerth from 1982 (Page 3, 1st Armd Div, Divisions section); THE LOG (3rd SUPCOM) with information on the first installation of the DAS 3 computer system in V Corps in 1981 (CSC Spt Gp Eur Page, Data Processing section); THE LOG with information on the CAPSTONE Program as it relates to 3rd Support Command and its stateside Reserve partner, 103rd COSCOM (3rd SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section).
Posted a group photo of B Company, 440th Signal Bn, from 1966 submitted by Charles Clar (440th Sig Bn Page, Signal).
June 21, 2011 |
Added some information on the reorganization of 502nd Trans Co (Mov Control Cen), 3rd SUPCOM in 1985 (Special Troops, 3rd SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section) and on the Neckarsulm Class III Yard operated by the 226th S&S Company in 1986 (13th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Also posted some photos of the 1st Quartermaster Petroleum Products Lab at Camp Darby, Italy 1954 (USFA Support Command Page, USFA section). |
June 23, 2011 |
Posted some photos of the 498th Engineer Battalion at Leipheim late 1950s submitted by Jim Shypertt and Jack Walsh (498th Engr Bn Page, Engineer section). |
June 24, 2011 |
There will be no updates for the next three weeks as I will be out of town during that period.
See you folks after July 15. |
July 14, 2011 |
Posted an email from Bruce L. Woodbury, former CO of the 229th S&S Company, early 1980s (13th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section).
Also added an 1986 article from the BANNER and photos of DCS Donnersberg, submitted by John DeHart (Donnersberg Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites sub-menu, Signal section). |
July 15, 2011 |
Added the transcript of the agreement between the US and French governments concerning the operation of the US-owned Donges-Metz Pipeline System in France - lots of good information on structure and operation of the Pipeline by TRAPIL, the French contractor (US Army Petroleum Command, Europe Page, Communications Zone section).
Posted several articles on Class III Supply Points: Osterholz operated by the 226th S&S Co (13th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section); Feucht operated by the 240th S&S Co (87th Maint Bn Page, Ordnance).
July 16, 2011 |
Posted several articles: on the 493rd S&S Co (13th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section); 24th S&S Co (142nd S&S Bn Page); transition of water purification mission to the 142nd S&S Bn in 1986 (142nd S&S Bn Page). |
July 17, 2011 |
Posted two articles from THE CHAMPION, 2nd COSCOM newspaper, on the VII Corps Regional Support Element (Regional Support Elements, Overview Page, Quartermaster section). This activity operated Consolidated Maintenance Centers and QM Laundry Plants within the VII Corps area.
Added the transcript of the agreement between HQ USAFE and the German MFOD concerning the transfer of the Wasserkuppe Radar Site to the German Air Force effective January 1 1979 (Page 2 - US Units, Tactical Air Control System section). Also added the transcript for an agreement between USAREUR and the German Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr concerning special US Army flights codenamed "ERIK" (I believe these were Guardrail missions) in 1979 (Page 2 - Overview, Military Intelligence section). |
July 20, 2011 |
Posted an aerial view of the Neckarsulm Class III Supply Point from 1983 submitted by Thomas Schulz, Germany (13th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster). |
July 21, 2011 |
Added an article from the TRAINING TIMES, 7th ATC newspaper, on the Consolidated Maintenance Center at Grafenwoehr, 1983; also added information on CMC Augsburg from 1987 (both at Regional Support Elements, Overview Page, Quartermaster).
Also posted a transcript of the agreement between USAREUR and the German MOD concerning the transfer of US Bridge and Ferry equipment (at the swing bridge sites) to FRG ownership (Page 2, Overview, Engineer section). |
July 22, 2011 |
Posted a map of Class III Supply Points in Germany in the 1970s - request additional information from military or civilian personnel who worked at the POL supply points or were part of the USAREUR / Seventh Army bulk fuel management team (Overview Page, Quartermaster section).
Added several additional articles on CMC Augsburg from the 1980s (Regional Support Elements, Overview Page, Quartermaster section). |
July 23, 2011 |
Posted an article from the AUGSBURG SCENE from Jan 1983 about the relocation of 3rd Bn, 63rd Arm from Augsburg to Kitzingen during that period (Page 3, 3rd Inf Div, Divisions section). |
July 24, 2011 |
Posted several articles: the formation of the 515th Transportation Company at Sheridan Kaserne, Augsburg in 1982 (4th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section); the fielding of the M110A2 at 1st Bn, 30th FA in Augsburg, 1981 (17th FA Bde Page, Field Artillery section); 10th anniversary of Field Station Augsburg and FSA's history (Field Stations Page, Army Security Agency section); deactivation of the 611th Tactical Control Flight at Orbis in 1991 (Page 7 - 407L System, Tactical Air Control System section).
Also added two photos of the Kassel Autobahn Service Station and Snack Bar submitted by Joe Coughlin who served with the 322nd CES at Rhein Main Air Base in the early 1970s (AAFES-EUR Page); and some photos of the closed Eselsfuehrt Quartermaster Facility in Kaiserslautern, courtesy of Thomas Neser, Germany (Kaiserslautern Page, Kaserne section).. |
July 26, 2011 |
Posted an email from Paul Pratt, 81st Trans Co (Boat) in Com Z during the mid-1950s (11th Trans Terminal Comd, BASEC Page, COMZEUR section).
Added a special edition of the Miesau Army Depot Newspaper from 2009 - the 60th Anniversary of the depot. The special edition was put together by Bogdan Przysiecki, a German civilian working as Chief of the Storage Planning Branch at the depot and formerly as commander of the 2042nd CSG (Ordnance) (Miesau Army Depot Page, Army Depots section). More information and photos of the operations at the depot during the Cold War will be added in the near future. |
July 27, 2011 |
Posted a nice photo of Checkpoint Alpha, Helmstedt-Berlin Autobahn, taken by Jan Willem Kooistra in 1976 (Helmstedt Support Det Page, Berlin Brigade section); and an email from George Riggs with some details on the 330th EW Avn Co regarding the "ERIK" Flights posted on July 17 (Page 2 - Overview, Military Intelligence section). |
July 28, 2011 |
Posted an announcement for the upcoming European Adjutant General's Regimental Ball to be held at the Village Pavilion, Patrick Henry Village, Heidelberg on 20 August 2011.
Posted several emails: Elvin Pauls, HHB, 34th AAA Bde, mid-1950s with photos (34th AAA Bde Page, Air Defense section); Randolph Walker, served three tours with HAWK air defense artillery units in Germany (69th ADA Gp/Bde Page, Air Defense).
July 29, 2011 |
Added a unit history of the 2042nd Civilian Support Group (Ord) submitted by Bogdan Przysiecki (Page 2 - 60th Ord Gp, Ordnance section). |
July 31, 2011 |
Posted an article from the ZWEIBRUECKEN SUN from 1984 about the 327th Signal Co at Kreuzberg Kaserne (73rd Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Also added OOB information for the combat brigades and Division Artillery for the four combat divisions - 3rd and 8th Mech Inf Divisions; 1st and 3rd Armd Divisions - in USAREUR in early 1980 (Divisions section). |
Aug 1, 2011 |
Posted an article on US Military Community Activity Zweibruecken that appeared in the ZWEIBRUECKEN SUN in 1984 (Zweibruecken Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 2, 2011 |
Have an answer for Mystery Photo #30 (Mystery Photo Page). |
Aug 3, 2011 |
Posted some information on the Todendorf AAA Training Center from the mid-1950s and two photos of the Todendorf Range submitted by Elvin Pauls (34th AAA Bde Page, Air Defense section). |
Aug 4, 2011 |
Posted a great aerial photo of Eschborn Airfield from 1946 - the airfield served as the main air terminal for the European Air Transport Service (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 6, 2011 |
Posted information submitted by Bogdan Przysiecki on Weilerbach Storage Area, an annex of the Miesau Ammo Depot (Miesau Army Depot Page, Army Depots section). |
Aug 10, 2011 |
Created a list of USAREUR ordnance (excluding ammo, EOD and some special ordnance units - for now) and quartermaster units that were activated or reorganized under new TOE's as part of the COSTAR concept implemented in USAREUR in 1965 (Overview Page, Ordnance section & Overview Page, Quartermaster section). Included TOE details for the battalion-level organizations. |
Aug 14, 2011 |
Reorganized the Overview Page of the Ordnance section and added some information on the US Army construction program for Ordnance facitlities in the early 1950s (Overview Page, Ordnance section). |
Aug 16, 2011 |
Posted a couple of emails: from Bernhard Wädekin, a former employee at the Boeblingen Maintenance Facility, with some historical information on BMF (Böblingen Maint Fac Page Page, Rebuild Program, Ordnance section); Deanna Deville who served at the Bremerhaven Army Hospital in the early 1980s (USAH Bremerhaven Page, US Army Hospitals submenu, Medical section). |
Aug 17, 2011 |
Added a link to a recent AFN Europe special production: Reflections of USAG Mannheim: 1945-2011. This is a historical look back at the garrison and its lasting impact on German-Amercian relations. The garrison of Mannheim was officially inactivated on May 31, 2011. |
Aug 17, 2011 |
Posted a large set of great photos of the 11th Armd Cav Regt (Hq, 1st and 3rd Sqdn) spanning the 1970s-1980s period submitted by Siegfried Walter, Germany (11th ACR Page, Armored Cavalry section). |
Aug 23, 2011 |
Posted links to several YouTube videos prepared by Jim Ryan - one set of 4 videos shows a Redstone Block I Trainer Missile Field Operation conducted by Battery A, 217th FAM Battalion on Kuhberg Hill (40th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section); and a second set of 4 videos showing a Redstone Block II Trainer Missile Field Operation conducted by Battery A, 2nd MSL Bn, 333rd Arty at Neckarsulm (46th FA Group Page). |
Aug 26, 2011 |
Thomas Neser, Germany, has pointed out some great YouTube videos of 3rd Bn, 44th ADA (C/V) from 1989 - an emplacement drill of a Chaparral launcher crew and two other crew drill videos of 3rd Pltn, A Btry. Great stuff! (1980s chapter, Overview Page, Air Defense section). |
Aug 27, 2011 |
Added a great photo of Taylor Barracks, Aschaffenburg from the early 1950s (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 28, 2011 |
Found a few older (1946) photos in my collection of Taylor Barracks, Aschaffenburg when it was used by the Army Exchange System as one of its main supply points in the US Zone (Aschaffenburg Page, Kaserne section). |
Aug 31, 2011 |
Posted some photos of Pioneer Kaserne (Hanau Page) and the 622nd HMS Company (14th S&S Bn Page, Quartermaster section) submitted by Carl Kramer.
Also, created an organizational chart of 2nd Support Brigade showing its structure in early 1966 (7th Army SUPCOM Page, Support Commands section). Will create similar charts for 1st and 3rd Spt Brigades in the next few weeks. |
Sep 2, 2011 |
Posted a new unidentified photo (#31) on the Mystery Photo Page. Need some help identifying the Army airfield shown in the photo. |
Sep 3, 2011 |
Created an organizational chart of the 57th Ordnance Brigade showing its structure in early 1966 (57th Ord Gp Page, Ordnance section) after the reorganization under COSTAR. This org chart is a draft and subject to change as more information is gathered. |
Sep 6, 2011 |
Added a copy of an historical article on Rothwesten that appeared in a 1966 issue of THE TALON, the 17th Field Station newsletter (Field Station chapter, Overview Page, Army Security Agency section).
Also created an organizational chart of the 7th Medical Brigade showing its structure in early 1966 (7th Med Bde Page, Medical section) after the reorganization under COSTAR. This org chart is a draft and subject to change as more information is gathered. |
Sep 7, 2011 |
Posted a great aerial photo of the IG Farben building at the time that Headquarters US Forces, European Theater was located there (HQ USFET Page). |
Sep 18, 2011 |
We have arrived in Michigan and are in the process of getting situated. I will be offline for a few weeks until my Internet provider has installed high speed Internet service at our new home. However, I do have access to email through my iPad.
Please, remember to use the new email address (usareur@usarmygermany.com) going forward. The old address (welkins1@tampabay.rr.com) has been inactivated. |
Sep 23, 2011 |
Bob Gunnarsson's new book, "American Military Police in Europe, 1945-1991" is now available to order (Overview Page, Military Police section). |
Sep 29, 2011 |
Posted an email from Larry McLerran who provides some history on 2nd Bn, 16th Arty at Pinder Barracks, Zirndorf (Page 2, 4th Armd Div, Divisions section). |
Oct 18, 2011 |
FINALLY back online again!!! Have an enormous backlog so let's get started.
Posted several emails: from Patrick Ryan, 1st Trans Co, Maison Fort, France (106th Trans Bn Page, Transportation); Don Thompson, HHB, 34th AAA Brigade (34th AAA Bde Page, Air Defense); photos of Emery Bks, Würzburg in the early 1950s submitted by Anne Audette (1st Inf Div Page, Divisions); William Moorehead, 74th Army Postal Unit, Pirmasens (Postal Units Page, Adjutant General Div section); Joe Boyle, 3rd Avn Bn (3rd Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation); Curtis Burge, 532nd Sig Co in France (1st Sig Gp Page, Signal); Norman McCracken, 7888 AU, Special Troops, HQ USAREUR (USAREUR & Seventh Army Troops Page, HQ USAREUR Section).
Also added information on the following topics: history of the Theater Military Police School in Europe with permission from Bob Gunnarsson (Overview Page, Military Police section - this chapter was not included in his recently published book): troopships used for trans-Atlantic passenger service in the 1940s-50s and 1960s (Overview Page, Transportation); derequisitioning of several office buildings in Frankurt after completion of the Annex "A" and "B" office buildings behind the IG Farben building in 1950/51 (Frankfurt Page, Kaserne section). Would like to hear from anyone with photos of trans-Atlantic service troopships 1940s-1960s and buildings at the IG Farben complex in the 1950s-1980s period!
And finally, posted a series of photos (Mystery Photo #32) of an unidentified US Army post in Germany submitted by Anne (Tubinis) Audette, daughter of a former 1st Inf Div soldier in the early 1950s. Need some help identifying the installation (Mystery Photo Page). |
Oct 23, 2011 |
Posted a series of photos of the 631st Tactical Control Flight site at Würzburg in the mid-1970s submitted by Michael Miles (Page 7 - 407L System, Tactical Air Control System section).
Also added information on a research project initiated by John Provan, an American historian and author - he is collecting material for an upcoming book on the defense of the Fulda Gap during the Cold War. |
Oct 25, 2011 |
Posted links to three great videos presenting the US Army in Germany, 1966 - from the British Pathe video archives (HQ USAREUR Page). Great quality footage! |
Oct 27, 2011 |
Have been doing some research in the British Pathe video archives and found some additional very interesting videos that are relevant to USAREUR history: arrival of a light transportation (H-35 CHOCTAW) company onboard the USS Corregidor (utility aircraft carrier) at Bremerhaven in the 1950s (8th Trans Bn Page, Army aviation); Stuttgart - a few years after the war - still showing extensive war damage (Stuttgart Page, Kaserne section); arrival of the 2nd Armored Division at Rhein Main Air Base during Operation BIG LIFT in 1963 (7th Army Page).
I am sure there are more newsreels in this extensive archive that would be interesting - if anyone uncovers any additional ones that are worth mentioning, please let me know. |
Oct 28, 2011 |
Posted two emails: Dave Guilliams provides information on Mystery Photo #31 (Mystery Photo Page); Jorge Eduardo Rodriguez, HQ 205th Trans Bn, mid-1960s (205th Trans Bn Page, Transportation section). |
Oct 29, 2011 |
Updated all of the Google Maps and Bing Maps (Bird's Eye View) in the Hanau section of the Kaserne Page. Also added a nice hand drawn map of Francois Kaserne from the mid-1960s submitted by Walt Luce (Hanau Page, Kaserne section)
Added an installations page for Linz and Wels in the Camp Directory in the US Forces Austria section.
Posted a series of photos showing EDCN Site A3 (South Dakota Terminal) at Coleman Barrracks in Sandhofen, mid-1970s (1st Sig Bn Page, Signal section). Photos were submitted by Chuck Webster who served at the site 1973-74. |
Oct 31, 2011 |
Added links to several Big Picture (US Army public affairs TV show) videos on YouTube: 8th Infantry Division in the early 1970s - when it still had the Airborne Brigade) (8th Inf Div Page, Divisions); 24th Infantry Division in Augsburg (24th Inf Div Page); 2nd Armd Div in the early 1950s (2nd Armd Div Page); and 4th Armd Div in the 1960s (4th Armd Div Page); also included a YouTube video of the 8th S&T Battalion from 1965-67, more of a slide show but very nicely done (Page 3, 8th Inf Div, Divisions section). |
Nov 1, 2011 |
Added an installations page for Vienna in the Camp Directory in the US Forces Austria section.
Posted a great aerial photo of
Patton Barracks in Heidelberg from around 1955 (Heidelberg Page, Kaserne section).
Also added an installation map from the early 1980s for both Harvey Barracks and Larson Barracks in Kitzingen from my collection (Wuerzburg Page, Kaserne section). Includes a building key for each map. |
Nov 10, 2011 |
Posted an email from Gary Seigh who served at the Munich CRE station, part of the ECCCS network, that was never activated (68th Sig Bn Page, Signal section).
Also added several videos: a Big Picture presentation of the US Army Communications Zone in France in the early 1960s (in color - great!!!) and a four-part documentary (in German) on the US military presence in France from 1951-1966 and its lasting impact in France - produced by ARTE in 2010, a French-German television network (COMZEUR Page).
Fixed some issues with the HQ USFA Telephone Directory for early 1949 (HQ USFA Page, USFA section) and a problem with the two issues of the Com Z Cadence newspaper available on the COMZEUR page. |
If you know any vets, please take a few minutes to thank them for their service and sacrifices in the name of our freedom.
Posted links to additional Big Picture videos on YouTube: Southern European Task Force in the mid-1950s (SETAF Page); USAREUR in the mid-1960s (USAREUR Page); the Ordnance Corps in USAREUR, mid-1950s (Overview Page, Ordnance section); Quartermaster Corps in USAREUR, mid-1950s (3 parts) (Overview Page, Quartermaster section); 42nd Field Artillery Group and the Military Police Highway Patrol in Germany, early 1950s (62nd MP Co Page, Military Police section). |
Nov 12, 2011 |
Added information on US duty trains from 1949 (Duty Trains chapter, Overview Page, Transportation section). |
Nov 15, 2011 |
Posted an email from Richard Gray, Aviation Company, 2nd ACR at Soldiers Field AAF in the early 1960s (Soldiers Field AAF Page, Army Airfields & Heliports submenu, Army Aviation section). |
Nov 16, 2011 |
Added links to Big Picture videos on YouTube: 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division in Germany in the late-1960s (3rd Inf Div Page, Divisions section); 3rd Armored Division in Germany in the late-1960s (3rd Armd Div Page).
Posted an email from Bill Daniel, A Btry, 593rd FA Bn mid-1950s (30th FA Group Page, Field Artillery section).
Added information on the newest Tankograd publication from their American (3000) series: No. 3017 - MASSTER - MERDC - DUALTEX: Multi-Tone Camouflage Schemes on Vehicles of USAREUR in the Cold War, by Hans-Bernd Glanz and Markus Bach.
In 64 pages with 107 color photographs, 19 B&W photographs, 10 graphics and 19 color samples, the authors provide the background story on these modern multi-tone camouflage patterns that would dominate the "look" of US Army vehicles on Central European roads in the 1970s and 1980s.
(Click on thumbnail)
Nov 17, 2011 |
Posted an email from Bruce Arrighi who served with Finthen Det, A Co, 8th Avn Bn in the late 1970s-early 1980s (8th Avn Bn Page, Army Aviation section). |
Nov 19, 2011 |
Created a 42nd Infantry Division Page (they served as an occupation unit in Austria in 1945-1946 in the USFA section. Also started a USFA Transportation Page where I will place information and photos of various transportation units assigned to USFA, such as the 25th Trans Truck Bn and the 102nd Trans Traffic Regulation Company (USFA section). And I added a June 1952 STATION LIST for USFA on the USFA HQ Page. |
Nov 20, 2011 |
Added the Salzburg Page to the USFA Kaserne list in the US Forces in Austria section. |
Nov 22, 2011 |
Added an issue of the Comz Cadence, Orleans, newspaper from November 1964 - submitted by John Woods, 509th QM Company (Petroleum Depot) (COMZEUR Page). |
Nov 23, 2011 |
Posted photos of Massweiler Special Weapons Depot from the mid-1960s submitted by Michael D. Baudry, 529th Ord Co (71st Ord Group Page, Ordnance section). Also added a link to the 12th Ord Bn website managed by James Ogle on the 12th Ord Bn Page. The site has some interesting photos of Massweiler and personnel stationed there in the 1950s. |
Nov 25, 2011 |
Received a lot of installation maps for Frankfurt military community from 1976 and started to post them on the Frankfurt Page (Kaserne section). Have posted: Camp King, Camp Eschborn, Abrams Complex (Headquarters Compound), Drake and Edwards Kaserne. Will add the others in the following couple of days. Thanks to John Provan. |
Nov 29, 2011 |
Posted an email and photos submitted by Dan Hubp, son of 1st Lt Frank Hubp, who served with the 867th FA Bn (280mm) in Heilbronn (210th FA Bde/Gp Page, Field Artillery); and another one from Danny Autrey, 2nd Sq 14th ACR at Bad Kissingen in the early 1970s (14th ACR Page, Armored Cavalry section). |
Nov 30, 2011 |
Dec 1, 2011 |
Posted some photos of the Hardheim LA site, "C" Battery, 3/71st ADA submitted by David Buckley. The pics are from 1983, the LA's last days as a NIKE-HERC site (94th ADA Bde Page, Air Defense section).
Received some input from George Robinson, Jr., formerly of USAG Darmstadt, about Mystery Photo #32 (Mystery Photo Page). |
Dec 2, 2011 |
Dec 4, 2011 |
Posted a map that shows movement control responsibilities of the 1st Transportation Movement Control Agency in USAREUR in 1985 (1st TMCA Page, Transportation). |
Dec 9, 2011 |
Posted two great photos of Donnersberg Radio site under Company B, 447th Sig Bn management (prob late 1960s) (Donnersberg Page, DCS Europe Wideband Sites submenu, Signal section). |
Dec 12, 2011 |
Dec 14, 2011 |
Currently doing some research on port operations in the Communications Zone. Have created a Port Operations Page (COMZEUR section) and posted some information on the La Rochelle subport at La Pallice. I would be very interested in hearing from Army or Navy personnel who served at any of these ports. Will be adding more information on La Rochelle, Rochefort, Bordeaux and St Nazaire in the next weeks. |
Dec 15, 2011 |
Created the 819th Hospital Center Page (COMZEUR section) and added information on the organization and mission of the command that provided medical services to the Communications Zone in France and the Port of Bremerhaven. Includes some additional information on the 34th Gen Hosp at La Chapelle (Orleans). |
Dec 16, 2011 |
Dec 17, 2011 |
Posted a 1952 installation map of the Croix Chapeau Medical Depot and some information on the 70th Medical Depot (Croix Chapeau) from 1963 and the 77th Medical Depot (Vitry-le-Francois) from 1962 (Army Depots Page, COMZEUR section). |
Dec 18, 2011 |
Dec 27, 2011 |
In the process of reorganizing the Army Depots section - have created a Com Z Engineer Depots Page and a Com Z Medical Depots Page in which I am consolidating the supply and maintenance depots that served under the Communications Zone by the respective Technical Service. Also added information on the Chinon Engineer Depot. Will work on the consolidation of the other technical service depots (chemical, ordnance, quartermaster, signal, and transportation) as soon as I can.
As always, personal recollections, photos and historical information on these activities and units are always appreciated and needed to fill in the gaps and provide a better understanding of the role and accomplishments of these depots. |
Dec 28, 2011 |
Dec 30, 2011 |
Created the 64th Medical Group Page and posted information on the Army hospitals at Fontainebleau and La Rochelle in the mid-1950s (Medical section). |
Posted information on the 9th Hospital Center (1965) in Heidelberg and the 57th Medical Battalion (1963) in Landstuhl (9th Hosp Cen Page, Medical section).
Look forward to a very productive and succesful New Year. |
This website will continue to undergo many changes as I keep adding information (maps, photos, histories of military communities, kasernes, units and personal recollections) and experiment with formats, resolutions, etc. |